At central/top level, three ministries are responsible for adult education and training: the Ministry of Children and Education, the Ministry of Higher Education and Science, and the Ministry of Culture.
The Ministry of Children and Education
The Ministry of Children and Education has the overall responsibility for adult education and training at primary and lower secondary level and at upper secondary level. This includes the following programmes in adult education and training:
- Preparatory adult education (FVU);
- General adult education (AVU);
- Higher preparatory single-subject courses (hf);
- Adult vocational training (AMU);
- Vocational education and training for adults (EUV).
Furthermore, the ministry is responsible for the following supportive education and training offers for adults:
- Basic integration training programmes (IGU);
- Education for adults with dyslexia;
- Special needs education for adults.
The National Agency for Education and Quality under the Ministry of Children and Education conducts annual supervisions of the schools and institutions that the ministry is responsible for, including adult education and training institutions. The agency conducts both professional supervisions regarding the quality of the instruction and economic supervisions regarding the use of grants.
The Ministry of Higher Education and Science
The Ministry of Higher Education and Science has the overall responsibility for adult higher education and training, including the following programmes:
- Academy profession (part-time) programmes;
- Diploma programmes;
- Master programmes.
Most higher education institutions are state-funded autonomous institutions. The Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science under the Ministry of Higher Education and Science is responsible for supervising the higher education institutions. The agency continually supervises the institutions and can also implement thematic supervisions, for instance with focus on selected political, economic, legal, or strategical themes.
The Ministry of Culture
The Ministry of Culture is responsible for non-formal adult education and training (Folkeoplysning), including:
- Evening classes;
- Folk high schools;
- Day folk high schools;
- University extension courses.
The individual municipality assesses whether the evening classes and day high schools are eligible for subsidies and pay the subsidies. In addition, the municipality supervises the day folk high schools. The Ministry of Culture supervises the folk high schools.
Ministry of Children and Education, 2020: The General Adult Education Programme. [Accessed 20 July 2022]
Ministry of Children and Education (Børne- og Undervisningsministeriet), 2022: Supervision Strategy 2022-2024 (Tilsynsstrategi 2022-2024). [Accessed 20 July 2022]
Ministry of Culture (Kulturministeriet), 2020a: Day Folk High Schools (Daghøjskoler). [Accessed 20 July 2022]
Ministry of Culture (Kulturministeriet), 2020b: Folk High Schools (Folkehøjskoler). [Accessed 20 July 2022]
Ministry of Higher Education and Science (Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet), 2022: Supervision of the higher education institutions (Tilsyn med de videregående uddannelsesinstitutioner). [Accessed 20 July 2022]
Legislation and official policy documents
Legal Information (Retsinformation), 2018: Act on Support for Public Awareness-raising Adult Education, Voluntary Public Awareness-raising Association’s Work and Day Folk High Schools as well as University Extension Courses (the Public Awareness-raising Act) (Bekendtgørelse af lov om støtte til folkeoplysende voksenundervisning, frivilligt folkeoplysende foreningsarbejde og daghøjskoler samt om Folkeuniversitetet (folkeoplysningsloven)), LBK no. 1115 of 31/08/2018. [Accessed 20 July 2022]
Legal Information (Retsinformation), 2019a: Act on Business Academies for Higher Education (Bekendtgørelse af lov om erhvervsakademier for videregående uddannelser), LBK no. 786 of 08/08/2019. [Accessed 20 July 2022]
Legal Information (Retsinformation), 2019b: Act on Folk High Schools (Bekendtgørelse af lov om folkehøjskoler), LBK no. 280 of 25/03/2019. [Accessed 20 July 2022]
Legal Information (Retsinformation), 2019c: Act on University Colleges for Higher Education (Bekendtgørelse af lov om professionshøjskoler for videregående uddannelser), LBK no. 779 of 08/08/2019. [Accessed 20 July 2022]
Legal Information (Retsinformation), 2024a: Act on General Upper Secondary Education Programmes (Bekendtgørelse af lov om de gymnasiale uddannelser), LBK no. 10003 of 28/08/2024. [Accessed 28 November 2024]
Legal Information (Retsinformation), 2024b: Act on Universities (Bekendtgørelse af lov om universiteter (universitetsloven)), LBK no. 391 of 10/04/2024. [Accessed 28 November 2024]
Legal Information (Retsinformation), 2024c: Act on Vocational Education and Training (Bekendtgørelse af lov om erhvervsuddannelser), LBK no. 961 of 16/08/2024. [Accessed 28 November 2024]