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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Management and other education staff


10.Management and other education staff

Last update: 27 November 2023

In accordance with the General Law on Education regulating the fields of non-university education (including adult education), institutions are managed by heads, who also act as pedagogical managers. Depending on the size of school, they can be assisted in organisation of educational work by deputy heads.

In accordance with laws regulating individual levels of non-university education, schools engage professional associates – a school counsellor, a psychologist, a special education teacher, a librarian - to provide counselling, psychological, library support, and other tasks directly or indirectly related to educational work at school. Besides the mentioned professional associates, preschool institutions can engage a social worker, a nutritionist, a nurse.

The relevant bodies within schools (internally), and the educational supervisors of the Bureau for Educational Services (externally) are in charge of verifying the quality of work at educational institutions; once in four years they carry out the assessment of quality, provide explanations and recommendations with the proposed measures that the institution should take to improve the quality of educational work in key areas. The work and engagement of educational supervisors are laid down by the Rulebook on the content, form and manner of quality assessment of educational work at institutions. A new Rulebook is being drafted. 

In accordance with the Law on Higher Education, the managing body of university is rector. Rector is responsible for the work of university, and for management within the framework of business policy determined by the Governing Board of the university. University may also have vice-rectors. The managing body of an organisational unit of a public university is dean or director, appointed by the Governing Board of university in accordance with its statute.

Non-academic staff of the university comprise general secretary and secretaries of its faculties, officers for student affairs, officers for administrative affairs, officers for accounting affairs, archivists, lab technicians, librarians, mobility coordinators, career guidance and information coordinators, IT administrators, etc.