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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Teaching and learning in follow-up and shortened study


6.Upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education

6.8Teaching and learning in follow-up and shortened study

Last update: 8 August 2024

Curriculum, subjects, number of hours

The reform of the curriculum took place in follow-up and shortened study, as well as at all lower levels of education. New framework education programmes (FEPs) were gradually published by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. School education programmes (SEPs) were prepared on the basis of the FEPs by individual schools.


TThe follow-up study (nástavbové studium) leading to acquisition of upper secondary education with Maturita examination takes place in separate courses.      

Some of these courses are similar to those leading to acquisition of upper secondary education with VET certificate, while others are different. The succession of the follow-up study courses and the three-year courses of upper secondary education with the VET certificate has been set by the Government Regulation on the System of Fields of Studies. Two of the follow-up courses are intended for all the school leavers from the three-year courses of upper secondary education with VET certificate (educational fields Business Enterprise and Security Services).

Pupils who, at the beginning of their upper secondary education coose to study in a three-year field of education with the VET certificate are thus enabled to continue their studies in two-year follow-up field of education. After five years of study successful graduates hold a VET certificate (výuční list) as well as a Maturita examination (maturitní zkouška) report.

Separate framework education programmes have been published for the follow-up study in 2009, 2010 and 2012.

According to the FEPs for follow-up study, the follow-up study is a form of adult education designed for school leavers of three-year courses leading to a VET certificate and represents. Its aim is to develop learners' competencies, which they have acquired in the three-year educational programmes, to the level of secondary education completed with Maturita examination and enhance their professional qualifications. The FEP structure is similar to the FEPs for other fields of education, although some parts are adapted to the needs and conditions of follow-up study.

Key competences in the FEPs, follow-up those set in the FEPs for fields of upper secondary education completed with a VET certificate.

FEPs define binding content of general and vocational education and expected educational outcomes. The educational content is divided into compulsory and optional educational areas (e.g. language education, ICT education, social science education, economic education, vocational education) and circles of contents.

On the basis of which the school elaborates in the school education programme content of subjects, alternatively of modules and other educational activities.

Educational areas

Some educational areas are common to all education programmes of follow-up study:

  • Czech language
  • foreign language
  • aesthetics
  • health education

Compulsorily optional educational areas serve to deepen general education according to the needs of the field and to ensure the preparation of pupils for the standardised (state) part of the Maturita examination. Compulsorily optional always is:

  • civics and social sciences education
  • science education
  • IT education
  • mathematics education, provided that mathematics is not listed as a separate subject

Language education

All fields include the teaching of at least one foreign language, with two of them including the teaching of two foreign languages (Gastronomy and Sports and fitness massage      fields od study).

School leavers are expected to possess the ability to effectively communicate in at least one foreign language in everyday interactions within a foreign-language environment. They should be capable of utilizing a foreign language for basic work-related communication, including managing professional terminology, following work instructions, and comprehending simpler vocational texts. Education in the first foreign language builds on the output level of a three-year secondary education leading to a VET certificate, where the school leaver of this field of study should achieve according to the FEP the level of A2+ of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Follow-up studies end with the Maturita examination in a foreign language, for the successful completion of which a B1 language level is required. Education in another foreign language builds on the output level of a three-year secondary education leading to a VET certificate stipulated for another foreign language, where the school leaver should achieve the level of A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, and aims to achieve at least the level A1+.

The Ministry of Education can authorise any school (based on the application) to teach selected subjects in a foreign language in all grades.

IT education

The educational area "IT education" is part of the FEPs for all fields of study. The general goal of IT education is to lead students to the ability to recognize IT aspects of the world and to use information from IT to understand and think about natural and artificial systems and processes, to the ability to solve various work and life situations, to purposefully and systematically choose and apply optimal procedures. Teaching computer science contributes to a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of ICT and the principles on which they work, thereby facilitating their use. ICT is also mentioned in the FEPs as a cross-curricular theme: Peolpe and the Digital World. Digital competence is one of the key competences of a graduate.


