Key features of the education system
The provision of free of charge education for all citizens and at all levels of the public education system is a constitutional principle of the Greek State.
The Greek educational system is highly centralised, as education policy is drawn up at top level and implemented pursuant national laws, presidential decrees and ministerial acts (l. 4823/2021 "School upgrade, teacher empowerment and other provisions").
Central level
The central administrative body for the education system across all fields, agencies and levels is the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports
The Ministry is the competent body for making the key decisions related to long-term objectives. It also regulates various issues, such as curricula content, staff recruitment and funding.
The Institute of Educational Policy (IEP) and the Youth and Lifelong Learning Foundation - INEDIVIM are key scientific bodies of the Ministry.
Regional and local levels
At regional level, the regional education directorates of primary and secondary education oversee the implementation of the national educational policy.
At local level, the directorates of primary and secondary education supervise all schools in their area. In their turn, school units make sure they run smoothly.
As regards the teaching profession, there is a high level of qualification for all levels of education. Teaching staff comprises higher education graduates.
The main pathway to teaching in primary schools is to obtain a 4-year degree in a pedagogical department.
In secondary schools, most teachers hold a 4 or 5-year subject-based degree at a teacher education faculty.
Stages of the formal education system
Compulsory education lasts 11 years and extends from the ages of 4 to 15. The stages of the formal Greek education are mainly 6:
1) Early childhood education and care (ECEC)
In greece there is no legal entitlement before the age of four. Early childhood education and care (ECEC) settings provide for ages from 2 months old up to 4 years, attendance is optional. ECEC settings include: infant centres (vrefikoi stathmoi), infant/child centres (vrefonipiakoi stathmoi) and child centres (paidikoi stathmoi) Centre-based education and care falls under the municipal authorities, the Ministry of Social Cohesion and Family and the Ministry of Interior.
2) Primary education
Compuslosry education in Greece starts at the age of 4. Primary education includes pre-schools (nipiagogeio) and primary schools, that can be either public or private.
Pre-school education-Nursery (Nipiagogeio)
Pre-school education for ages 4 to 5 (Nipiagogeio) in Greece is part of primary education and has become compulsory for all 4-5 year-old children, since school year 2021/2022.
Primary school (Dimotiko scholeio)
Primary education is provided at primary schools (dimotiko scholeio). In Greece it lasts for six years and it addresses children in the age range of 6-12 years.
Since school year 2016/17, as regards primary education schools (of four or more classes) the school curriculum is unified with a newly revised daily timetable. Within this framework, all pre-schools and primary schools provide an optional all-day programme. There are one-teacher, two-teacher and three-teacher primary schools, depending on the number of pupils. Apart from mainstream education schools, as regards structure there, also are other types of primary schools such as Experimental primary schools, Intercultural education primary schools and special education primary schools.
2) Secondary education
Secondary education includes two cycles of study:
Lower secondary education (Gymnasio, public or private)
The first cycle is compulsory and corresponds to gymnasio (lower secondary school). Lower secondary education is provided in general education schools or in vocational education schools. It lasts for three years and covers ages from 12 to 15. Attendance at general lower secondary schools is a prerequisite for enrolling at general or vocational upper secondary schools. Upper secondary education is provided in either day schools (imerisio gymnasio) or evening schools (esperino gymnasio), that operate in parallel. The latter address working students or adults. Attendance in evening schools start at the age of 14 and lasts 3 years, as well. Evening secodary schools operate between 6:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. and follow a curriculum similar to day lower secondary schools.
Upper secondary education (Lykeio)
The second cycle lasts for 3 years and is comprised of the optional general or vocational upper secondary school (geniko or epangelmatiko lykeio). Students enrol in garde 1 of upper secondary education at the age of 15. As in lower secondary education there is:
- the general upper secondary school (geniko lykeio), that lasts 3 years and includes both common core subjects and optional subjects of specialisation (three orientation course groups) and
- the secondary vocational education school (epangelmatiko lykeio). Upper secondary vocational education is provided in:
- Vocational upper secondary schools (EPAL), day or evening,
- Model vocational upper secondary schools,
- Laboratory Centres -Vocational Training centres
Unified special vocational secondary schools (gymnasio-lykeio)
There are two cycles in secondary vocational education:
(a) The 1st cycle is part of the formal education system and consists of grades 1, 2 and 3 of upper secondary education,
(b) The 2nd cycle refered to as an additional “apprenticeship class” is optional and is post-secondary. The apprenticeship class is basically a dual system as it is both work-based and learning based and lasts for a year.
The school leaving cerificate (apolytirio) fromevening lower and upper secondary education schools is equiovalent to those of day schools.
Other types of schools in secondary education, apart from special education schools, minority schools and experimental schools, as described above in primary education, are arts and music schools, model schools and ecclesiastical schools. Admission to Model schools is after special exams held each year, under the supervision of the Steering Committee for Model and Experimental Schools (l. 4692/20)
It should be noted that Special vocational education and training like general education is compulsory and operates as an integral part of a unified public and free of charge education system. The aim is to help students with disabilities and special education needs to develop and to enable them to participate as far as possible independent human beings in social and professional life.
3) Second chance schools (SDE)
SDE are public schools for adults, operating in the framework of lifelong learning strategy. The target is learners aged 18 years or older, who have not completed the eleven years of compulsory education and hold the primary school leaving certificate. Attendance lasts for 2 school years and is provided free of charge. The weekly timetable covers 21 teaching hours and is held in the aftrenoon from 4:30 or 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 or 9:00 p.m.
