Choose a Job
Within the framework of “Choose a Job” campaign was undertaken nationwide. Thanks to this campaign about 400 students more choose vocational upper secondary education instead of the general one.
Registration from general upper secondary education to VET education is made easier
Thanks to a joint guidance between Ministry of Education and Sports and Ministry of Culture, Economy and Innovation all legal barriers that made it difficult to transfer studies from general to vocational education and training in upper secondary education are removed. This enables for students to orient themselves towards VET training even if they started general education.
Increase of registrations in VET schools
VET upper secondary education in Albania is attracting more and more students. Based on statistics VET students enrollments in 2024 have increased with about 10% compared to previous years. The government on the other hand as increased investments in infrastructure during 2024 for public upper secondary VET schools including improvement of school buildings, improvement of laboratories for specific subjects as well as improvement of dormitories of these schools.
Strategy on VET extended
The Strategy on Employment and Skills was extended until 2026. Such extension enables for better completion of respective objectives related to increase of the numbers and quality of vocational education at upper secondary level.
Digitalization of Vocational Education and Training in Albania
From March 2022 to January 2023, the “Skills for Jobs” project implemented a series of activities that contributed to the development of partner providers’ capacities in applying new teaching methods. The primary goal of these activities was to promote the adoption of technology in new ways of teaching and learning in schools. As a result, schools received support in various forms, such as training to develop teachers’ digital skills through participation in the “Digital Pedagogy” training package, the digitization of teaching materials for five directions, and the introduction of digital focal points in partner providers. S4J’s support for policy-making institutions involved the development of “A Roadmap to ICT-Supported Modernization of Albanian VET.”
The application of pedagogical and digital skills acquired during training is facilitated by teachers’ access to digital teaching materials. Therefore, during this period, 34 teachers, 5 pedagogical experts, and 6 digitization experts were engaged in designing and digitizing interactive learning materials in accordance with the curriculum framework and learning objectives. They completed 55 subjects in five respective directions: Food Technology, Economics and Business (Office Administration profile), Service of Transport Vehicles, Mechanics, and ICT. The digital learning content will be available on the MesoVet platform after February 2023.
National Employment Services re-organized to National Qualification Agencies
The above mentioned structures aiming to foster connections between VET and labor market were changed in late 2021 and early 2022