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Belgium - German-Speaking Community

Belgium - German-Speaking Community


Last update: 27 November 2023
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Certificate of primary education (Abschlusszeugnis der Grundschule)

Certificate issued at the end of primary education, either at the end of the sixth year in primary school, the first or even the second year in secondary school or by passing a special examination by the central Examination Board of the German-speaking Community (“Prüfungsausschuss der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft).

Certificate of upper secondary education (Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts)

This leaving certificate is issued on successful completion of the sixth year in general and technical secondary education or of the seventh year in vocational secondary education and gives admission to higher education. This certificate also can be awarded by the central Examination Board of the German-speaking Community (“Prüfungsausschuss der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft).

Certificate of lower secondary education (Abschlusszeugnis der Unterstufe des Sekundarunterrichts)

Certificate issued on successful completion of the third yeat in general and technical secondary education or of the fourth year in vocational education. This certificate also can be granted by the central Examination Board of the German-speaking Community (“Prüfungsausschuss der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft).

Activity Plan (Aktivitätenplan)

Plan that lists the educational activities that serve to achieve development goals in the Kindergarten.

General education qualifications (Allgemeinbildende Qualifikationen)

Qualifications that aimed on further training and academic studies. They include action competence in one or more general training-or study-related knowledge fields.

General Education (allgemein bildender Unterricht)

One of the three education forms in secondary education. General education prepares pupils for higher education and gives also the opportunity to begin professional life.

Alternating (alternierend)

This work-board training tales place in an alterning form between school and workplace. It’s mainly provided in form of apprenticeship in the training centres of the Institute for Training and Re training in SME’s but also in the third stage of secondary education (qualification stream).

Recognised Qualification (Anerkannte Qualifikation)

A general education qualification or vocational qualification conferred or recognized by the German Community Government.

Adaptation class (Anpassungsklasse) (1.B-Klasse, 1.B)

A first school year in a differentiated first stage in secondary education is proposed mainly for those pupils who had difficulties in completing primary education. There, an appropriate education is provided, preparing them – possibly in a subsequent second year 2.B – for better transition to the second stage in secondary (vocational) education.

Labour office (Arbeitsamt)

The German-speaking Community has its own Labour Office, which is responsible for the placement of workers, for programs for training and retraining of workers and unemployed people.

Training activities (Ausbildungsaktivitäten)

General term for theoretical subjects, lessons, practical work, laboratory work, teaching activities, individual work, which are applied to the student or students, and internships.

Training providers (Ausbildungsträger)

All bodies governed by public or private law, which have an educational goal and are recognized by the German-speaking Community.

Extracurricular Activity (Außerschulische Aktivität)

An event that is organized by an educational institution or where it participates, that meets a general or specialized educational purpose, that takes place during the school year and where pupils or students who are enrolled in the relevant educational institution participate, generally accompanied by caregivers. This event is not an integral part of the study program

Autonome Hochschule

Only higher education institution in the German-speaking Community.

Autonomy (Autonomie)

The ability and willingness of the individual to act independently, proactively and responsibly in changing working, living and learning situations, to reflect on its own and the actions of others and to develop its own capacity and cooperation with others.

Certificate of professional qualification (Befähigungsnachweis)

This certificate of professional qualification is issued on successful completion of the sixth year in technical or of the sixth and seventh year in vocational secondary education and gives access to employment. Other qualification certificates stipulate particular knowledge and skills.

Qualification stream (Befähigungsunterricht)

One of the two streams in the 2nd and 3rd stage of secondary education (in opposition the transition stream “Übergangsunterricht”). This qualification stream (with options in technical and in vocational education forms) aims mainly at preparing young people to enter the job market whilst keeping open the option of continuing to study in higher education.

Observation stage (Beobachtungsstufe)

First stage of two years in secondary education, offering a large common spectrum of basic knowledge and skills as well as a preparation to the options in the next stage.

Job-related skills (Berufsbezogene Qualifikationen)

Qualifications that aim the pursuit of a profession and the entry into the work world. They include action competence in one or more specific employment-related fields of activity.

Vocational education (berufsbildender Unterricht)

One of the three forms in upper secondary education (stage 3 and 3). Options in vocational education belong to the so-called “Befähigungsunterricht” (qualification stream in secondary education) preparing pupils to a practical profession in trade, industry or craftsmanship for instance. The other two forms in secondary education being General Education (allgemeinbildender Unterricht) and Technical Education (technischer Unterricht).

Destination stage (Bestimmungsstufe)

Third stage of secondary education. At the beginning of this stage, a pupil definitely chooses his course of study, which allows him to complete his secondary education and to obtain the upper secondary education final certificate (Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts).

DG : German-speaking Community of Belgium (Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft Belgiens)

One of the three autonomous Communities of Belgium, each of them having – since Belgium became a federal state – an own Parliament and a Government, allowing them to develop an own policy in important competence fields. DG is now replaced by Ostbelgien.

Teaching material (Didaktisches Material)

Tools for the design of teaching such as printed materials, educational software, looking and exercises tools, with exclusion of durable goods such as furniture and equipment.

Differentiated 1st stage (Differenzierte 1. Stufe)

In the first stage, called the observation level, a distinction exists between a general level and a slightly differentiated stage in which a first adjustment year and a second so-called vocational Current Year (actually a preparatory year for entry into the 2nd stage of vocational education) are offered to pupils with specific learning difficulties.

Dual training (Duale Erstausbildung)

Initial training at level of short cycle higher education at a higher education institution, combined with practical training in a company, which is organized in cooperation with one or more other government-approved training providers.

Development Goals (Entwicklungsziele)

Goals, which are aimed at kindergarten in the field of knowledge, perception, skills and behaviour.

Initial education (Erstausbildung)

Continued training to secondary education, which is located at the level of the supplementary vocational secondary education in the field nursing or at the level of short cycle higher education. Initial education ends with a study certificate.

Guardians (Erziehungsberechtigte)

Persons who exercise by law or a court order parental authority over the child or young person.

Discipline (Fachbereich)

Grouping of subjects that are placed in the context of content.

Subject curricula (Fachcurricula)

Parts of the school's curriculum, developed by subject or department. They ensure the vertical continuity. It secure the horizontal continuity by approaches for multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary teaching connective.

Professional competence (Fachkompetenz)

The proven ability of the individual to use contiguously his knowledge and his skills for appropriate expert, guided and targeted methods addressing specific requirements and tasks in certain work or study situations.

Knowledge (Fachwissen)

The knowledge of job-related issues. It involves an understanding of subject-specific issues and contexts and refers to one or more professional areas.

Distance learning (Fernstudium)

Study, which is designed almost exclusively through media and in which the student is not required to reside at the place where the study is located.

Promotion Conference (Förderkonferenz)

Meeting of the guardians and the representatives of the general and special school, who set promotion goals and incentives as well as the funding and the place of support of a child or young people with special educational needs.

Promotion site (Förderort)

Regular or special school at which the pupil with special education needs is given.

Educational promotion measures (Förderpädagogische Maßnahmen)

Differentiated and individualized teaching and educational measures that correspond to the respective needs of a pupil.

Promotion portfolio (Förderportfolio)

Documentation of all relevant information for the promotion of the pupil. These are particularly diagnostic reports, information on the state of development of the pupil, certificates, documents and evidence of the educational and therapeutic measures that have been taken so far.

Special Education Institution (Förderschule)

Educational institution of special education, which is led by a school head and where the pupils are completely or partially taught based on a study program that has been laid down or approved by the government.