Institutions, level and models of training
Pedagogues in ECEC
The bachelor’s degree programme in social education has a duration of three and a half years corresponding to 210 ECTS credits. The programme follows a concurrent model, i.e. a single programme in which students combine general education with theoretical and practical professional teaching.
University colleges offer the programme.
The programme consists of two parts: a common part concerning basic professional competences (70 ECTS credits) and a specialisation part (140 ECTS credits). Practical work experience (10 ECTS credits) is part of the basic professional competences. The specialisation part consists of the following:
Specialisation courses (60 ECTS credits);
A cross-curricular course;
Three practicum periods corresponding to 30, 30, and 5 ECTS credits respectively;
Bachelor of Social Education project (15 ECTS credits).
Teachers in primary and lower secondary education
The bachelor’s degree programme in education has a duration of four years corresponding to 240 ECTS credits. The programme follows a concurrent model, i.e. a single programme in which students combine general education with theoretical and practical professional teaching.
University colleges offer the programme.
Completion of the programme provides the graduate with a general qualification for teaching in the primary and lower secondary school.
The programme consists of four main elements:
The teacher’s foundational competences (70 ECTS credits);
The school subjects (120 ECTS credits);
Teaching practice (40 ECTS credits);
Bachelor of Education project (10 ECTS credits).
The teacher’s foundational competences is a mandatory element for all students and consists of four subjects as well as optional subjects corresponding to 5 ECTS credits. The four subjects are:
Pedagogy and general didactics (20 ECTS credits);
Pedagogical psychology, inclusion, and special needs education (20 ECTS credits);
Philosophy of life: Christian studies, history of ideas, citizenship, and authority (20 ECTS);
Danish as a second language (5 ECTS credits).
Teachers in general upper secondary education
Universities offer bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes in the subjects taught at general upper secondary schools.
The teacher programme for general upper secondary education follows a consecutive model. This means that students first undertake general theoretical education at the university to obtain a master’s degree in their chosen subject(s) followed by a professional postgraduate teacher training programme.
The professional postgraduate teacher training programme is a one-year programme that provides the postgraduate with competences to teach in general upper secondary schools.
Admission requirements
The Coordinated Admission System coordinates the admission to higher education programmes. Students are allocated in two quotas:
Quota 1 admissions are allocated according to the grade point average of an upper secondary education;
Quota 2 admissions are allocated according to criteria published by the education institution to which the student has applied.
Admission to the bachelor’s degree programme in social education requires that the student has completed one of the following education programmes:
General upper secondary education;
Social and health care training programme, including C-level Danish, C-level natural science, and D-level English;
Pedagogical assistant training programme, including C-level Danish, C-level social science, and E-level English;
Four individual subjects at upper secondary level: A-level Danish, B-level English, C-level social science, and one C-level optional subject.
If the student does not fulfil the subject specific requirements, he or she can attend supplementary examination courses at general upper secondary level.
Teachers in primary and lower secondary education
Admission to the bachelor’s degree programme in education requires that the student has completed upper secondary education or a corresponding international education programme.
Admission through Quota 1 requires an average mark of 7 or above in the qualifying upper secondary education according to the 7-point grading scale. Applicants with an average mark below 7 can apply for admission through Quota 2.
In addition, the student must fulfil the admission requirements for the subjects he or she wants to teach. This means that the student must have passed at least one of the corresponding subjects in general upper secondary education. For instance, if the student wishes to teach biology in primary and lower secondary schools, the student must have passed at least one of the following subjects in general upper secondary education:
Technology A;
Biology B;
Physics B;
Chemistry B;
Natural geography B.
If the student does not fulfil the subject specific requirements, he or she can attend supplementary examination courses at general upper secondary level.
Teachers in general upper secondary education
The students must fulfil the requirements for a bachelor’s degree programme as well as the requirements for a master’s degree programme in their chosen subject(s). The requirements vary from programme to programme.
Curriculum, level of specialisation and learning outcomes
Pedagogues in ECEC
There is no centrally determined curriculum defining the content of the bachelor’s degree programme in social education. Instead, the programme is centrally defined through competence objectives that describe the knowledge, skills, and reflections the student must be able to demonstrate at the final examinations.
The university colleges are responsible for composing a curriculum that meets the requirements of the competence objectives.
The programme consists of two parts: a common part concerning basic professional competences (70 ECTS credits) and a specialisation part (140 ECTS credits). As part of the specialisation, the students attend subjects within one of the following three areas:
Day care education aimed at pedagogical work with children aged 0-5 years;
School and leisure education aimed at pedagogical work with schoolchildren and young people aged 6-18 years;
Social and special pedagogy aimed at pedagogical work with children and young people with special needs, physical and psychological disabilities, or social problems.
Teachers in primary and lower secondary education
There is no centrally determined curriculum defining the content of the bachelor’s degree programme in education. Instead, the programme is centrally defined through competence objectives.
The university colleges are responsible for composing a curriculum that meets the requirements of the output-based areas of competence.
