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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Validation of non-formal and informal learning


8.Adult education and training

8.5Validation of non-formal and informal learning

Last update: 27 November 2023

The system of validation and recognition of results from previous education is based on the Act n. 179/2006 Coll., on Verification and Recognition of Further Education Results. Recognition of further education is also dealt with in the Act n. 561/2004 Coll. on Pre-primary, Basic, Secondary, Tertiary Professional and Other Education (Education Act).

The Act on Verification and Recognition defines further education as any education that is not an initial education. The National Qualification System, stipulated by this law brings a relevant form of defining further education objectives and outcomes.

According to the Act, "professional qualifications" and "complete professional qualifications" are distinguished. The professional qualifications usually make part of the complete professional qualifications. The same professional qualification may be a part of two or more complete professional qualifications.

Examinations under the Act on the Recognition of Further Education Results are based on requirements stated in assessment standards set for individual professional qualifications. The examination takes place in front of an authorised person or, if the assessment standard stipulates it, an examination board of two or three members who are authorised persons. The examination is public. Anybody who is at least 18 years old and has acquired at least basics of education (základy vzdělání, ISCED 244), or is a participant of retraining can take the examination.

Successful passing of the examination is documented by a certificate on attainment of a professional qualification, which lists not only attained professional skills and their relation to the occupation, but also the information on corresponding level of the European Qualifications Framework.

Successful passing of examinations of professional qualifications that in summary certify the attainment of all professional skills set by the National Qualifications System for performing of a certain occupation, enables, according to the Education Act, all who attained at least basic education to acquire the level of education without prior education at upper secondary school (střední škola), as well as prior successful passing of the examinations in all the subjects or other elements of education. Successful passing of the VET final examination (závěrečná zkouška), Maturita examination (maturitní zkouška) or graduation examination in conservatoire (absolutorium v konzervatoři) in corresponding field of education is necessary.

The Education Act introduced a possibility to recognise previous educational attainment, even partially, for admission procedure or for receiving certificate on completed study. Previous education has to be justified by documentary evidence of such education or by any other form of proof and must be within ten years of completion of this education. An individual demonstrates the knowledge achieved through such education in an examination specified by the school head. If the education is recognised, the school head can excuse the pupil from lessons and assessment within the scope of the recognised education.

According to the Education Act, anybody who has acquired at least basic education (základní vzdělání) and is not an upper secondary school pupil, can take individual examination in the upper secondary school or in tertiary professional school (vyšší odborné školy). The individual examination corresponds to the VET final examination, graduate examination (absolutorium), profile part of the Maturita examination in given subject or standardised part of the Maturita examination in subject that is taught in the school. The individual examinations can be taken even without prior education, with the exception of practical training which prepares the pupil for practical examination. The pupil can be excused from such training in case he/she has evidence of previous practice.

Passing of the individual examination in principle enables anybody to verify his/her knowledge and skills in a given subject or field and to receive a formal document on such education. It is not important in which way the knowledge and skills were acquired. The motive for taking such examination may be e.g. the attempt of an applicant to prove to the (future) employer his/her knowledge and skills in the extent of the examination (e.g. passing of the individual examination of the subject "Accounting" in the extent of the educational content of a Business Academy for a leaver of another field of education).

The proof of passing the examination is the certificate on individual examination. Successful passing of the examination does not lead to acquiring a level of education. In case of health fields, it does not lead to the qualification necessary for performance of an occupation in health fields.

It is possible to acquire a level of education without prior education in an upper secondary school or tertiary professional school. The prerequisite is successful completion of examinations in all subjects or other elements set by the educational programme for all the grades of relevant education, and successful passing of VET final examination, Maturita examination or graduate examination.

In some fields, it is possible to pass state examinations without the necessity of previous attending relevant education, courses, etc. It is the case of e.g. state language examinations, or the state examinations in graphic disciplines, i.e. typing, computer-based text processing or stenography, etc., organised by the National Pedagogical Institute.