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Teaching and learning in general upper secondary education


6.Upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary Education

6.2Teaching and learning in general upper secondary education

Last update: 24 June 2024

Curriculum, subjects, number of hours

Structure of the programmes

The duration of most general upper secondary education programmes is three years and the programmes consists of:

  • An introduction of three months;
  • A specialised study programme of two years and nine months.

The duration of a full-time Higher Preparatory Examination (hf) is two years.


The national core curriculum for all general upper secondary education programmes is defined by the Ministry of Children and Education. The core curriculum for 2020 (Læreplaner 2020) describes the academic objectives and core contents of all subjects in the Danish general upper secondary education.


All education programmes have compulsory subjects and electives subjects. STX, HHX and HTX each have different academic profiles that are reflected in the specialised study programmes consisting of a number of specialised study subjects. The subjects the students follow provides them with specific qualifications.

The students are taught in Danish.

Number of hours

Subjects in general upper secondary education programmes are taught at three different levels depending on the hours that are allotted to the subject. The levels range from A, B and/or C. As a general rule, C-level subjects are allotted 75 hours, B-level subjects are allotted 200 hours and A-level subjects are allotted 325 hours.

The latest upper secondary education reform was implemented in 2017. It changed, among other things, the length of the introductory period, the number of specialised study programmes and the curricula.

Teaching methods and materials

Various learning and teaching approaches are employed in the upper secondary education programmes. For example classroom instruction, project work and individual and group based written as well as oral work. Up to 25 percent of the teaching time can be spent on virtually organised teaching, where students and teacher are not necessarily in the same room.

Information communication technology (ICT) is also used as a tool for teaching and the Ministry of Children and Education aims to increase and develop the use of ICT. The ambition is that using ICT as a tool for teaching will help students to contribute to future technological innovation and development.

Teachers choose their own teaching material.

There are no official regulations for homework.

The Higher General Examination Programme (STX)

The academic standard of the STX Programme is closely linked to aspects of the academic subject. The students are to achieve general knowledge in the humanities, natural science and social science with a view to being in a position to complete higher education.

All students have to choose a specific field of study, which could be specialising in Science, Languages, Social science and Arts. Each field of study consists of a number of specialised study programmes. In 2020 STX offers a total of 18 specialised study programmes.

The following compulsory subjects apply no matter what field of study a student has chosen:

Subject Level Notes
Danish A  
History A  
Mathematics B At least B-level. The student can have mathematics on level C only if three foreign languages are included in the chosen specialised programme.
English B At least B-level
2nd foreign language B or A

At least B-level. However, if the student has chosen a beginner language as second foreign language it must be A-level.

Students can normally choose between the following languages: French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish.

Physics C  
PE and sport C At least C-level
An artistic subject C At least C-level
Classical studies C  
Religion C  
Social science C At least C-level
Biology/chemistry/informatics C At least C-level. Students have to choose between two of the three subjects

Each student also chooses one of the 18 specialised study programmes and a number of elective subjects and each student writes a specialised study project in the third year within two to three subjects of their choice. 

The Ministry of Children and Education defines the specialised study programmes and their content, but the institution themselves decides the number of specialised study programme offered.

A specialised study programmes contains three or two specialised study subjects. The following combinations are possible within the four fields of study:

Study field Specialised study subject 1 Specialised study subject 2 Specialised study subject 3
Science Mathematics A Physics B Chemistry B
Mathematics A Physics B Chemistry A
Mathematics A Physics A Chemistry B
Mathematics A Biotechnology A Physics B
Mathematics A Geoscience A Chemistry B
Biology A Chemistry B
Social Science Social Studies A Mathematics A
Social Studies A English A
Social Studies A German continuous A / German beginner A
Social Studies A Spanish continuous A / French continuous A/ French beginner A
Languages Latin A Greek A
English A Beginner or continuous language A Beginner or continuous language  at least at level C
English A German continuous A / German beginner A Social Studies B
English A Spanish continuous A / French continuous A/ French beginner A Social Studies B
Arts Music A English A
Music A German continuous A / German beginner A
Music A Spanish continuous A / French continuous A/ French beginner A
Music A Mathematics A

Furthermore the Ministry of Children and Education defines a number of elective subjects. The number of elective subjects offered depends on the institution. Each student can choose one to two elective subjects.

In total, each student completes a minimum of 2470 hours of teaching. In addition there is homework with written assignments, preparation of texts, research etc. as well as time for examinations.

The Higher Preparatory Examination (HF)

The hf programme aims to develop the students’ capacity for in-depth study and their understanding of the connections between the subjects.

Unlike the other upper secondary education programmes, HF – when offered on a full-time basis - is a two-year long education programme. The adult education centres (VUC) also offer the subjects on a single course basis and sometimes as packages of subjects.

HF specifically aims at preparing the students for short-cycle or medium-cycle higher education programmes. For direct enrolment at universities after HF, HF-students must complete an extended study package.