Generally, the students must acquire qualifications to teach three school subjects, including teaching qualifications in Danish (form level 1-6), Danish (form level 4-10), or mathematics. The school subjects in the bachelor’s degree programme in education correspond to the subjects taught in Danish primary and lower secondary schools. In addition, the student can choose special needs education and Danish as a second language. The students can choose among the following subjects:
Crafts and design;
Danish (form level 1-6);
Danish (form level 4-10);
Danish as a second language;
Home economics;
Mathematics (form level 1-6);
Mathematics (form level 1-10);
Physical education;
Special needs education;
Social science.
Each school subject has a course description, which states the purpose of the subject, the learning objectives, and the content that the subject addresses.
Teachers in general upper secondary education
To teach in upper secondary education, the student must first complete a university degree programme in their chosen subject(s). The universities determine the aims, form, and content of the courses as well as the curriculum. Afterwards, the student must complete the one-year professional postgraduate teacher training programme, which provides the postgraduate with competences to teach in upper secondary schools.
The professional postgraduate teacher training programme consists of a theoretical part and a practical part, including teaching in their own classes. The universities offer the theoretical part of the programme and determine the content of the theoretical part. The upper secondary education institution where the postgraduate is employed offers the practical part. The school head is responsible for the organisation of the individual postgraduate’s practical part of the programme.
There is no centrally determined curriculum defining the content of the professional postgraduate teacher training programme. Instead, the programme is centrally defined through knowledge and skill objectives.
Teacher educators
Teachers at university colleges
University colleges offer the bachelor’s degree programme in social education and the bachelor’s degree programme in education.
The teaching staff at the university colleges must as a whole have a level of qualification that is higher than that of the final level of the bachelor’s degree programme in social education or the bachelor’s degree programme in education. By level of qualification is meant educational competence and documented theoretical, academic, and professional competence.
Only persons employed in the following positions can teach at university colleges: Ph.D. fellow, assistant professor, associate professor, professor, and part-time lecturer. The positions have different educational requirements.
Teachers at universities
Universities offer bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes in the subjects taught at general upper secondary schools.
Only persons employed in the positions mentioned in the Ministerial Order on Job Structure for Academic Staff at Universities can teach at universities. Among others, this includes the following positions: Ph.D. fellow, assistant professor, associate professor, professor, teaching assistant, and postdoc. The positions have different educational requirements.
The universities are responsible for ensuring that the academic staff, who teach at the universities, have the necessary pedagogical-didactic competences to teach. This includes ensuring that assistant professors complete a university pedagogical programme, which is a teaching development programme for teachers at the universities.
Qualifications, evaluation and certificates
Pedagogues in ECEC
To complete the bachelor’s degree programme in social education, the student must complete modules equal to 210 ECTS credits and pass a number of examinations based on the competence objectives of the courses.
The programme regulations for the bachelor’s degree programme in social education consist of a national and an institutional part. The institutions approved to offer the programme compose the national part together. In the national part of the programme regulations, the university colleges determine how the final examinations are organised.
During the first year of the programme, the college university conducts an internal test, which the students must pass before the end of the second year of the programme.
Final examinations in the basic professional competences and the cross-curricular course are assessed by internal examiners, while final examinations in the specialisation and the bachelor project are assessed by external examiners. All examinations are assessed according to the seven-point grading scale.
All three practicum periods are completed by an examination, where the examiners use a pass/fail assessment. The first and second practicum periods are assessed by internal examiners, while the third practicum period is assessed by external examiners.
At the exams, the examiners assess to what extent the student fulfils the competence objectives determined in the Ministerial Order on the Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Education.
The university colleges issue a diploma for successfully completed bachelor’s degree programmes in social education, which entitles the graduate to use the title Bachelor in Social Education.
Teachers in primary and lower secondary education
To complete the bachelor’s degree programme in education, the student must complete modules equal to 240 ECTS credits and pass a number of exams based on the competence objectives of the courses.
The programme regulations for the bachelor’s degree programme in education consist of a national and an institutional part. The institutions approved to offer the programme compose the national part together. In the national part of the programme regulations, the university colleges determine how the final examinations are organised.
During the first year of the programme, the college university conducts an internal test, which the students must pass before the end of the second year of the programme.
All school subjects are completed by an external examination. For mathematics, Danish, and foreign languages, separate marks are given for the written and oral performance. For the remaining subjects and the bachelor project, one mark is given.
All examinations are assessed according to the seven-point grading scale with the exception of Danish as a second language and optional subjects, which are assessed according to a pass/fail assessment.
After the teaching practice period in the fourth year of the programme, a comprehensive examination is conducted, which assesses the student’s professional teaching level and practical teaching qualifications. The student’s completion of each teaching practice period during the programme must be approved as a prerequisite for continuing the bachelor’s degree programme in education.
The university colleges issue a diploma for successfully completed bachelor’s degree programmes in education, which entitles the graduate to use the title Bachelor of Education.
Teachers in general upper secondary education
To obtain permanent employment, teachers in general upper secondary education are required to have a master’s degree in two subjects and to have completed the professional postgraduate teacher training programme.
