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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Other education staff or staff working in higher education


10.Management and other education staff

10.6Other education staff or staff working in higher education

Last update: 8 March 2024

Tertiary professional schools

As at lower educational levels, the education staff responsible for guidance and other education staff is employed at tertiary professional schools (vyšší odborné školy). Inspection activities are carried out by the Czech School Inspectorate staff.

Higher education institutions

Guidance staff at higher education institutions

The number and categories of staff of a higher education counselling centre is not set by the law and is under the responsibility of the higher education institution (vysoká škola). It is determined by the type of the centre: centres providing only psychological and pedagogical-psychological guidance have psychologists whose workload is divided between teaching and counselling. The same holds true for centres providing study-related and career management guidance and counselling, except that the staff do not always have a qualification in psychology. The reality is different in counselling and guidance centres with university-wide coverage. They usually employ full-time staff that do not teach, and hire external specialists for some of the work.

Counsellors are required to be qualified psychologists. A Master's degree in psychology or Master's study programme in combination with psychology is required. The qualification of psychiatrists providing services to university students is also required. However, as regards the state of other specialisations in the area of university guidance, the situation in the initial or in-service training has not quite been resolved as of yet.

In the context of the developmental programmes of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, further education of guidance staff is supported.

In 2009, a course was implemented for the academic guidance and counselling staff, which was organized by Charles University in Prague. Guidance and counselling staff from 15 Czech universities participated in the course.

Other staff working at higher education institutions

In higher education institutions (vysoké školy), there is no generally binding regulation stipulating how many and what kind of staff apart from academic, administration and management staff should work in these institutions; the determining of this lies within the responsibility of the institution. The professional profile of non-education staff is therefore diverse and differs depending on the institution's area of specialisation. There are:

  • scientific, research and development experts, who do not teach
  • professional advisors
  • administrative staff
  • librarians, archivists
  • programmers
  • lab workers, medical staff, people working in school farms and forests, sound and TV engineers at institutions providing art education, computer specialists in computerised rooms and other areas etc.
  • the manual professions include maintenance staff, drivers, cooks in dining halls, cleaners, animal keepers, mechanical engineers etc.

Their numbers fluctuate depending on budgetary resources.

Working conditions for the non-education/non-academic staffs are governed by the same regulations as are valid for education/academic staff of a particular school/institution or school facility. They are regulated mainly by the Labour Code and the Act on Higher Education.