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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice



Last update: 27 November 2023
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висока школа струковних студија – college of applied studies

An independent higher education institution entitled to organize first and second-cycle study programmes (vocational studies at Bachelor, Master and specialized levels).

вртић – kindergarten

Preschool education and care institution for children from 3 to 5 ½ years old.

гимназија – gymnasium, high school

General secondary education school, intended for students who complete primary education, lasting 4 years and usually followed by higher education enrolment.

додатна настава – additional classes

Classes for students with special skills, talents or interests in particular subjects.

допунска настава – supplementary classes

Classes for students who need learning support.

допунски испит – supplementary exam

Exam for students transferring from one school programme to another.

издвојенo одељењe – separate department

A branch of the main school, a special school units for pupils living in rural and less-populated areas, established and located at a reasonable distance from a child’s home.

индивидуални образовни план – individual education plan

An individualized document for children/pupils/students with additional educational needs and/or disabilities, consisted of needs assessment and suggestions for improving physical or teaching and learning barriers, including the revision and adjustment of curriculum and learning outcomes if necessary.

јаслице – nursery

Preschool education and care institution for children from 6 months to 3 years old.

мала матура – final exam

Exam taken at the end of primary education, necessary for primary school completion and secondary school enrolment.

матурски испит – graduation exam

Exam that assesses competences acquired during secondary school and is compulsory for all students at the end of the 4th grade of general secondary education. Students have to pass this exam in order to graduate from secondary school. It consists of two parts: general part, which comprises a test and essay in the Serbian/Native Language and Literature for all students, and either Mathematics or Foreign Language, depending on the stream opted by the student (Social or Natural Sciences): and individual part, where students have to write their graduation paper (Maturski rad) in the field of any subject they choose.

матурски рад – graduation paper

A paper that students are required to write at the end of their secondary education in order to graduate from high school.

мешовита средња школa – mixed secondary school

Schools that offer a combination of general and vocational secondary education. These schools commonly exist in small towns, usually as the only locally available schools.

одељенска заједница – classroom meetings

Meetings of the class within the school hours when students and their class teacher discuss all current issues or topics of school life.

поправни испит – makeup exam

Exam which is required for students who have up to two unsatisfactory grades at the end of a school year. If the students do not pass these exams, they have to repeat the grade.

предметна настава – subject teaching

Organization of teaching for pupils from 5th to 8th grade of primary school, characterized by subjects taught by different teachers, specialized in a particular field, and one teacher (class teacher) serving as the main teacher and being responsible for leading the class.

пријемни испит – entrance exam

The exam required for enrolling in higher education institutions as well as specialised high schools.

припремна настава – preparatory classes

Classes for students who are going to take their graduation exam, grade exam or makeup exam.

припремни предшколски програм – preparatory preschool programme

Mandatory programme for children from 5 ½ to 6 ½ years old, realized at preschool education and care insittuions or primary schools.

разредна настава – class teaching

Organization of teaching for pupils from 1st to 4th grade of primary school, characterized by one teacher being in charge for each class and responsible for teaching all subjects, except language classes and some optional classes.

разредни испит – grade exam

Exam which is required for students who do not have marks at the end of a semester (e.g. due to absence during a semester). If the students do not pass these exams, they have to repeat the grade. The grade exam is also intended for home-teaching and distance-learning pupils.

средња стручна школа – secondary vocational school

Vocational secondary education school, intended for students who complete primary education, lasting 3 or 4 years and providing students with practical skills needed for entering the labour market.

средња школа за образовање одраслих – secondary adult education school

General or vocational.

средња школа за специјално образовање - special education secondary schools

Special schools for students who cannot participate in regular schools. Students with disabilities are encouraged to participate in regular schools when possible.

уметничка средња школа – secondary art school

Most commonly music and ballet schools. These schools can be mixed schools with both art and general education subjects. Alternatively, students may enroll an art school and another general or vocational secondary school at the same time.

универзитет – university

An independent higher education institution, which can carry out academic, and/or vocational/applied study programmes at each of the three levels of study. Faculties and art academies are constituent parts of university and – albeit separate legal entities - cannot exist independently. Both faculties and art academies can carry out academic and/or vocational/applied study programmes at all of the three levels of study.