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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Support measures for learners in adult education and training


12.Educational support and guidance

12.7Support measures for learners in adult education and training

Last update: 27 November 2023

Definition of the Target Group(s)

The criteria for defining categories of adult learners are variable and depend on the type of the programme or learning activity in which a person is involved.

The Law on Adult Education defines 3 categories of different adult education programmes: 

  1. Primary adult education – for any person older than 15,
  2. Secondary programmes of vocational education – for those older than 17,
  3. Qualification programmes, informal education and informal learning, recognition of prior experience and counselling and guidance services – for all persons older than 18.

The Law envisages that the primary adult education is always provided free of charge. The other types of adult education are paid either by the adult learners themselves or by their employers, employment services or from other sources.


Specific Support Measures

The Law on Adult Education envisages the involvement of professional associates with their advisory work in the adult education activities. These associates promote adult education and provide professional assistance to participants, candidates and to those who implement adult education programmes.

Professional associates in adult education, according to the law are andragogues, psychologists and librarians.

Andragogues are specialists who are directly involved in adult education and training schemes. Their responsibility includes the following:

  • Evaluation of learners’ progress
  • Support to students with learning difficulties or those in any kind of life crisis
  • Identifying and supporting gifted learners
  • Identifying and overcoming barriers that prevent learners from participating in educational programmes 
  • Individual work with learners and participation in the realisation of individual education plans
  • Professional orientation, career guidance and counselling.

Also, according to the Bylaw on Pedagogical Assistant and Andragogical Assistant, an andragogical assistant provides:

  • support to adults during the process of enrolment in the education system and
  • assistance to employees in education and training programmes.

The main roles of an andragogical assistant are: informing adults on their educational opportunities, empowering  adults in the enrolment process, support in overcoming barriers (transport, communication with the local community), support in the learning process, participation in curricular and extracurricular activities defined by an annual school plan, assistance in achieving the targets and needs of some groups of adults, assistance in the implementation of individualized programmes of additional and supplementary classes, support in decision making of adults regarding the education and training programmes and keeping andragogical documentation and andragogical records.