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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Support measures for learners in adult education and training


12.Educational Support and Guidance

12.7Support measures for learners in adult education and training

Last update: 22 December 2023

Definition of the target group

Disadvantaged groups with special needs

Disadvantaged groups with special needs include people who are socially disadvantaged, adults with immigration background or special needs, and adults whose basic skills in areas such as reading and writing, knowledge and use of German, or dealing with information and communications technologies, are not adequate to allow them to participate fully in their social and working lives.


Supportive measures exist for employees residing in Liechtenstein to further their career development.

Specific support measures

Unit for equal opportunities

The Unit for Equal Opportunities (Fachbereich Chancengleichheit) is involved in promoting equal opportunities in such areas as gender equality (in line with the law on gender equality), disability, immigration and integration, social discrimination and sexual orientation.

The unit offers free information and advice to individuals, organisations and businesses, raises public awareness through events, projects and publications, runs a publicly accessible documentation centre and checks financial assistance in line with the equal opportunities law.

Office for state grants

Means-tested government loans can be obtained for retraining and further education opportunities (cf. Chapter 3).

Vouchers for language courses

Acquisition of a residence permit and especially the granting of citizenship are dependent on a person being able to demonstrate adequate knowledge of German at level A1 - B1. The government supports attendance at language courses by issuing vouchers.