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Last update: 27 November 2023
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Additional teaching support - prostheti didaktiki stirixi (πρόσθετη διδακτική στήριξη)

Additional teaching support (prostheti didaktiki stirixi) is applied in lykeio (upper secondary school).  This institution is available to any pupil lagging behind in school performance, not being able to follow and participate effectively in the educational process or for any pupil wishing to improve his/her performance.

Educational and counselling support centres (κέντρα εκπαιδευτικής και συμβουλευτικής υποστήριξης)

Educational and counselling support centres (kentra ekpaideftikis kai simvouleftikis ypostirixis - KESY) are exclusively competent to suggest classification, enrollment, transfer and attendance of individuals with disability and special educational needs in the appropriate special education school or other educational context or special education programme, after having first identified and verified the kind and degree of difficulties pupils are facing.  They are decentralised services of the Ministry of Education and belong to the regional education directorates.

Child care centres - paidikoi stathmoi (παιδικοί σταθμοί)

Early childhood education and care is offered in municipal infant care (vrefikoi stathmoi), infant/child care (vrefonipiakoi stathmoi) and  child care centres  (paidikoi stathmoi) as well as in respective private structures. Child care centres (paidikoi stathmoi) accommodate children aged 2.5 years up to the age of 4, when compulsory education begins.

Colleges - kollegia (κολλέγια)

Colleges (kollegia) are service providers of non-formal post-secondary non-tertiary education and training, exclusively offering studies on the basis of validation and franchising agreements with higher education institutions from abroad, recognised by the competent state authorities in their countries of origin.

Compensatory education - antistathmistiki ekpaidefsi (αντισταθμιστική εκπαίδευση)

The aim of the programme compensatory education is to re-induct students in the learning process, so that their overall performance is improved and they complete compulsory education.  It also aims at stemming the rate of dropouts and upgrading the quality of education and promoting inclusion.

Intercultural schools - scholeia diapolitismikis ekpaidefsis (σχολεία διαπολιτισμικής εκπαίδευσης)

Intercultural education schools (scholeia diapolitismikis ekpaidefsis) operate in selected areas to facilitate inclusion in the education system of students coming from abroad (immigrants, repatriate Greeks) and presenting educational, social, cultural particularities.  They operate at primary, lower and upper secondary education level.

Doctoral candidate - ypopsifios didaktoras (υποψήφιος διδάκτορας)

Doctoral candidate (ypopsifios didaktoras) is a student who follows the third cycle of studies at university (panepistimio).

Education committee - epitropi paideias (επιτροπή παιδείας)

Education committees (epitropi paideias) operates in municipalities and consists of representatives from the municipality, the parents’ association, school heads, representatives from the productive forces and teachers' trade unions.  It suggests proposals to the municipal council on issues regarding the optimal organisation of schools in their area, allocation of appropriations for operational expenses in schools, the abolition or merging of schools, the construction, repair and maintenance of school buildings.

Educational priority zones - zones ekpaideftikis proteraiotitas (ζώνες εκπαιδευτικής προτεραιότητας)

Educational priority zones (zones ekpaideftikis proteraiotitas - ZEP) cover primary and secondary education schools operating in areas with low basic indicators of school inclusion (e.g. composite indicator of prosperity and development, total education indicator).  These zones also include school networks with a significant participation of special groups of pupils (e.g foreigners, Roma, or minority populations etc.).  The overall purpose of ZEP is to create and test in practice alternative and flexible educational approaches, ensuring equal inclusion in the educational system of pupils from areas with low educational and socio-economic indicators.

Enhancement coaching courses - enischytika frontistiriaka tmimata (ενισχυτικά φροντιστηριακά τμήματα)

Enhancement coaching courses (enischytika frontistiriaka tmimata) at ZEP are available to students who have not participated in taxeis ypodochis ZEP (reception classes and tutorial courses) and face language difficulties, or have participated in reception classes but continue to have difficulties with the language in the regular class.  Enhancement coaching courses are provided after the conclusion of the daily timetable to all classes of the school unit.

