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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Administration and governance at local and/or institutional level


2.Organisation and governance

2.7Administration and governance at local and/or institutional level

Last update: 25 November 2024

General administration at local level

Administration at district level

The district (powiat) (established by the Act of 24 July 1998 on the Establishment of the Basic Three-tier Administrative Division of the Country (ustawa z 24 lipca 1998 r. o wprowadzeniu zasadniczego trójstopniowego podziału terytorialnego państwa) is the level between the province (województwo) and the commune (gmina). Initially, there were 373 districts. On 1 January 2024, there were 380 districts, including 66 cities with the district status.

District authorities establish and administer the following types of schools: public special primary schools (szkoła podstawowa) and post-primary schools (including schools with integration classes, sports schools, sport championship schools and other educational institutions), except for those operating at regional and supra-regional levels. As explained above, the responsibilities of the district authorities do not include pedagogical supervision, which is exercised by the Head of the Regional Education Authorities (kurator oświaty). However, the competent bodies at the district level (in particular, the board and head of a district) have various powers related to appointments to management positions in schools, the organisation of related competitions, and the adoption of local regulations on matters concerning schools and teachers.

As part of their responsibilities, districts may establish and administer public initial and in-service teacher training institutions and educational resources centres, thus extending the network of such institutions, which is currently too limited at regional level.

Administration at commune level

The commune (gmina) is the lowest level of administrative division in Poland. On 1 January 2024, there were 2,477 communes, including 1,464 rural, 711 rural-urban and 302 urban communes.

The commune establishes and administers public nursery schools (przedszkole), including those with integration classes, and special nursery schools; primary schools (szkoła podstawowa), including those with integration classes (except for special schools, art schools, and schools and schools at prisons, youth detention centres and hostels for underage young people). Pedagogical supervision over these types of institutions is the responsibility of the Head of the Regional Education Authorities (kurator oświaty). Like districts, communes may establish and administer public initial and in-service teacher training institutions and educational resources centres.

Administration and governance at institutional level (educational institutions)

The responsibility for administering a school (or another educational institution) in the Polish school education system rests with the head of a school (or a nursery school or another educational institution) as a single-person authority. However, heads are supported in their management tasks by other individuals and bodies. The teaching council or teachers’ council is a collegial body of the school with extensive decision-making and advisory powers. Public schools also have so-called social participation bodies, composed only or partly of education stakeholders (parents and pupils): the school council, the parents’ council and the pupil self-government.

A candidate for the school head is selected through an open competition. The head is appointed by the school administering body for five school years. Where this is justified, in agreement with the Head of the Regional Education Authorities (kurator oświaty), the head may be appointed for a shorter period, but the minimum duration of the term is one school year.

Where the school has established the positions of deputy head or other management positions in accordance with the national legislation, management staff are appointed and dismissed by the school head after consultation with the school council, the teaching council and the school administering body.

In particular, the school head:

  • manages the school and represents it externally;

  • exercises pedagogical supervision;

  • takes care of pupils and creates conditions for their harmonious psychological and physical development through various health promoting activities;

  • implements resolutions of the school council and the teaching council;

  • manages funds and takes responsibility for their use;

  • ensures safety of pupils and teachers during school hours;

  • provides conditions in the school for activities of volunteers, associations and other organisations, including, in particular, scout organisations, which aim to conduct educational activities or extend the range or enrich educational, childcare and innovative activities of the school;

  • cooperates with higher education institutions in the organisation of teaching internships for students;

  • creates conditions for activities undertaken in the school by volunteers, associations and other, in particular, scout, organisations whose statutory aim is to pursue educational activities or develop and enrich educational, childcare and innovative activities of the school;

  • ensures that recommendations in statements of special educational needs for pupils are implemented;

  • is responsible for the proper organisation and conduct of tests and exams;

  • collaborates with a school nurse or hygienist, doctor and dentist providing preventive healthcare to children and young people (which includes making personal data (the first name and surname and the personal identification number) available for proper provision of healthcare);

  • implements appropriate technical and organisational measures for processing personal data in accordance with the legislation on personal data protection;

  • performs other tasks as set out in specific regulations.

As the head of the institution for teaching and non-teaching staff, the school head:

  • employs and dismisses teaching and non-teaching staff;

  • gives awards and administers disciplinary penalties;

  • presents proposals for commendations, awards and other distinctions.

The school head is partially relieved from teaching duties. The weekly teaching load for the head depends on the size of the school.

A school (a nursery school or another educational institution) which employs at least 3 teachers should establish the teaching council. The teaching council is a collective body whose remit covers the school's statutory tasks related to education and care. Where less than 3 teachers are employed, teachers are members of the teaching council of the school that supervises the school campus in which they work. The teaching council is chaired by the school head and composed of all teachers working in the school. Meetings of the teaching council can also be attended, in an advisory capacity, by individuals invited by the chair of the council and with the council's consent or at its request. They can be representatives of associations and other organisations, in particular, scout organisations which aim to conduct educational activities or extend the range of education and childcare activities in a school or institution.

