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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Organisational variations and alternative structures in single-structure education
Republic of North Macedonia

Republic of North Macedonia

5.Single-structure primary and lower secondary education

5.4Organisational variations and alternative structures in single-structure education

Last update: 27 November 2023



Provision of Education in non-educational institutions

Primary education is also organized and delivered in health institutions, penitentiary and correctional facilities, as well as at home, in accordance with the Law on primary education. The school organizes the educational process at home as a special form of work for students with longer home treatment. For students who, due to major health problems or chronic illnesses, can not attend classes longer than three weeks, classes are organized at home conditions, that is, in a health institution. The parent or guardian shall notify the school of the need for instruction of the student on long-term home or hospital treatment.

Primary education in health institutions and penitentiary and correctional facilities, is realized by the school closest to the institution and instruction is realized in the mother tongue of the student in these institutions and at home by the school where the student is enrolled.

International Primary Education Program (IB program)

An international elementary program may also be implemented in primary education (hereinafter referred to as: the IB Program), for which consent is issued by the Ministry. The curriculum and programs for the IB Program are determined by the Minister, upon proposal of the Bureau. The IB Program is of equal relevance as regular primary education. The primary school implements the IB Program in accordance with the IB standards organization pertaining to the organization and implementation of the teaching program. The primary school in which the IB Program is implemented may have a maximum of three classes per grade. The number of students in the classes following the IB Program is up to 24. For students attending classes under the IB Program, primary school organizes extended stay in first, second, third, fourth and fifth grade. The funds for implementation of the IB Program are provided by the Ministry, for which primary school submits financial plan every year by June 10 at the latest to the Ministry for the current school year and for the following school year. The manner of securing the funds are determined by the Minister. Primary school implementing the IB Program submits to the Ministry a financial report for the previous school year by 1 October at the latest.

The school implementing the IB Program (grade and subject teaching) is obliged within three years from the day of implementation of the IB program to be accredited by the IOB on the basis of which they will be granted the status of a World IO school. If the school fails to be accredited within the specified deadline it shall cease the status of IB school and the Ministry ceases to provide funds.

At least one quarter of the total number of primary school teachers employed in the primary school where the IB Program is implemented should have English language proficiency, at least at A1 level under Common European language reference framework, proven by a certificate.

Education of children of citizens who are staying abroad

For the children of citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia residing abroad teaching is organized in Macedonian language and culture, and for members of communities that speak a language other than Macedonian in accordance with international agreements ratified in accordance with Constitution of the Republic of North Macedonia teaching is organized. Instruction for the citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia who are permanently or temporarily staying abroad is realized by teachers who alongside with the qualifications stipulated by the law have to have at least five years of teaching experience, are distinguished in their educational work and know the language of the country in which they will teach. The instruction for the students should be conducted according to the curriculum and a program developed by the Bureau and approved by the Minister.

The children of citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia who resided abroad and returned to the Republic of North Macedonia where they started, that is, they continue their primary education, the primary schools are obliged to provide assistance to learn the mother tongue and the language of instruction. For successful inclusion in the educational process of these students the primary school where the student is enrolled organizes individual and group supplementary instruction to master the mother tongue and language of instruction to attend classes and to compensate for the gaps in the learning. The instruction for these students lasts for a maximum of one year according to a program prepared by the school and approved by the Bureau.

Education of children with foreign citizenship or children without citizenship

Foreign nationals or stateless children, refugee children, asylum seekers, children with recognized refugee status, children under subsidiary protection and children under temporary protection who reside in the Republic of North Macedonia have the right to primary education under the same conditions as children nationals of the Republic North Macedonia. Learning of the Macedonian language and Cyrillic alphabet for these children shall be organized alongside with the support for recovering certain learning gaps within courses of at least one year based on programs developed from the Bureau and approved by the Minister.

Children of nationals of the Member States of the European Union have the right to basic education on equal terms with children nationals of the Republic of North Macedonia. Children of European Union Member States whose parents, respectively guardians, are residents in the Republic of North Macedonia where they perform or have performed self-employment, i.e. who are employed or have been employed in the territory of the Republic of North Macedonia has the right to acquire knowledge of the mother tongue and the culture of the country of origin. The Ministry, in cooperation with the founder of the school and the state from which the student originates and, in accordance with the possibilities, gives support for the acquisition of knowledge of the mother tongue and culture of the country from which the student comes from.

Education of children who were not included in teaching

Children who were not included in the primary education and who are over the age limit for inclusion in the appropriate school are entitled to primary education under the same conditions as other children. Adapted curricula shall be prepared for these children which will enable inclusion in the appropriate primary school. The assessment of the knowledge of the children should be performed by the school prior to their inclusion in the educational process, with instruments specified by the Bureau. After assessing their knowledge, a confirmation is issued that the child enrolls in the appropriate grade in the school. The adjusted curricula should be prepared by the Bureau, and is determined by the Minister.


The adopted Rulebook on the manner of selecting a primary school, the closer criteria and the manner of organizing teaching in health care institutions, penitentiary and correctional institutions, as well as at home, regulates how primary education is conducted in specific cases and conditions.

For children that are prevented to regularly attend teaching for longer period due to health problems, teaching can be realized in home setting by the school where student is enrolled and the instruction is organized individually. If the condition of the child prevents physical contact with teacher, or if the school has no resources to provide visits by teacher at home, on-line teaching should be organized. Parent should submit request supported with specialist physician letter for this type of education to the school in which the child is enrolled.

Primary education can be organized in hospital setting in which the instruction is adjusted according to the age level and the possibilities of the children to be involved in teaching depending on their health condition. The request for this type of education is submitted to the Ministry of Education and Science by the school from which the student is prevented to continue education, or by the hospital in which the child is admitted for care. The school that would be appointed to organize teaching in hospital can organize individual, combined or class teaching, as well as on-line teaching. The realization of teaching should ensure fulfillment of the expected results from the program for the respective grade according to the child age.

Primary education in penitentiary institutions is organized on the request of the Directorate for Execution of Sanctions for convicts that have not finished primary education. The education is organized by accredited primary school for adult education that verifies the level of knowledge and grade of the candidates and provides instruction in mother tongue language according to the teaching program for adult education.

Primary education in correctional institutions is organized on the request of the Directorate for Execution of Sanctions for protégés that have not finished primary school. The education for each protégé is organized based on the submitted certificate of previous grade finished to next grade that is not finished, or through verification of the level of knowledge for certain grade. Instruction for the protégés that are older than 16 is organized through adjusted program for students with exceeded age limit for primary education. The education is organized by the nearest primary school to the correctional institution or by an accredited primary school for adult education that provides instruction in mother tongue language according to the teaching program for adult education.