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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Other dimensions of internationalisation in higher education
Republic of North Macedonia

Republic of North Macedonia

13.Mobility and internationalisation

13.5Other dimensions of internationalisation in higher education

Last update: 27 November 2023



• 1 European, global and intercultural dimension in curriculum development

The national policy initiatives or measures that have been implemented with the purpose of inserting the European, global and intercultural dimension in the curriculum of the higher education institutions are incorporated in the Law on Higher Education. There are several aspects of the internationalization in higher education which are stipulated by the recent the Law on Higher Education. These are pertinent to: development and adoption of study programmes in English language,  development and adoption of joint degree study programmes with foreign universities, provision of study visits to foreign universities (ranked among top 500), adoption of biannual  action plan for inclusion of visiting professors from foreign universities in the teaching activity at the university, obligation for implementation of study programmes entirely in English (at least two study programmes in English in the first cycle and at least four study programmes in English in the second cycle), provision of conditions for the presentation of the third cycle graduation thesis, teaching activity and the research work to be conducted entirely in English.

• 2 Partnerships and networks

Almost all higher education institutions participated in the CEEPUS network. CEEPUS is the short form for Central European Exchange Program for University Studies and is a multilateral University exchange network in the extended Danube region based on an international Agreement. It went into force in 1995 with back then six signing states. Since 2005, the Republic of North Macedonia is a member to the CEEPUS where today after over 25 years of successful cooperation there are 15+ members states who join the current CEEPUS III agreement. The main activity of CEEPUS is the support of knowledge transfer, knowledge exchange and experience. CEEPUS mainly funds cooperation networks between universities in the member states through mobility grants for students and teachers. Since 1995 approximate 75.000 mobility applications have been awarded in the framework of our program.

Each country has a National CEEPUS Office (NCO) in charge of the national implementation of the Program. The Central CEEPUS Office in Vienna is responsible for the overall coordination of the program.

In the current academic year 2020/2021 11 HEIs from Republic of North Macedonia are included in the different thematic CEEPUS Networks.