4) Post lower secondary vocational education and training, level 3 of the National Qualifications Framework -ΝQF
Post lower secondary vocational education and training is provided in:
- Vocational training schools (ESK)
- Vocational apprenticeship schools (EPAS) of the Public Employment Service (DYPA) which is under the competence of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security.
Additionally, there is fprovision for future establishment of Vocational Education and Training Centres (EEK)
Attendance lasts 2 years and includes grades A and B. Holders of the lower secondary school graduation certificate, or equivalent, can enroll in grade A, without exams. ESK can be public or private, day or evening. EPAS are public.
5) Post-secondary vocational education and training, level 5 of the National Qualifications Framework (ΝQF)
Post-secondary vocational education and training is provided in:
a. Higher vocational training schools (SAEK)
b. In the apprenticeship class - that is one additional post-secondary year following upper secondary vocational education and training
a. SAEK provide initial vocational training to graduates from upper secondary schools, i.e. general upper secondary schools (GEL), vocational upper secondary schools (EPAL), as well as holders of equivalent certificates/degrees. Vocational training lasts 4-5 semesters. For EPAL graduates and holders of equivalent vocational certificates or degrees, vocational training may last 2-3 semesters. SAΕΚ may be public or private. Recent policy measures establish Experimental vocational SAEK, and SAEK in detention centres.
SAEK provide learning in two different sectors: a) the vocational training sector and b) the vocational development and counselling sector
b. The post-secondary year - apprenticeship class provides initial vocational training to graduates from upper secondary vocational schools, or holders of equivalent certificates or degrees, who have a basic level of knowledge, skills and competences. The post-secondary – apprenticeship programme lasts 11 months and awards a Level 5 (NQF) Specialty Diploma in accordance with the National Qualifications Framework.
Continuous vocational training is offered by providers such as:
- Centres for Lifelong Learning (KDVM) of l. 4763/2020 and l. 5082/2024 on the Empowerment of the National System of Vocational Education & Training.
- Chambers of Commerce and Industry
- Employment Promotion Centres (KPA of DYPA)
- Companies providing educational programmes and training seminars
6) Higher education
Higher education is the last level of the formal education system. Most undergraduate degree programmes take 4 academic years of full-time study.
Postgraduate courses last from one to two years, while doctorates at least 3 years.
HE comprises:
The university sector (panepistimio):
- Universities (AEI)
- Technical Universities
- The Athens School of Fine Arts (ASKT).
- The technological sector of Higher Education includes the former higher technological educational institutes
ATEI (Anotera Technologika ekpaideftika idrymata) - The Higher School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (ASPETE), a higher educational institution in the technological sector. ASPETE graduates acquire a degree entitling teaching qualification per subject specialisation in secondary education schools
Finally, pursuant l. 5094/2024 on the empowerment of public HEIs foresees the operation of foreign non-profit branches of foreign universities.
Lifelong learning (LLL)
Lifelong learning policy in Greece is part of a wider development plan. Law 4763/2020 and the recent l. 5082/2024 aim at further reforming Lifelong Learning structures and facilitating the implementation of LLL policy. The General Secretariat for Vocational Education, Training and Lifelong Learning plans the public policy of LLL . Non-formal education can lead to certifications recognised at national level. Lifelong learning is mainly provided at:
- In Second Chance Schools - SDE (Scholeia defteris efkairias)
- Higher Vocational Training schools - SAEK (Institouta epangelmatikis katartisis)
- Vocational Training Schools, ESK and Vocational Training Apprentiship Schools, EPAS of DYPA (Epangelmatikes Scoles Katartisis and Epangelmatikes scholes Mathitias DYPA)
- Public Lifelonglearning Centres, KDVM (Dimosia Kentra dia viou mathisis)
- the Hellenic Open University
- Kollegia (colleges).
- The National Centre for Public Administration and Local Government (EKDDA), that offers non-formal learning to the working staff of the public sector.
With Law 4763/2020 introduces the National System for Education and Training which is developed along the lines of levels 3, 4 and 5 of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF). LLL structures included in the formal education system are Second Chance Schools (SDE) and Higher Vocational Training SChools (SAEK). The reform provides for the creation of post-secondary non-compulsory schools for ages between 16 to 23 (ESK and EPAS) which are included in the formal education system.
Public Centres for Lifelong learning (KDVM) and colleges are part of the non-formal education system.
Useful links
The Eurydice Description of National Education Systems provides comprehensive and comparable information. The following websites may also be of assistance:
- Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports
- Institute of Educational Policy
- τhe Panhellenic School Network(PSD)
- the Youth and Lifelong Learning Foundation (INEDIVIM)
- the National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance
- the Hellenic Statistical Authority under the section “Population and Social Conditions”
- OECD’s Educational Policy Outlook Profile for Greece
For a brief description of the Hellenic education system, please consult the following schematic diagram:
Structure of the national education system
Please refer to the Eurydice Data and Visuals for a display of the Structure of the National Education System
Common european reference tools provided by the Eurydice network
- National Student Fee and Support Systems
- The Organisation of the Academic Year in Higher Education
- The Organisation of School Time in Europe (primary and general secondary education)
- Recommended Annual Instruction Time in Full-Time Compulsory Education in Europe (presented by grades/stages for full time compulsory education as well as by subject and country)
- Teachers and School Heads Salaries and Allowances in Europe (salaries and allowances of teachers and school heads at pre-primary, primary, lower secondary and upper secondary education levels).