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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Management staff for higher education


10.Management and other education staff

10.5Management staff for higher education

Last update: 27 November 2023

Requirements for Appointment

According to the Law on Higher Education, the managing body of higher education institution is the council consisting of higher education institution representatives, students and founders’ representatives. Members of the council are selected every three years, in accordance with the institution statute. Selection criteria, programme of work and decision making procedures are determined by the institution.

The rector is the executive managing body of the university; the dean has the same function at the faculty level and the head at higher schools level. These positions are given to the selected full time professors already working in these institutions. The new executive manager is selected each three years, although the same person may prolong their mandate once. The council selects the person for this position.

Under the same conditions and requirements, vice-rectors and vice-deans support the work of rectors/deans, as members of executive managing bodies. Vice-rectors and vice-deans are also full time professors, with the exception of students prorectors and students prodeans.

Other professional bodies that contribute to higher institution function are the senate, scientific or academic councils and committees, and other bodies as decided by the institution.

Conditions of Service

Further details on selection of the managing bodies, their dismissal, responsibility and other conditions of service are determined separately by each higher education institution.

The person may not be selected for any of the managing positions if they are convicted of criminal offence, plagiarism of higher education documents, discrimination, bribery or broken the professional code of ethics rules. Also, they are dismissed if anything mentioned occurs during their mandate, or if they fail to perform duties required by their position.