Implementation of pre-university education reform
Within the framework of Update of the core curricula in basic pre-university education linking education with labour market needs, namely the subjects “Natural sciences, Arts, Technology and ICT and Languages and Communications” the Ministry of Education and Sports has undertaken the process of revising and updating the curriculum with competencies.
The "National Program for the Professional Development of Teachers", announced in January 2024, has begun and will be implemented throughout the years 2024 and 2025.
Beneficiaries of the platform will be about 16 .000 educational employees such as: teachers of the Albanian language and literature, mathematics, physics, biology and chemistry, primary education teachers, etc.
The purpose of this program is to improve student learning outcomes through the professional development of teachers, coordinated and institutionalized with all actors in the field of education, especially with higher education institutions focusing on language, mathematics, natural sciences, digital skills , inclusiveness and effective skills.
This program contains seven components in the following areas:
Training of teachers on subjects: Albanian Language, Mathematics and Science (Physics, Biology, Chemistry) for the skills developed in the PISA 2025 international assessment and according to the STEM approach.
Training of primary education teachers in the subjects: Albanian Language, Mathematics and Natural Sciences for the skills developed in the international assessments PIRLS 2026, TIMSS 2027 according to the STEM approach.
Training of primary education teachers to improve students' coding and digital skills in schools equipped with SmartLab.
Training of lower secondary education teachers for the realization of the TALIS 2024 international survey.
Training of teachers of lower secondary education for the variety of activities related to improving the career orientation of students towards secondary education.
Training of pre-university education teachers to improve the methodology during the lesson in relation to comprehensive techniques.
Training of pre-university teachers for effective teacher skills such as: conflict resolution, communication skills and ethics.
Currently, teacher training is taking place in four components:
Training of teachers of subjects: Albanian Language, Mathematics and Science (Physics, Biology, Chemistry) for the skills developed in the PISA 2025 international assessment and according to the STEM approach.
Training of primary education teachers in the subjects: Albanian language, Mathematics and Natural Sciences for the skills that are developed in the international assessments PIRLS 2026, TIMSS 2027 according to the STEM approach.
Training of pre-university teachers for effective teacher skills such as: conflict resolution, communication skills and ethics.
Teacher career framework.
The Ministry of Education and Sports is drafting the Teacher Career Framework, which is a structured and unified, systematic document that describes the different career stages, roles, responsibilities, pathways and opportunities for professional growth and development within the teaching profession.
The purpose of the Teacher Career Framework is to serve as a valuable "map," a guide for teachers to navigate their careers, set goals, acquire skills, and advance professionally.
The elements of the teacher's career framework are:
Professional competencies of teachers,
Entering the teaching profession,
Professional development opportunities,
Stages of qualification or career,
Roles and responsibilities,
Performance evaluation and recognition.
Information and Communication Technology
Digitization of education aims to develop digital competence through better use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for teaching and learning. The biggest challenge in the development of competences for teachers is the need for specific digital competences that enable them to use technology to support, improve and transform the teaching process, as well as for other responsibilities in the school.
In this aspect, the integration of the ICT subject in the program curriculum of classes I, II and III has been approved.
The SMIP platform, which is a state database for the management of information on pre-university education in real time, as well as providing services for informing parents about the progress of children has been updated. Parents/legal guardians can track their children's overall progress as well as grades for each subject, various comments from teachers, absences, etc.
The Ministry of Education and Sports has been part of the Erasmus+ program, eTwinning since 2014. Engagement in this community expands the professional development opportunities of our teachers and gives them the opportunity to collaborate with partners at the national and international level. This community has influenced the development of the sustainable capacities of our teachers in terms of the use and integration of ICT in education, as well as the implementation of new methodologies that in their approach offer learning based on curricular projects.
Higher Education
Based on National Strategy for Education 2021 – 2026 for higher education (HE), the focus is “inclusive higher education that meets international standards on quality, academic integrity, and transparency, and promotes the country’s economic and social development”. MoES has continued its efforts to achieve this goal, through seven main objectives foreseen such as:
Enhancement of the quality of higher education through the rearrangement of study programs, modernization of academic infrastructure and implementation of high standards of institutional evaluation and study programs.
Encouraging improvement in teaching and research.
Better interconnectedness of higher education with the labour market.
Ensuring academic integrity, transparency and accountability in the higher education sector.
Improving students’ social and economic status by providing quality services and various types of financial aid.
Internationalizing higher education in Albania and integrating into the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).
Advancing the ICT infrastructure and digital services for public HEIs.
New guidance for teacher at disposal approved
This guidance aims to establish at local level teachers at disposal. Besides substitution of teachers such teachers where there is no need for substitution the respective teacher organizes repetition classes for students with low achievement.
Negotiatons with EU opened for chapter 26 education and training
Respective bilateral screenings with the EU were opened in regard to chapter 256 Education and Culture between Albania and the EU.
Changes in Law on pre-university education to be approved by the parliament
The law on pre-university education will change soon once it is approved by the parliament. Changes include the change in time in regard to compulsory education.
Aproval of the New Strategy on Education
The new strategy on education for the period 2021-2026 was approved in the end of 2021. In relation to pre-unviersity education it predicts for several changes in terms of teachers development, inclusiveness and ICT development and other important challenges for the development of education.