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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National reforms in early childhood education and care


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.1National reforms in early childhood education and care

Last update: 29 March 2024
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There have been no reforms up to date in this area.


There have been no reforms up to date in this area.


One of the most relevant national projects in this area in 2022 has been Inclusive Early Childhood Education and Care Project. This project has been carried out by the Serbian Ministry of Education with the support of the World Bank. The Project has been directed towards improving access to quality and equality of the early childhood education and care services for all children aged 3 to 6.5 years, especially those from socially and economically disadvantaged backgrounds. The main goal of the project is to improve the availability and ECEC for every child. One of the main indicators is improvement of the quality and availability of ECEC by 2025 through strengthened institutional capacities, management (public-private partnerships and other aspects), the general coordination at the national, regional and local levels, but also teachers’ competencies related to the inclusive preschool pedagogy. Major components of the project are: 

  • Component 1: Expanding the supply of preschools spaces 
  • Component 2: Strengthening the quality of preschool services 
  • Component 3: Supporting young children and families 

One of the announced bylaws in 2022 was the Bylaw on the type, name, content and appearance of the records and public documents and the manner of their management, completion and issuance in ECEC institutions. This document defines relevant aspects and different forms of records and pedagogical documentation, as well as the manner of keeping, completing and issuing them in the ECEC institutions and other institutions which carry out the preparatory preschool programme. 

Additionally, according to the Amendments of the Law on the Education System Foundations, the preparatory preschool program can be implemented by a classroom teacher as well. Namely, due to the small number of children, it is not possible to form an educational group, so children join the pupils of the combined class in primary school.  

Also, according to the Amendments of the Law on Preschool Education, the unique educational number represents an individual and unrepeatable designation that consists of 16 characters and is assigned to a child, in accordance with the Law. Information about the unique educational number is being entered in the records kept by the preschool institution in printed and/or electronic form, as well as in the forms of public documents issued in accordance with the Law.