Shortened study (zkrácené studium) for acquiring secondary education with the Maturita examination (středního vzdělání s maturitní zkouškou) and shortened study for acquiring secondary education leading to a VET certificate (středního vzdělání s výučním listem) may be carried out in the courses of upper secondary education which the school has registered in the register of schools and school facilities (i.e. in the fields of regular (full-length) upper secondary education completed with a Maturita examination and the fields of secondary education completed with a VET certificate).

There is no separate FEPs for shortened study; SEPs are created according to the FEPs for the relevant full-length study fields. The SEP for the shortened study can be developed separately or as a part of the SEP for the full-length study. The FEP sets the length of the shortened study in the given field and in the part that deals with the development of the SEPs, the principles for the creation of the SEP for the shortened course.

In shortened study, only education in the vocational component of education takes place, given that the pupil has already successfully completed the general component of education in the previous study.

Among other things, FEPs stipulate that:

  • all content areas of vocational education are included in shortened courses
  • foreign language education (of at least one language) is mandatory in fields where the knowledge of languages matters for the success of school leavers in the employment market (e.g. in tourism, gastronomy, services and transport). Depending on the school's resources and learners' interests, it is recommended to include foreign language education also in other than above mentioned fields of studies. It is also desirable, as recommended by the EU and as the programme for support of the study of languages of the Ministry of Education, for learners to learn a foreign languages other than the ones they studied at basic school (základní škola) and upper secondary school (střední škola). It is possible to organise the teaching of selected subjects in a foreign language
  • Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) education is carried out in an applied form and in relation to the needs of vocational education in the particular field

Example timetable of a follow-up course

Example timetable of a follow-up course according to FEP

From FEP for course 41-44-L/51 Horticulture (Zahradnictví)

Duration and form of education: 2 years, on-site courses

Educational Areas and Contents Minimum number of teaching hours during the study
Weekly Total
Language education    
- Czech language 3 96
- Foreign language 6 192
Mathematical education 6 192
Aesthetics 3 96
Education for health 4 128
IT education 1 32
Economic education 1 32
Basics of horticultural production 6 192
Growing fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants 11 352
Orcharding and landscape architecture 5 160
Machinery and devices in horticulture 2 64
Disposable teaching hours 16 512
Total 64 2 048


  1. The number of compulsory teaching hours per week is at least 29, the maximum number of teaching hours is determined by the Education Act, Section 26, Paragraph 2.
  2. The framework curriculum timetable of the educational content is the basis for the development of the SEP. The subjects (modules) created on the basis of the educational areas and contents set by the FEP are included into the SEP timetable. The educational areas and contents and the minimum number of teaching hours are binding; the observance of these in the SEP must be demonstrable.
  3. Disposable hours are intended for profiling of the SEP, implementing the cross-curricular themes, strengthening of the time allocation to individual educational areas and contents, supporting the interest orientation of pupils, and the teaching of another foreign language.
  4. To make the education successful, it is necessary to set up conditions for acquirement of required practical skills and activities in the form of exercises (in laboratories, workshops, special classrooms, simulated companies, etc.), VET practice or practical training. Pupils can be divided into groups for the exercises, VET practice and practical training, especially for the reason of the protection of work health and safety and sanitary requirements according to valid regulations. The content of practical activities is based on the educational and content areas of the framework education programme, especially for growing fruit, vegetables and ornamental plants and orcharding and landscape architecture.
  5. Work practice in the minimum extent of 2 weeks during the whole education must be included in the SEP. Work practice is organised in accordance with valid legal regulations. Part of professional practice can be performed even during the holidays in the range not exceeding 2 weeks.
  6. In the SEP, physical education must be included in every grade of daily form of education, with a minimum requirement of 2 lessons per week. However, physical education is typically not included in forms of education other than the daily form, unless it is specifically required by the nature of vocational training.
  7. The average number of teaching hours per week in a classroom is set, taking into account the necessary division of classes into groups for theoretical and practical teaching, in the range specified in the current wording of the government regulation establishing the maximum number of teaching hours financed from the state budget for basic schools, secondary schools and conservatories established by a region, municipality or union of municipalities.

(Source: Framework Education Programmes for Vocational Upper Secondary Education.)

Teaching methods and materials

Information on teaching methods and materials – Teaching methods and materials in upper secondary education.