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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Bilateral agreements and worldwide cooperation


13.Mobility and internationalisation

13.7Bilateral agreements and worldwide cooperation

Last update: 3 December 2024

Bilateral agreements

DK-USA programme

The Danish-American Fulbright Commission offers scholarships and guidance to Danish and American students and researchers. The Commission’s purpose is to create a mutual cultural understanding through academic exchanges in higher education. The Danish and American states' budgets fund the Commissions work.

The cultural agreement programme

The Cultural Agreement Programme is a bilateral scholarship programme. At present Denmark has bilateral agreements with Brazil, China, Egypt, Israel Japan, South Korea, Russia and Turkey.

The programme supports Danish higher education students’ long-term exchange and foreign higher education students’ participation in summer courses in the Danish language and Danish culture at higher education institutions.

The Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science promotes and supports the programme.

Cooperation and participation in worldwide programmes and organisations


The OECD enables member states to exchange experiences and best practice relating to evidence-based policy development, discuss shared issues and contribute to analysis and publications regarding education, research and innovation.

The Ministry of Children and Education and the Ministry of Higher Education and Science are responsible for the Danish contribution to OCED’s work on higher education and research. Denmark is represented in the following committees:

  • Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy (CSTP);
  • Working Party on Innovation and Technology Policy (TIP);
  • Global Science Forum (GSF);
  • Group of National Experts on Higher Education (GNE-HE).

In addition to this, the Ministry of Higher Education and Science participates in a number of working groups.


UNESCO’s overall goal is to contribute to peace and security by promoting collaboration between the nations within these areas: education, science, culture, communication and information.

The Ministry of Higher Education and Science works with the following aspects that relate to UNCESCO’s field of work:

  • Education;
  • Research;
  • Innovation;
  • Equal opportunities.

In addition to this, Denmark participates in a number of activities initiated by UNESCO such as Associated Schools Project, UNESCO Chair/Centre programme, World Heritage List and Learning Cities.

Nordic Council of Ministers

The Nordic Council of Ministers is a collaboration between Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and the autonomous areas the Faroe Island, Greenland and Aland. The Council works together on creating an educational community and a research community concerning mobility, quality and political priorities. In addition to this, the Nordic Council of Ministers has defined ten focus areas relating to education. These are: 

  • Research;
  • Early cross-sectorial and inclusive efforts in the educational system;
  • Lifelong learning;
  • Entrepreneurship and innovation;
  • Democratic competence;
  • Digital competence;
  • Sustainable development;
  • Language understanding;
  • Mobility;
  • Recognition of qualifications.

The collaboration between the Nordic countries ensures that Nordic citizens have the right to pursue upper secondary school education in any Nordic country under the same conditions as a citizen of that country. The same conditions apply to students in higher education.



Ministry of Higher Education and Science, 2018: UNESCO (UNESCO). [Accessed 27 May 2019]

Ministry of Higher Education and Science, 2019a: DK-USA Programme (DK-USA-programmet). [Accessed 3 May 2019]

Ministry of Higher Education and Science, 2019b: OECD (OECD). [Accessed 27 May 2019]

Nordic collaboration (Nordisk Samarbejde), 2019: Education and research (Uddannelse og forskning). [Accessed 27 May 2019]