General Legislation
The Work Environment Act
Arbetsmiljölag (1977:1160) entered into force on 1 July 1978 and contains regulations about the obligations of employers and others responsible for safety, to prevent health problems and accidents at work. It also contains regulations about the cooperation between employer and employee regarding health and safety issues. An non-official English translation of the Work Environment Act.
The Discrimination Act
Diskrimineringslag (2008:567) entered into force on 1 January 2009. It contains regulations against discrimination and to promote equal rights and opportunities regardless of sex, transgender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, disability, sexual orientation or age. (A non-official English translation of the Discrimination Act).
The Administrative Procedure Act
Förvaltningslag (1986:223) entered into force on 1 January 1987. It applies to the handling of matters by the administrative authorities and the handling of administrative matters by the courts. It also apply to other kinds of administrative activity within these authorities.
Lag (1993:387) om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade
The act on service and support to certain people with disabilities
Lag (1993:387) om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade entered into force 1 January 1994. Under the act, children with severe disabilities are entitled to personal assistance and a number of other forms of support and service.
Offentlighets- och sekretesslag (2009:400)
The Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act
Offentlighets- och sekretesslag (2009:400) entered into force on 30 June 2009. It contains provisions that supplement the provisions contained in the Freedom of the Press Act (Tryckfrihetsförordning (1949:105))on the right to obtain official documents, for example provisions on the obligation of public authorities to register official documents, appeals against decisions of authorities, etc.
Early Childhood Education and Care
The Education Act
Skollag (2010:800) applies as of 1 July 2011. It contains basic regulations for the preschool (förskolan), the preschool class (förskoleklassen), compulsory school (grundskolan), upper secondary school (gymnasieskolan), municipal adult education (kommunal vuxenutbildning), Swedish tuition for immigrants (sfi), the Sami school (sameskolan) as well as the leisure-time centre (fritidshemmet). It also applies to education for students with learning disabilities and to education for students with impaired hearing, and/or with severe speech and language disabilities.
It regulates the rights and duties of the students and their parents/custodians. It also stipulates the education providers' responsibilities. As far as possible the same rules apply to municipal and grant-aided independent schools (fristående skolor).
Förordning (2011:326) om behörighet och legitimation för lärare och förskollärare
The ordinance concerning eligibility and registration of teachers and preschool teachers
Förordning (2011:326) om behörighet och legitimation för lärare och förskollärare enetred into force on 1 July 2011. It contains regulations about eligibility and registration of teachers and preschool teachers (lärarlegitimation).
The ordinance concernes the preschool (förskolan), the preschool class (förskoleklassen), compulsory school (grundskolan), upper secondary school (gymnasieskolan), municipal adult education (kommunal vuxenutbildning), Swedish tuition for immigrants (sfi), the Sami school (sameskolan) as well as the leisure-time centre (fritidshemmet). It also applies to education for students with learning disabilities and to education for students with impaired hearing, and/or with severe speech and language disabilities.
The Education Ordinance
Skolförordning (2011:185) applies as of 1 July 2011. It is a supplement to Skollag (2010:800) and contains regulations for the preschool (förskolan), the preschool class (förskoleklassen), compulsory school (grundskolan), the Sami school (sameskolan) as well as the leisure-time centre (fritidshemmet). It also applies to education for students with learning disabilities and to education for students with impaired hearing, and/or with severe speech and language disabilities. As far as possible the same rules apply to municipal and grant-aided independent schools (fristående skolor).
Läroplan för förskolan 2018 (Lpfö18)
Curriculum for the preschool
Läroplan för förskolan Lpfö18 contains general goals and guidelines for the preschool (förskolan).
Single Structure Education
The Education Act
Skollag (2010:800) applies as of 1 July 2011. It contains basic regulations for the preschool (förskolan), the preschool class (förskoleklassen), compulsory school (grundskolan), upper secondary school (gymnasieskolan), municipal adult education (kommunal vuxenutbildning), Swedish tuition for immigrants (sfi), the Sami school (sameskolan) as well as the leisure-time centre (fritidshemmet). It also applies to education for students with learning disabilities and to education for students with impaired hearing, and/or with severe speech and language disabilities.
It regulates the rights and duties of the students and their parents/custodians. It also stipulates the education providers' responsibilities. As far as possible the same rules apply to municipal and grant-aided independent schools (fristående skolor).
Förordning (2011:326) om behörighet och legitimation för lärare och förskollärare
The ordinance concerning eligibility and registration of teachers and preschool teachers
Förordning (2011:326) om behörighet och legitimation för lärare och förskollärare enetred into force on 1 July 2011. It contains regulations about eligibility and registration of teachers and preschool teachers (lärarlegitimation).