General upper secondary school - geniko lykeio (γενικό λύκειο)

General secondary non-compulsory education is offered in general upper secondary school (geniko lykeio), while vocational secondary non-compulsory education is offered in vocational upper secondary school (epangelmatiko lykeio).  The lower secondary education school leaving certificate (apolytirio gymnasiou) is the necessary requirement for enrollment.  There is no age limit for enrollment in geniko lykeio.  However, pupils attend geniko lykeio from the age of 15 to 18 years.  Attendance at day general upper secondary school (imerisio geniko lykeio) or esperino geniko lykeio (evening general upper secondary school) lasts 3 years.

Upper secondary schools (lykeia) offering training and preparation for a specific vocational orientation are music schools (mousika lykeia), art schools (kallitechnika lykeia) and ecclesiastical schools (ecclesiastika lykeia).  In addition, lykeia operate either applying experimental curricula, such as model and experimental schools (peiramatika lykeia), or they are addressed to pupils with specific educational needs, such as intercultural schools (lykeia diapolitismikis ekpaidefsis), minority schools (meionotika lykeia) and schools of special needs education (lykeia eidikis agogis kai ekpaidefsis).  There is also the european education school (lykeio evropaikis paideias) in Heraklion (Crete).

General upper secondary school leaving certificate - apolytirio lykeiou (απολυτήριο λυκείου)

Lykeio (general upper secondary school) graduates are awarded a title called apolytirio lykeiou (general upper secondary school leaving certificate).  It includes information on the final mark, as well as detailed scores that the student achieved in different subjects.  It also entitles enrollment in tertiary education through pan-hellenic level exams.

Hellenic open university - elliniko anoichto panepistimio (ελληνικό ανοιχτό πανεπιστήμιο)

The Hellenic Open University (Elliniko Anoichto Panepistimio - EAP) is an independent and fully self-governed higher education institution in the form of legal entity under public law.  Its seat is in Patras.  EAP provides distance undergraduate and postgraduate education and training.

Higher education qualification - titlos spoudon (τίτλος σπουδών)

The degree or diploma awarded after successful completion of any of the three cycles of studies in a higher education institution.

Infant care centres - vrefikοi stathmoi (βρεφικοί σταθμοί)

Early childhood education and care is offered in municipal child centres (paidikoi stathmoi), infant centres (vrefikoi stathmoi) and infant/child care centres (vrefonipiakoi stathmoi) as well as in respective private structures.  Infant care centres (vrefikoi stathmoi) accommodate infants aged 2 months, subject to certain conditions, up to the age of 4.

Infant/child care centres - vrefonipiakoi stathmoi (βρεφονηπιακοί σταθμοί)

Early childhood education and care is offered in municipal child centres (paidikoi stathmoi), infant centres (vrefikoi stathmoi) and infant/child care centres (vrefonipiakoi stathmoi) as well as in respective private structures.  Infant/child care centres (vrefonipiakoi stathmoi) accommodate infants aged 2 months, subject to certain conditions, up to the age of 4.

Lifelong learning centres - kentra dia viou mathisis (κέντρα διά βίου μάθησης)

Lifelong learning centres (kentra dia viou mathisis – KDVM) are providers of non-formal education, general adult education, continuing vocational training, vocational guidance and counselling.

Lower secondary education school leaving certificate- apolytirio gymnasiou (απολυτήριο γυμνασίου)

Lower secondary school graduates are awarded a title called apolytirio gymnasiou (lower secondary education school leaving certificate).  This certificate includes information on the final mark, as well as the analytical grades per course that the pupil has achieved.  It is a prerequisite for entrance in lykeio (upper secondary education school).

Lower secondary school - gymnasio (γυμνάσιο)

Compulsory secondary education is offered at the lower secondary school (gymnasio), day (imerisio gymnasio) and evening (esperino gymnasio).  The enrollment age of pupils in grade A of gymnasio is 12 years.  Attendance is compulsory, as long as the student has not exceeded 16 years of age.

Attendance is of three-year duration.  Lower secondary schools offering training and preparation for a specific vocational orientation are music lower secondary schools (mousika gymnasia), art lower secondary schools (kallitechnika gymnasia), Ecclesiastical lower secondary schools (ecclesiastika gymnasia).  In addition, gymnasia operate either applying experimental curricula, such as the model and experimental lower secondary schools (peiramatika gymnasia), or they are addressed to pupils with specific educational needs, such as the intercultural secondary education schools (gymnasia diapolitismikis ekpaidefsis), minority secondary education schools (meionotika gymnasia), lower secondary schools of special education and training (gymnasia eidikis agogis kai ekpaidefsis) and special vocational schools (epangelmatika gymnasia eidikis agogis).  There is also the european education school (scholeio evropaikis paideias), operating in Heraklion, Crete.