At least twice in every school year, the school head is required to present to the teaching council general conclusions from the pedagogical supervision exercised and information on the activities of the school.

Within its decision-making powers, the teaching council:

  • approves school activity plans;

  • adopts resolutions on the results of pupil assessment and promotion and on teaching innovations and experiments;

  • adopts organisational arrangements for in-service training of teachers in the school;

  • adopts resolutions to strike pupils from the register;

  • determines how findings from pedagogical supervision, including supervision exercised by the pedagogical supervision body, will be used to improve the performance of the school.

The teaching council gives opinions on the following matters:

  • work organisation in the school; 

  • draft financial plans of the school; 

  • the head's proposals concerning distinctions and awards for teachers;

  • the head's proposals for regular tasks and classes to be assigned to teachers as part of their basic salary and activities for which they receive additional payment.

The teaching council drafts the statutes of a school and amendments to the statutes and presents them to the school council. The council can also submit a request to the school administering body to dismiss a teacher from the post of school head or any other management position in the school. In such a case, the body authorised to dismiss the head is required to conduct an enquiry and inform the teaching council about its findings within 14 days of the receipt of the request.

Resolutions of the teaching council are adopted by a simple majority of votes, with at least 50% of its members present.

Public schools (and nursery schools and other public institutions) may establish the school council. The council should include at least 6 members representing, in equal proportion, (1) teachers (elected by teachers); (2) pupils’ parents (elected by parents); and (3) pupils (elected by pupils) (except in nursery and primary schools and special schools for pupils with mild, moderate, severe or profound intellectual disability and some other schools and institutions identified by the minister in charge of school education).

The council is involved in internal matters and: 

  • adopts the school statutes;

  • gives its opinion on a draft of the school financial plan;

  • can submit motions to the body responsible for pedagogical supervision over the school to evaluate the activities of the school, the school head and teachers;

  • gives opinion on the school activity plan, proposals for educational innovations and experiments and other matters relevant to the school;

  • may, on its own initiative, evaluate the activities of, or conditions in, the school and make proposals concerning, in particular, extra-curricular activities and optional school subjects to the school head, the school's teaching council, the school administering body or the regional school education council.

To support statutory activities of the school, the council can collect funds from voluntary contributions and other sources.

Public schools (and nursery schools and other public institutions) also establish the parents' council, which represents parents of all pupils in a given school. The parents' council can make proposals concerning all school matters to the school head and other school bodies, the school administering body or the body responsible for pedagogical supervision.

As part of its powers, the parents' council:

  • adopts a school education and childcare programme and a problem prevention programme in consultation with the school's teaching council;

  • gives its opinion on a programme and schedule of activities designed to improve school performance; 

  • gives its opinion on a draft of the financial plan submitted by the school head.

The parents’ council may raise funds to support the statutory activities of the school. Funds can come from voluntary contributions made by parents and other sources.

Another body operating within schools (and other educational institutions) is the pupil self-government established by all pupils in a given school. The rules for the operation and election of self-government bodies are laid down in the regulations adopted by all pupils by equal, secret and popular vote. The self-government bodies are the only bodies representing all pupils. Self-government regulations may not be contradictory to the statutes of the school. The self-government body can make proposals and give opinions on all school maters to the school council, the teaching council and the school head. In particular, these may concern the basic rights of pupils such as the right to:

  • have access to the curriculum, its contents and aims, and the requirements set for pupils;

  • have progress in their learning and conduct assessed in a transparent and justified way;

  • organise school life in a way that ensures an appropriate balance between learning effort and opportunities for pupils to develop and pursue their own interests;

  • edit and publish a school newspaper;

  • organise cultural, educational, sports and entertainment activities in line with pupils' needs and organisational capacities, in cooperation with the school head;

  • choose the teacher responsible for the pupil self-government.

Moreover, schools (and other educational institutions) may host activities of various associations and organisations, and, in particular, scouting organisations. These can be organisations which aim to conduct educational activities or extend the range of educational and childcare activities at a given school. No political parties or organisations can operate in schools. Non-political organisations obtain permission to conduct activities in a school from the school head, based on the terms and conditions agreed beforehand and a positive opinion of the school council and the parents’ council.

Higher education

The reform implemented in 2018 introduced a number of changes concerning the types of governing bodies of a higher education institution (HEI), their powers, procedures for their election or appointment and in the way they operate. Detailed information on institutional governing bodies is available in the Ministry of Science and Higher Education’s publication ‘The Guide to the Higher Education and Science System’ (Przewodnik po systemie szkolnictwa wyższego i nauki) (in Polish only).

The main collective governing bodies of a public HEI are the senate and the council. The senate is the collective governing body of a non-public HEI. Other bodies may be established in both types of institutions by their statutes.

The rector (rektor) is a single-person authority. The statutes of a non-public HEI may provide for another single-person authority in addition to the rector.

The term of office of the senate and the rector is 4 years and begins on 1 September of the election year and ends on 31 August in the final year of the term. In a public HEI, the rector and a member of the senate may serve two successive terms.

Electoral colleges are the electoral bodies of a public HEI.