The two-year long HF differs from the other three-year long upper secondary education programmes, because no annual marks are given. Instead, there is an oral or written examination in all subjects by the end of the school year.

The following subjects are compulsory:

Subject Level
Danish A
English B
PE and sport C
Mathematics C
One of the subjects: dance, design, dramatics, media and music C
A Cultural and social science subject group containing:
History B
Religion C
Social science C
A science subject group containing:
Biology C
Geography C
Chemistry C

Furthermore the Ministry of Children and Education defines a number of elective subjects. The number of elective subjects offered depends on the institution. 

In total, each student completes a minimum of 1625 hours of studies. This does not include the time spent on homework or the time spent on examinations.

The Higher Commercial Examination Programme (HHX)

The aim of the HHX programme is to provide qualification for academic studies within the areas of business economics and socio-economics. This is supplemented with foreign languages and other general subjects.

All students have to choose a specific field of study among the following: Economics and marketing, Economics and Languages, and Languages. Each field of study consists of a number of specialised study programmes. In 2020 HHX offers a total of 16 specialised study programmes.

The following compulsory subjects apply no matter what field of study a student has chosen:

Subject Level Notes
Danish A  
English A  
Mathematics B At least B-level. The student can have mathematics on level C if three foreign languages are included in the chosen specialised programme.
Marketing B  
Commercial law C  
2nd foreign language At least B

A level, if the student has chosen a beginner language as 2nd foreign language.

Students can choose between the following languages: French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish.

International economics B  
History B  
Business economics B  
Social science C  
Informatics C  

Each student also chooses one of the 13 specialised study programmes and a number of elective subjects. Each student also writes a specialised study project in the third year within two to three subjects of their choice.

The Ministry of Children and Education defines the possible specialised study programmes and their content, but the institution itself decides how many specialised study programmes they offer.

A specialised study programmes contains three or two specialised study subjects. The following combinations are possible within the three fields of study:

Study field Specialised study subject 1 Specialised study subject 2 
Economics and marketing Mathematics A Business economics A
Mathematics A International economics A
Business economics A International economics A
Business economics A Informatics B
Business economics A IT A
Marketing A Business economics A
Marketing A Innovation B
Marketing A International economics A
Economics and languages or Languages International economics A German continuous A / German beginner A
International economics A Spanish continuous A / French continuous A/ French beginner A
Marketing A German continuous A / German beginner A
Marketing A Spanish continuous A / French continuous A/ French beginner A
Languages Beginner or continuous language at A level Beginner language at level A or B/ Continuous language at least at level C

Furthermore the Ministry of Children and Education stipulates a number of elective subjects. The number of elective subjects offered depends on the institution. Each student can choose one or two elective subjects.

In total, each student completes a minimum of 2470 hours of studies. This does not include the time spent on homework or the time spent on examinations

The Higher Technical Examination Programme

The aim of HTX programme is to provide qualification for academic studies within the areas of technical and natural science combined with other general subjects. The emphasis in the HTX programme is on technological subjects and natural sciences.

All students have to choose a specific field of study among the following: Natural science, Technology and Communication. Each field of study consists of a number of specialised study programmes. In 2020 HTX offers a total of 18 specialised study programmes.

The following compulsory subjects apply no matter what field of study a student has chosen:

Subject Level
Danish A
Technical science A
Mathematics B
English B
Physics B
Chemistry B
Technology B
Communication/ IT C
Biology C
Social science C
History of technology C

Each student also chooses one of the 13 specialised study programmes and a number of elective subjects and each student writes a specialised study project in the third year within two to three subjects of their choice.

The Ministry of Children and Education defines the possible specialised study programmes and their content, but the institution themselves decides the number of specialised study programme offered

A specialised study programmes contains two specialised study subjects. The following combinations are possible within the four fields of study: 

Study field Specialised study subject 1

Specialised study subject 2


Natural science Biotechnology A Social studies B
Biotechnology A Sports B
Biotechnology A Mathematics A
Mathematics A Physics A
Mathematics A Chemistry A
Mathematics A Geoscience A
Mathematics A Biology B
Mathematics A Informatics B
Mathematics A Programming B
Technology Technology A Mathematics A
Technology A Social studies B
Technology A Design B
Communication Communication and IT A Mathematics A
Communication and IT A Programming B
Communication and IT A German continuous B
Communication and IT A Spanish continuous B / French continuous B/
Communication and IT A Social studies B
Communication and IT A Design B
Communication and IT A Spanish continuous A / French continuous A/ French beginner A
Music A Mathematics A

Furthermore the Ministry of Children and Education defines a number of elective subjects. The number of elective subjects offered depends on the institution. Each student can choose one- two elective subjects.

In total, each student completes a minimum of 2630 hours. This does not include the time spent on homework or the time spent on examinations.