Master’s degree -  diploma metaptychiakon spoudon (δίπλωμα μεταπτυχιακών σπουδών)

Master’s degree (diploma metaptychiakon spoudon) is awarded to all students having completed successfully a second cycle study programme (post-graduate) in any higher education institution.

Minority schools - meionotika scholeia (μειονοτικά σχολεία)

Minority schools (meionotika scholeia) operate to cover the educational needs of Muslims residing in the geographical region of Thrace (Pomak, Roma and Turkish origin).  There are 173 Minority Schools, 169 of which are primary education schools.  The curriculum is bilingual and is carried out both in the Greek and Turkish language.

Pan-hellenic exams - panelladikes exetaseis (πανελλαδικές εξετάσεις)

Written exams at national level which give the right of access to higher education to students who have received the upper secondary school leaving certificate).

Pre-school - nipiagogeio (νηπιαγωγείο)

Pre-school (nipiagogeio) is part of primary education.  Nipiagogeio accepts children at the age of 4 and it is compulsory.

The all-day nipiagogeio operates in parallel to the mainstream nipiagogeio with a broadened daily schedule.  The aim is to fully prepare the child for primary school, support working parents and reinforce the role of state care in order to eliminate educational/social discrimination.

Primary school - dimotiko scholeio (δημοτικό σχολείο)

Six-year attendance at primary school (dimotiko scholeio), two-year prior attendance at pre-primary school (nipiagogeio) and the subsequent three-year attendance at lower secondary school (gymnasio) constitute the 11 year compulsory education in Greece. There is the regular timetable at dimotiko scholeio, all-day dimotiko scholeio with an extended schedule, as well as all day dimotiko scholeio implementing a single reformed education programme.  Organisational variations of dimotiko scholeio include model experimental school (peiramatiko dimotiko scholeio), minority primary school (meionotiko dimotiko scholeio), intercultural primary education school (dimotiko scholeio diapolitismikis ekpaidefsis), european education school (dimotiko scholeio evropaikis paideias), special education primary school (dimotiko scholeio eidikis agogis kai ekpaidefsis).

Reception classes and tutorial courses - taxeis ypodochis kai frontistiriaka tmimata (τάξεις υποδοχής και φροντιστηριακά τμήματα)

Reception classes and tutorial courses (taxeis ypodochis kai frontistiriaka tmimata) are addressed to foreigners and repatriated pupils and take place respectively within and outside the school timetable.  They are embedded in the Institution of ZEP.  This scheme allows school units in the country to provide additional teaching support to students who do not possess the necessary knowledge of the Greek language.

Remedial teaching - enischytiki didaskalia (ενισχυτική διδασκαλία)

Remedial teaching (enischytiki didaskalia) is applied in primary schools and in lower secondary schools (gymnasia).  The institution is available for pupils lagging behind in school performance, not being able to follow and participate effectively in the educational process or for any pupil wishing to improve his performance.

In primary school (dimotiko scholeio), remedial teaching covers the subjects of Language and Mathematics.

In lower secondary school (gymnasio), the subjects covered are Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Foreign Languages.

School committees - scholikes epitropes (σχολικές επιτροπές)

School committees (scholikes epitropes) are municipal legal entities of public law.  They are merged into two legal entities, one for primary education school units and one for secondary education school units (lower and upper).  Participation is mandatory for school heads, a representative from the parents' association, a pupil representative (for secondary education school units).  Scholikes epitropes are assigned the management of appropriations allocated to cover the operational expenses of primary and secondary education school and of any measure to support management of school units.

Second chance schools - scholeia defteris efkairias (σχολεία δεύτερης ευκαιρίας)

Second chance schools (scholeia defteris efkairias - SDE) are addressed to citizens above the age of 18 who have not completed compulsory education and are at the risk of social exclusion and marginalisation.  Through this institution, such population groups are offered the possibility of obtaining a lower secondary education certificate (apolytirio gymnasiou) and smoothly integrate themselves into the social, economic and professional structures.