The ordinance concerns the preschool (förskolan), the preschool class (förskoleklassen), compulsory school (grundskolan), upper secondary school (gymnasieskolan), municipal adult education (kommunal vuxenutbildning), Swedish tuition for immigrants (sfi), the Sami school (sameskolan) as well as the leisure-time centre (fritidshemmet). It also applies to education for students with learning disabilities and to education for students with impaired hearing, and/or with severe speech and language disabilities.
The Education Ordinance
Skolförordning (2011:185) applies as of 1 July 2011. It is a supplement to Skollag (2010:800) and contains regulations for the preschool (förskolan), the preschool class (förskoleklassen), compulsory school (grundskolan), the Sami school (sameskolan) as well as the leisure-time centre (fritidshemmet). It also applies to education for students with learning disabilities and to education for students with impaired hearing, and/or with severe speech and language disabilities. As far as possible the same rules apply to municipal and grant-aided independent schools (fristående skolor).
Läroplan för grundskolan, förskoleklassen och fritidshemmet 2022
Curriculum for compulsory school, the preschool class and the leisure-time centre
Läroplan för grundskolan, förskoleklassen och fritidshemmet 2022 applies as of 1 July 2022. The curriculum contains general goals and guidelines for compulsory school (grundskolan), the preschool class (förskoleklassen) and the leisure-time centre (fritidshemmet) as well as syllabi for compulsory school.
Läroplan för anpassade grundskolan 2022
Curriculum for compulsory school for pupils with intellectual disabilities
Läroplan för anpassade grundskolan 2022 applies as of 1 July 2022. The curriculum contains general goals and guidelines as well as syllabi for compulsory school for pupils with intellectual disabilities (anpassad grundskola).
Läroplan för sameskolan, förskoleklassen och fritidshemmet 2022
Curriculum for the Sami school, the preschool class and the leisure-time centre
Läroplan för sameskolan, förskoleklassen och fritidshemmet 2022 applies as of 1 July 2022. The curriculum contains general goals and guidelines as well as syllabi for the Sami school (sameskolan).
Läroplan för specialskolan, förskoleklassen och fritidshemmet 2022
Curriculum for the special school, the preschool class and the leisure-time centre
Läroplan för specialskolan, förskoleklassen och fritidshemmet 2022 applies as of 1 July 2022. The curriculum contains general goals and guidelines as well as syllabi for the special school (specialskolan).
Upper Secondary Education
The Education Act
Skollag (2010:800) applies as of 1 July 2011. It contains basic regulations for the preschool (förskolan), the preschool class (förskoleklassen), compulsory school (grundskolan), upper secondary school (gymnasieskolan), municipal adult education (kommunal vuxenutbildning), Swedish tuition for immigrants (sfi), the Sami school (sameskolan) as well as the leisure-time centre (fritidshemmmet). It also applies to education for students with learning disabilities and to education for students with impaired hearing, and/or with severe speech and language disabilities.
It regulates the rights and duties of the students and their parents/custodians. It also stipulates the education providers' responsibilities. As far as possible the same rules apply to municipal and grant-aided independent schools (fristående skolor).
Förordning (2011:326) om behörighet och legitimation för lärare och förskollärare
The ordinance concerning eligibility and registration of teachers and preschool teachers
Förordning (2011:326) om behörighet och legitimation för lärare och förskollärare enetred into force on 1 July 2011. It contains regulations about eligibility and registration of teachers and preschool teachers (lärarlegitimation).
The ordinance concerns the preschool (förskolan), the preschool class (förskoleklassen), compulsory school (grundskolan), upper secondary school (gymnasieskolan), municipal adult education (kommunal vuxenutbildning), Swedish tuition for immigrants (sfi), the Sami school (sameskolan) as well as the leisure-time centre (fritidshemmet). It also applies to education for students with learning disabilities and to education for students with impaired hearing, and/or with severe speech and language disabilities.
Gymnasieförordning (2010:2039)
Upper Secondary School Ordinance
Gymnasieförordning (2010:2039) applies as of 1 July 2011. It is a supplement to Skollag (2010:800) and contains regulations for upper secondary school (gymnasieskolan). It also applies to education for upper secondary school students with learning disabilities and to education for upper secondary school students with impaired hearing, and/or with severe speech and language disabilities. As far as possible the same rules apply to municipal and grant-aided independent schools (fristående skolor).