The council of an HEI is composed of 6 to 8 members elected by the senate; their exact number is specified in the statutes of an HEI. At least 50% of council members should be external stakeholders (coming from outside of the HEI’s community). In addition to the members elected by the senate, the council includes the chair of the student self-government body. A representative of each trade union organisation operating in the HEI participates in meetings of the council in an advisory capacity. The president of the council is elected by the senate from among external-stakeholder members of the council.

The term of office of council members is 4 years and begins in January following the starting year of the term of the senate. Council members may serve two successive terms.

As part of its responsibilities, the council gives its opinion on a draft strategy and draft statutes of the HEI; monitors management, including financial management, of the HEI; puts forward candidates for the position of rector after consultation with the senate; and gives its opinions on reports on the implementation of the HEI’s strategy. The council may also carry out other responsibilities specified in the statutes of the HEI.

As part of financial management monitoring, the council gives its opinion on activity-and-finance plans, approves reports on the implementation of activity-and-finance plans and financial reports / statements. Annual financial reports / statements of a public HEI are examined by an audit firm selected by the council.


The rector of a public HEI is elected by the electoral college, by an absolute majority vote. The rector of a non-public is appointed by its founder or elected either by the senate or by another body identified in the statutes. The position of rector may be taken by a person holding at least a doctoral degree, unless the statutes of an HEI set higher requirements in this respect. A prospective rector should be employed in a given HEI as the place of his / her primary employment.

The rector manages the HEI, represents it in external relations and is the head of the institution for its staff, students and doctoral students. The rector of a public HEI takes decisions on all matters relating to the HEI, except those reserved by the Law on Higher Education and Science (ustawa – Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym i nauce) or the statutes of the HEI for other governing bodies. In particular, as part of his / her powers and responsibilities, the rector:

  • drafts the statutes and strategy of the institution;

  • submits a report on the implementation of the institution’s strategy

  • performs responsibilities based on the labour law;

  • appoints persons to management positions and dismisses them;

  • designs and implements a human resources policy of the institution;

  • establishes first-, second- and long-cycle programmes;

  • establishes doctoral schools;

  • performs financial management;

  • ensures compliance with the regulations in force at the institution.

The rector of a public HEI is accountable for breach of the fiscal / public finance discipline at the institution, in accordance with the rules laid down by separate regulations.


The senate of a public university-type HEI is composed of: (1) professors and university professors, representing at least 50% of the senate membership; (2) students and doctoral students, representing at least 20% of the membership; (3) other academic staff and non-academic staff, representing at least 25% of the membership.

As part of its powers, the senate:

  • adopts the statutes;

  • adopts study regulations and regulations for doctoral schools;

  • adopts the strategy of the institution and approves reports on its implementation;

  • appoints and dismisses members of the council;

  • gives its opinions on candidates for the position of rector;

  • evaluates the institution’s performance;

  • formulates recommendations for the council and the rector relating to their responsibilities;

  • awards doctoral degrees (unless otherwise stated in the statutes);

  • confers the title of doctor honoris causa;

  • lays down the conditions, procedures and start and end dates for the student admission process for first-, second- and long-cycle programmes and specialist programmes, and admission arrangements for doctoral schools;

  • establishes curricula for first-, second- and long-cycle programmes;

  • establishes curricula for non-degree postgraduate programmes and specialist programmes;

  • establishes curricula for doctoral schools (which requires consultation with the doctoral student self-government body);

  • lays down procedures for the validation of learning outcomes;

  • puts forward candidates for representative institutions of the higher education and science community.


Federations of HEIs and their governing bodies

The reform of the higher education and science system, implemented in 2018, provides for the establishment of federations which are a more advanced form of associations / unions of HEIs previously in place. A federation of HEIs is a form of collaboration among university-type HEIs (public or non-public) or public HEIs and other entities operating in the higher education and science system.

As part of its tasks, a federation can conduct research activities, train doctoral students, confer doctoral and post-doctoral degrees, and commercialise results of research and related know-how. A federation agreement can also include other tasks, except for other educational or training tasks.

President of a federation

The president of a federation is the single-person authority whose remit is based on presumed powers (that is, powers which are not reserved for other bodies). As part of his / her responsibilities, the president represents the federation in external relations; manages the federation, including human resources management in relation to its employees (but not to employees of its member entities), and financial management; and ensures compliance of the federation’s activities with the law.

The first president of a federation of public entities is appointed by the minister responsible for higher education and science; successive presidents are appointed in accordance with the procedure laid down by the statutes of the federation.


The assembly is a collective governing body, and its tasks are to a large extent laid down by the statutes of a federation. Pursuant to the Law on Higher Education and Science (ustawa – Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym i nauce), the assembly adopts amendments to the statutes; monitors financial management of the federation (giving opinions on activity-and-finance plans; approving reports on the implementation of activity-and-finance plans, and financial reports / statements); evaluates the federation’s performance; formulates recommendations for the president regarding his / her tasks; and awards doctoral and post-doctoral degrees. 

The president and members of the assembly should fulfil all of the requirements set for members of the council of an HEI. The statutes may also provide for other governing bodies of a federation.