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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Guidance and counselling in higher education


12.Educational support and guidance

12.6Guidance and counselling in higher education

Last update: 28 March 2024

Academic Guidance

Academic guidance is available to all students, within career centres as well as services provided by international relations offices. Future students need to be supported in the choice of their studies by providing them with reliable information on study programmes and study requirements. To this end, institutions are preparing information booklets that provide information on programmes offered by faculties with learning outcomes. Additional information about programmes, opportunities for progression are provided at career centres and by competent services within the faculties.

Career Guidance

Career guidance is available at the University of Montenegro within the Career Centre. Career Centres offer information about careers, guidance and counselling to all students in the fields they study at faculties. The work of the Career Centre is also concerned with linking and cooperation of students with the business sector, by means of finding opportunities for internship and potential work engagements. The Centre aims to enable students to become familiar with the business environment and acquire work experience during their studies, in order to be more competitive on the labour market after graduation. Also, the Centre provides students with information about opportunities offered within mobility programmes, and in cooperation with the International Cooperation Centre finds the best options for continuing studies or stay at universities abroad.

The Career Centre aims to provide students with additional ways of career improvement and development, through workshops, trainings and seminars.

Within the project “Support and inclusion of students with disabilities at higher education institutions in Montenegro”, in partnership with the Association of Youth with Disabilities of Montenegro (which coordinates this service), Advisory Office for Students with Disabilities at Montenegrin universities and independent faculties has been formed.