Läroplan för gymnasieskola 2011
Curriculum for the upper secondary school
Läroplan för gymnasieskola 2011 applies as of 1 July 2011. The curriculum contains general goals and guidelines for upper secondary school (gymnasieskolan).
Läroplan för anpassade gymnasieskolan 2013
Curriculumn for the upper secondary school for pupils with intellectual disabilities
Läroplan för anpassade gymnasieskolan 2013 applies as of 1 July 2013. The curriculum contains general goals and guidelines for upper secondary school for pupils with intellectual disabilities (anpassad gymnasieskola).
Higher Education
Higher Education Act
Högskolelag (1992:1434) entered into force in 1993 and contains provisions about the higher education institutions that are accountable to the Government, local authorities or county councils. An unofficial English translation for the Higher Education Act.
System of Qualifications
Examensordningen is Appendix 2 to Högskoleförordning (1993:100). It stipulates the degrees that may be awarded in higher education and their requirements. An unofficial English translation of the System of Qualifications.
Higher Education Ordinance
Högskoleförordning (1993:100) entered into force in 1993 as a supplement to Högskolelag (1992:1434). An unofficial English translation of the Higher Education Ordinance.
Adult Education and Training
The Education Act
Skollag (2010:800) applies as of 1 July 2011. It contains basic regulations for the preschool (förskolan), the preschool class (förskoleklassen), compulsory school (grundskolan), upper secondary school (gymnasieskolan), municipal adult education (kommunal vuxenutbildning), Swedish tuition for immigrants (sfi), the Sami school (sameskolan) as well as the leisure-time centre (fritidshemmet). It also applies to education for students with learning disabilities and to education for students with impaired hearing, and/or with severe speech and language disabilities.
It regulates the rights and duties of the students and their parents/custodians. It also stipulates the education providers' responsibilities. As far as possible the same rules apply to municipal and grant-aided independent schools (fristående skolor).
Lag (2009:128) om yrkeshögskolan
Higher Vocational Education Act
Lag (2009:128) om yrkeshögskolan applies as of 15 April 2009. It contains basic regulations for the higher vocational education system.
Förordning (2011:1108) om vuxenutbildning
Adult Education Ordinance
Förordning (2011:1108) om vuxenutbildning applies as of 1 July 2012. It is a supplement to Skollag (2010:800) and contains regulations for municipal adult education (kommunal vuxenutbildning), education for adults with learning disabilities (särskild utbildning för vuxna) and Swedish tuition for immigrants (sfi).
Förordning (2009:130) om yrkeshögskolan
Higher Vocational Education Ordinance
Förordning (2009:130) om yrkeshögskolan applies as of 15 April 2009. It is a supplement to Lag (2009:128) om yrkeshögskolan and contains regulations for the higher vocational education system.
Förordning (2015:218) om statsbidrag till folkbildningen
The ordinance on government grants to liberal adult education
Förordning (2015:218) om statsbidrag till folkbildningen applies as of 15 May 2015. It contains regulations regarding government grants to liberal adult education (folkbildning). These government grants are not to be used in commercial activities and can be granted to for example folk high schools (folkhögskolor) and study associations (studieförbund).
Förordning (2000:634) om arbetsmarknadspolitiska program
The ordinance on Labour Market Training Programmes
Förordning (2000:634) om arbetsmarknadspolitiska program entered into force on 1 August 2000. It contains regulations about the labour market training programmes provided by Arbetsförmedlingen.
Förordning (2011:326) om behörighet och legitimation för lärare och förskollärare
The ordinance concerning eligibility and registration of teachers and preschool teachers
Förordning (2011:326) om behörighet och legitimation för lärare och förskollärare enetred into force on 1 July 2011. It contains regulations about eligibility and registration of teachers and preschool teachers (lärarlegitimation).
The ordinance concerns the preschool (förskolan), the preschool class (förskoleklassen), compulsory school (grundskolan), upper secondary school (gymnasieskolan), municipal adult education (kommunal vuxenutbildning), Swedish tuition for immigrants (sfi), the Sami school (sameskolan) as well as the leisure-time centre (fritidshemmet). It also applies to education for students with learning disabilities and to education for students with impaired hearing, and/or with severe speech and language disabilities.
Läroplan för vuxenutbildningen 2012
Curriculum for Adult Education programme
Läroplan för vuxenutbildningen 2012 applies as of 1 January 2013. The curriculum contains general goals and guidelines for municipal adult education (kommunal vuxenutbildning), municipal adult education at basic and upper secondary levels for adults with intellectual disabilities (komvux som anpassad utbildning) and Swedish tuition for immigrants (svenska för invandrade, SFI). The syllabi in English translation updated in 2022.