Skill Development Workshops

The teaching unit entitled “Skill Development Workshops” is being introduced in the school curriculum and the weekly timetable of all types of compulsory education school units,  nursery schools, primary schools and lower secondary schools with a view to reinforcing the development of  students’ mild skills, life skills as well as technology and science skills . A decision of the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs, issued following a relevant proposal submitted by the Institute of Educational Policy, specifies the number, the duration and the content of the thematic cycles of each teaching  unit as well as those of the thematic units each thematic cycle comprises, the number and the specializations of  teachers who will be teaching the  said  thematic cycles and units , students’ assessment procedure and any other relevant issue, including the organization and implementation of relevant educational as well as supporting activities for the teachers involved.

Teacher education faculties - kathigitikes scholes (καθηγητικές σχολές)

As regards teaching in both compulsory and non-compulsory secondary education, candidate teachers receive initial education at the university departments across the country providing studies relevant to the cognitive fields included in the secondary education curricula.  Such departments belong to the so-called teacher education faculties (kathigitikes scholes).

Technological educational institute - technologiko ekpaideftiko idryma (τεχνολογικό εκπαιδευτικό ίδρυμα)

Technological educational institute (tehnologikο ekpaideftikο idryma - TEI) is a higher education institution operating as a legal entity under public law and enjoying full self-administration and academic freedom.  TEI is subject to state supervision and is financed by the government.  State supervision is carried out by the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs.  TEI gives emphasis to high quality education as well as to the applied character of science, technology and arts.  In this framework, TEI promotes the development of the appropriate theoretical background together with the development of high standard practice.  Compared to University studies, TEI studies have a more applied character.  Enrollment at TEI requires successful participation of candidates in the pan-hellenic exams (panelladikes exetaseis).

University - panepistimio (πανεπιστήμιο)

University (panepistimiο) is a higher education institution operating as a legal entity under public law and enjoying full self-administration and academic freedom.  Panepistimio is while it is subject to state supervision and it is financed by the government. State supervision is carried out by the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs.  Panepistimio gives emphasis to high quality education according to the demands of science, technology and arts taking into account the international scientific practice and the corresponding professional fields.  Enrollment at univesity requires successful participation of candidates in the pan-hellenic exams (panelladikes exetaseis).

Vocational training institute - institouto epangelmatikis katartisis (ινστιτούτο επαγγελματικής κατάρτισης)

Vocational training institute (institouto epangelmatikis katartisis - IEK) aims at providing services of initial and continuing vocational training to formal non-compulsory secondary education graduates, of general (geniko lykeio) and vocational upper secondary school (epangelmatiko lykeio).  IEK is classified as ISCED 4.

Specialisation degree - vocational upper secondary education leaving certificate - ptyhio eidikefsis / apolytirio epangelmatikou lykeiou – (πτυχίο ειδίκευσης / απολυτήριο επαγγελματικού λυκείου)

By means of intra-school exams, vocational upper secondary school (epangelmatiko lykeio) graduates are awarded the following:

  1. A specialisation degree (ptyhio eidikefsis) of level 3, enabling them to be granted a profession practicing license and work in the private or public sector; this degree does not give the holders access to tertiary education
  2. A school leaving certificate (apolytirio epangelmatikou lykeiou), equivalent to the one awarded by the general upper secondary school, which offers the holders the following options:
  • To follow higher education after taking the national exams (pan-hellenic exams) on an equal number of subjects as the general upper secondary school (geniko lykeio)
  • To enrol in vocational training institute (institouto epangelmatikis katartisis), in a specialisation corresponding to the one they had selected at school.

Vocational upper secondary education school - epangelmatiko lykeio (επαγγελματικό λύκειο)

Vocational upper secondary education school (epangelmatikο lykeiο - EPAL) offers vocational non-compulsory secondary education:

Day vocational upper secondary school (imerisio epangelmatiko lykeio - EPAL): it lasts 3 years and includes grades Α, Β and C.  An 'apprenticeship class' is provided as an option after successful completion of grade C.

Evening vocational upper secondary school (esperino epangelmatiko lykeio - EPAL): attendance lasts 3 years.  Esperino EPAL is offered as a support structure for working students.