Institutions, level and models of training
Initial training
In general, the initial training of teachers takes place at teacher training colleges and universities:
- Nursery, primary and lower secondary school teachers are trained in teacher training colleges (ISCED-5B).
- Teachers in upper secondary education and university teachers are generally trained at universities and at colleges of long duration (ISCED-5A).
- Teachers of art subjects are trained at colleges of education or at colleges or academies of art.
- Teachers working in special needs schools must have a general education qualification and then undergo additional training of 10 ECTS points in the field of special needs, orthopaedagogy or therapeutic pedagogy.
In the German-speaking Community, only the training of kindergarten and primary school teachers is organised. This is a non-university higher education (Bachelor, ISCED-5B). It lasts three years (180 ECTS points).
The bachelor's degree course "Lehramt Kindergarten" (LK) prepares prospective kindergarten teachers for the varied and demanding task of teaching at kindergarten level. In this course of studies, students are trained in eight subjects: German, mathematics, French, natural sciences, history, geography, art, music and sports.
At the heart of the specialist training is the development of didactic skills in order to create stimulating and varied activities for the kindergarten level. The students learn how to initiate, accompany and evaluate the learning processes of the children according to their stage of development.
In addition to the specialist scientific and didactic courses, the programme includes general didactic courses and lessons in the field of educational and social sciences, for example psychology, sociology or deontology. Competencies in the field of teaching research are also taught, which are applied in the diploma thesis.
Practical training, which consists of laboratories and internships, plays a central role in the development of professional skills.
In the primary level course of study, students are also trained in eight subjects: German, mathematics, science, history, geography, art, music and physical education. In addition, from the second year of study, students can take an additional course (French, religion or remedial education).
Students acquire the basics for teaching in these subjects. The focus of the specialist training is the development of didactic skills in order to stimulate, accompany and evaluate the learning processes of the students in class.
In addition to the subject-specific and subject-didactic courses, the programme includes general didactic courses and courses in the field of educational and social sciences, for example psychology, sociology or deontology. Competencies in the field of teaching research are also taught, which are applied in the diploma thesis.
A central significance for the development of the professional n Practical training, consisting of laboratories and internships, is the key to action competence.
Further Training
The Autonomous University of Applied Sciences is responsible for the organisation and implementation of further education and training. The annually designed continuing education programme is aimed at the teaching and educational staff of primary and secondary schools, institutes of continuing education, part-time teaching, middle-class education and training, employees working in education and middle-class training, and Kaleido staff.
The pedagogical further education commission, which is made up of representatives of the Centre for Special Needs Education, the SME training and further education, external evaluation, school inspection and school development consultancy, the Autonomous University in the German-speaking Community and school representatives of the various networks, determines the further education priorities in dialogue with the players in the teaching system.
The annual continuing education and advisory services for staff employed in the teaching sector include
- the supervision of young teachers during the initial phase of their careers
- the internal teacher training
- cross-school and cross-network further education events to promote classroom management and personal competence as well as personal, educational, social, pedagogical, didactic and technical competences
- Further training of the specialist counselling services in primary and secondary education
Additional trainings
The Autonomous University of Applied Sciences in the German-speaking Community also offers additional training courses that allow you to go one step further. These are offered in various fields:
- French foreign language didactics
- Special Education
- Teaching qualification (CAP) (see here under)
- Philosophical subjects (ethics/Catholic religion)
Admission requirements
See above.
Curriculum, level of specialisation and learning outcomes
See above.
Teacher educators
See above.
Qualifications, evaluation and certificates
See above.
Alternative training pathways
In the German-speaking Community, two alternative training paths are offered: CAP on the one hand and CAP+ on the other.
In secondary education, the pedagogical certificate of competence CAP is considered a teaching qualification for subsequent offices:
- Teacher for technical courses
- Teacher for professional practice
- Teacher for technical courses and professional practice
- Teacher for specialized courses (auβer Physical education)
- Teacher's Media Library
The training to acquire CAP is offered by the Autonomous University in the German-speaking Community. It comprises 15 ECTS points. The courses are organised on a part-time basis and take place mainly in the evening.
In secondary education, the CAP+ teaching qualification is considered a teaching qualification for subsequent offices:
- Teacher for general education courses
- Teacher of nondenominational moral science
- Teacher for specialized courses (physical education)
The CAP+ training is offered by the Autonomous University in the German-speaking Community. It comprises 30 ECTS points. The courses are organised on a part-time basis and take place mainly in the evening.