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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Quality assurance in adult education and training


11.Quality assurance

11.3Quality assurance in adult education and training

Last update: 27 November 2023

Responsible Bodies

Since adult education is often provided in regular primary and secondary schools, responsible bodies for quality assurance within adult education are same as those described in Quality Assurance in Early Childhood and School Education section. The body that is primarily focused on adult education and training is the Centre for Vocational and Adult Education, as part of the Institute for the Improvement of Education. The Centre is responsible for determining the standards within adult education, preparation of curricula and final exam programme, determining the standards of textbooks and teaching materials and assessing the fulfilment of all standards through quality assurance procedures. The Centre corresponds to the Council for Vocational and Adult Education within the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, which is responsible for determining the standards related to adult education and training. Institute for Education Quality and Evaluation is responsible for preparation of general and special achievement standards for adult education.

In addition, the Agency for Education and Care is responsible for recognition of learner’s previous learning experience, in accordance with international instruments and standards, evaluation of adult education process and validation of foreign diploma. 

Approaches and Methods for Quality Assurance

The methods and approaches are same as for Early Childhood and School Education since the most providers of adult education activities are regular primary and secondary vocational schools.

However, Serbian legislative recognizes also publicly recognized providers of adult education activities in accordance with the Bylaw on Detailed Conditions Concerning the Program, Staff, Space, Equipment and Teaching Aids for Acquiring the Status of Publicly Accredited Providers of Adult Education. By this bylaw, primary school, secondary school or other institutions and organizations can acquire status of publicly accredited providers of adult education. The accreditation process includes assessment of programs, staff competences and qualifications, teaching methods, aids and space with the aim to ensure quality in this area.


The accreditation body is Agency for National qualification Framework and providers of Adult Education activities can apply with training and re-training programs in specific area, but also programs dedicated to development of key competencies, career guidance and counselling of adult learners etc.