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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Continuing professional development for teachers working in early childhood and school education


9.Teachers and education staff

9.3Continuing professional development for teachers working in early childhood and school education

Last update: 14 August 2024

There is no top-level regulation concerning continuing professional development activities (CPD) for pedagogical staff and teachers.

However, pedagogues and teachers in public service often have a continuing educational professional plan in order to ensure relevant CPD activities in relation to their practise.

In-service pedagogical staff and teachers do not get extra financial support besides the salary. However, if a fee is to be paid for attending a CPD activity the local authority may decide to pay the fee.

Organisational aspects

Pedagogues in early childhood education and care and teachers in the Folkeskole

There is no top-level regulation concerning continuing professional development activities (CPD) for the pedagogical staff in early childhood education and care and teachers in the Folkeskole. That is, there is not any right to a specified time or topic defined at top-level:

  • Participation in CPD activities has no direct effect on the salary or the careers of the pedagogue/teacher, although it may be an advantage;
  • It is optional for the individual pedagogue/teacher to pursue continuing professional development activities (CPD);
  • It is for the local authority (the municipality) to decide on and allocate funds for CPD activities;
  • It is not compulsory for the ECEC settings and the schools to have a CPD plan. However pedagogues and teachers in public service often have a continuing educational professional plan in order to ensure relevant CPD activities in relation to practice;
  • CPD activities are normally organised during working hours;
  • Pedagogues/teachers may get study leave for CPD;
  • It is possible to be substituted by a substitute during CPD training.

CPD activities may take different forms:

  • Courses from very short courses and training courses of 1-7 weeks duration. It can be individual subjects or participation in shorter subject-specific courses. Such courses serve primarily as an update of a pedagogue/teacher’s qualification of their practice;
  • Further education is long-term education programmes, which usually extends over two to three years. It includes e.g. various diploma and master programmes. Further education has a dual purpose to qualify for the pedagogical work and to open up for new career opportunities.

CPD activities for pedagogues and teachers in Folkeskolen are typically offered by University Colleges, the Danish School of Education and under the auspices of the professional organisations.

CPD activities are in general fee based.

Teachers in general upper secondary education

There is no top-level regulation concerning continuing professional development activities (CPD) for teachers in general upper secondary education. However, the collective agreement states that the institutions, which are public self-governing institutions, must have guidelines for their competence development activities:

  • Participation in CPD activities has no direct effect on the salary or the careers of the teacher, although it may be an advantage;
  • All general upper secondary school teachers have a plan for competence development including specific activities to reach the goals. The teacher draws up the plan together with the school management;
  • CPD activities are normally organised during working hours.

CPD activities for general upper secondary teacher may take different forms but are typically shorter courses with a focus on updating the teacher's professional qualifications.

Incentives, supporting measures and funding for participation in continuing professional development (CPD) activities

Pedagogues in early childhood education and care and teachers in the Folkeskole

The in-service pedagogue and teacher do not get extra financial support besides the salary.

Public funding of CPD fees is a possibility for the individual pedagogue/teacher. If a fee is to be paid for attending a CPD activity, the local authority may decide to pay the fee. Furthermore, it is possible for to apply for funds through e.g. Den Kommunale Kompetencefond (link in Danish).

Teachers in general upper secondary education

The in-service upper secondary teachers do not get extra financial support besides the salary.

Public funding of CPD fees is a possibility. If a fee is to be paid for attending a CPD activity, the school may decide to pay the fee. General upper secondary schools have due to their status as self-governing institutions the autonomy to allocate funds directly to CPD activities. Furthermore, it is possible to apply for funds through e.g. The Agency for Competence Development in the State Sector (link).



Danish National Unit of Upper Secondary Teachers (Gymnasieskolernes Lærerforening), 2019: General upper secondary school teachers CPD activities 2019 (Gymnasielærernes efteruddannelse 2019). [Accessed 29 October 2020]

Danish National Unit of Upper Secondary Teachers (Gymnasieskolernes Lærerforening), 2020: CPD and competence development for general upper secondary teachers (Efteruddannelse og kompetenceudvikling for gymnasielærere). [Accessed 29 October 2020]

The Competence Secretariat (Kompetencesekretariatet), 2020: The Agency for Competence Development in the State Sector.  [Accessed 29 October 2020]