The bachelor’s and master’s programme must contain a variety of examination forms that reflect the content and working methods of the programmes. In the programme regulations, the universities determine the examination forms and whether internal or external examiners assess an examination. Student assessment is based on the seven-point grading scale or a pass/fail assessment.
The university awards the certification for completing a bachelor’s and master’s degree programme, which entitles the graduate to use the title Master of Arts (MA) in (+ field of study) or Master of Science (MSc) in (+ field of study).
It is possible to teach in specialised subjects in the Higher Commercial Examination Programme (HHX) and Higher Technical Examination Programme (HTX) without holding a master’s degree if the teacher has completed a professional bachelor’s degree programme or the equivalent followed by relevant further education and relevant employment.
The professional postgraduate teacher training programme consists of a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part is completed by a written examination that is assessed according to the seven-point grading scale. The practical part is completed by the postgraduate teaching classes, which the course leader, supervisor, and guidance counsellor observe. The course leader and supervisor decide if the postgraduate has passed the programme.
Alternative training pathways
Pedagogues in ECEC
The Merit-Pedagogue Training Programme is a special pedagogue training programme with award for prior learning, which offers an alternative pathway to achieve pedagogical qualifications. The programme can be organised as full-time or part-time.
To be admitted to the programme, the applicant must fulfil the admission requirements for the bachelor’s degree programme in social education. In addition, the applicant must have pedagogical or comparable work experience corresponding to at least five years of full-time employment.
Students pay tuition fees at the Merit-Pedagogue Training Programme.
Teachers in primary and lower secondary education
The Merit-Teacher Training Programme is a special teacher training programme with award for prior learning, which offers an alternative pathway to achieve teacher qualifications in primary and lower secondary education. The programme is organised as part-time and has a duration of three to six years.
To be admitted to the programme, the applicant must have:
Completed a professional bachelor’s degree programme, a university bachelor’s degree programme, or a master’s degree programme or;
Completed a professionally oriented education programme at the level of a vocational education and training programme and have at least two years of relevant work experience or four years of general work experience.
Students pay tuition fees at the Merit-Teacher Training Programme.
EducationGuide (UdannelsesGuiden), 2022: Merit-pedagogue (Meritpædagog). [Accessed 2 April 2024]
EducationGuide (UddannelsesGuiden), 2023: Admission requirements for school subjects in the teacher training programme (Adgangskrav til undervisningsfag på uddannelsen til lærer i folkeskolen). [Accessed 2 April 2024]
EducationGuide (UddannelsesGuiden), 2023: Merit-teacher (Meritlærer). [Accessed 2 April 2024]
EducationGuide (UddannelsesGuiden), 2023: Supplementary examination courses at general upper secondary level (Gymnasiale suppleringskurser (GSK)). [Accessed 2 April 2024]
EducationGuide (UddannelsesGuiden), 2023: Teacher in primary and lower secondary schools (Lærer i folkeskolen). [Accessed 2 April 2024]
Ministry of Children and Education (Børne- og Undervisningsministeriet), 2023: About the professional postgraduate teacher training programme (Om pædagogikum). [Accessed 2 April 2024]
Ministry of Higher Education and Science, 2022: Bachelor in Social Education. [Accessed 2 April 2024]
Legislation and official policy documents
Legal Information (Retsinformation), 2017: Ministerial Order on the Bachelor of Social Education (Bekendtgørelse om uddannelsen til professionsbachelor som pædagog), BEK no. 354 of 07/04/2017. [Accessed 2 April 2024]
Legal Information (Retsinformation), 2017: Act on the Professional Postgraduate Teacher Training Programme in General Upper Secondary Schools (Bekendtgørelse af lov om pædagogikum i de gymnasiale uddannelser), LBK no. 786 of 21/06/2017. [Accessed 2 April 2024]
Legal Information (Retsinformation), 2018: Ministerial Order on the Professional Postgraduate Teacher Training Programme in General Upper Secondary Schools (Bekendtgørelse om pædagogikum i de gymnasiale uddannelser), BEK no. 1169 of 24/09/2018. [Accessed 2 April 2024]
Legal Information (Retsinformation), 2021: Ministerial Order on Academy Profession Programmes and Professional Bachelor Education Programmes (Bekendtgørelse om erhvervsakademiuddannelser og professionsbacheloruddannelser), BEK no. 2672 of 28/12/2021. [Accessed 2 April 2024]
Legal Information (Retsinformation), 2024: Ministerial Order on Access to Business Academies and University Colleges (Bekendtgørelse om adgang til erhvervsakademier og professionsbacheloruddannelser), BEK no. 56 of 10/01/2024. [Accessed 2 April 2024]
Legal Information (Retsinformation), 2024: Ministerial Order on the Bachelor of Education for primary and lower secondary school teachers (Bekendtgørelse om uddannelsen til professionsbachelor som lærer i folkeskolen), BEK no. 707 of 11/06/2024. [Accessed 28 November 2024]