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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Support measures for learners in adult education and training


12.Educational support and guidance

12.7Support measures for learners in adult education and training

Last update: 27 November 2023

Definition of the target group

Municipalities are obliged to provide adult education and adult education for students with intellectual disabilities. The Education Act states that the aim of municipal adult education is that adults should be supported and encouraged in their learning. They should be given opportunities to develop their knowledge and skills in order to strengthen their potential to gain employment or continue with further studies. The education should also promote personal development and be based on the individual's needs and circumstances. Those who have received the least education should be prioritised. 

For each student there should be an individual study plan. The plan must include information about the individual's educational goals and the planned scope of the studies. It is the responsibility of the adult education institution that each student receives support and education based on their individual educational goals, needs and circumstances.

Specific support measures

Municipalities are obliged to offer education for adults with intellectual disabilities (komvux som anpassad utbildning) and enable adults with physical disabilities to attend municipal adult education. Adults aged 20 or over with intellectual disabilities have the right to participate in education for adults with intellectual disabilities (komvux som anpassad utbildning) if they fulfill the preconditions set and they can benefit from this education. Students who lack knowledge which pupils normally gain in education for pupils with intellectual disabilities (anpassad grundskola) have the right to attend education for adults with intellectual disabilities if they can benefit from such an education.

The teaching is carried out individually as well as in groups. The aim of municipal education for adults with intellectual disabilities (komvux som anpassad utbildning) is to provide pupils with knowledge and skills equivalent to those taught in compulsary education for pupils with intellectual disabilities (anpassad grundskola) or the upper secondary school for pupils with severe intellectual disabilities (anpassad gymnasieskola). The education is provided as independent courses and, depending on level, follows the same curriculum as the compulsary school for pupils with intellectual disabilities (anpassad grundskola), the upper secondary school (gymnasieskola) and municipal adult education (kommunal vuxenutbildning). Specific syllabi and timetables apply. 

The municipalities are responsible for adult education at compulsary and upper secondary level, including any support measures that the students might need. Many municipalities have a specific support team for adult education that can offer specific support measures, including measures related to: 

  • Reading and writing
  • Dyslexia
  • Concentration difficulties
  • ADHD
  • Asperger Syndrome
  • Mental or physical impairment 

The support can include: 

  • Additional guidance
  • Study support
  • Necessary equipment
  • Counselling
  • Extended time for exams

Folk high schools (folkhögskolor) and adult education associations, providing educational group studies (studiecirklar), must provide facilities for persons with functional disabilities in order to receive financial support from the state for their work. Access and opportunities for persons with intellectual impairments are particularly important reasons for providing state support to folk high schools and adult education associations. There are also particular folk high school courses for adults with intellectual impairments. 

Swedish for Immigrants (Svenska för invandrare, SFI) is a basic course in the Swedish language and Swedish society for people whose native language is not Swedish. To qualify for SFI students must be over 16 years of age, be registered for population purposes in the municipality of study and have a full personal identity number. SFI is free of charge.

Education Act (Skollagen 2010:800)

The Discrimination Act (Diskrimineringslag 2008:567)