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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Teaching and learning in post-secondary non-tertiary education
Belgium - German-Speaking Community

Belgium - German-Speaking Community

6.Secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education

6.11Teaching and learning in post-secondary non-tertiary education

Last update: 27 November 2023

Curriculum, subjects, number of hours

The training necessary to obtain the “Brevet” in nursing includes at least 4600 hours theoretical teaching and clinical practice training: the duration of the theoretical training includes at least one third of the minimum duration of training and the clinical training at least half of the minimum duration of training.

The minimum program

1. Theoretical training:

A Nursing sciences 1st year 2nd year 3rd year
1. Professional orientation and ethics in nursing X X X
2. General principles of health teaching and of nursing X   X
3. Care principles that will be used by healthy people and/or sick people and/or disabled persons in and outside of the hospital      
3.1. Health care X    
3.2 General medicine and medical specialties   X X
3.3. General surgery and surgical specialties   X X
3.4. Childcare and pediatrics X X  
3.5. Hygiene and care of the mother and new-born   X  
3.6. Mental Health and Psychiatry   X X
3.7. Elderly care and geriatrics X X X
3.8. Home care     X
B Basic sciences      
1. Anatomy and Physiology (biophysics, biochemistry) X    
2. Pathology (General knowledge of symptomatology diagnostic procedures, including radiology and therapeutic methods)      
2.1. General medicine and medical specialties, including geriatrics   X X
2.2. General surgery and surgical specialties   X X
2.3. Pediatrics      
2.4. Obstetrics and Gynecology   X  
2.5. Psychiatry   X X
3. Bacteriology, virology and parasitology X    
4. Diet teaching X   X
5. Hygiene      
5.1. Environmental Study X    
5.2. Professional and Hospital Epidemiology X X  
5.3. Prevention and prophylaxis     X
6. Pharmacology X    
C Social sciences      
1. Sociology     X
2. Psychology and applied psychology X X X
3. Principles of administration     X
4. Principles of teaching and health education   X X
5. Social and health legislation     X
6. Legal aspects of the profession     X

2. Clinical practice training:

The clinical practice training includes at least 2240 practice periods of 50 minutes, which are spread over three years:

1st year:

at least 640 periods of general nursing, which are distributed as follows:

  • at least 320 periods in hospital in adult medicine and surgery;
  • at least 80 periods in nursing homes and in day care centers for older people;
  • at least 40 periods work with healthy children;
  • 200 periods determined by the school and completed in one of the three first-mentioned services or in other services if the responsible inspection of the service has agreed.

2nd year:

at least 760 periods nursing, which are distributed as follows:

  • at least 160 periods in hospital in adult medicine;
  • at least 160 periods in hospital in adult surgery;
  • at least 80 periods in geriatric services and psycho-geriatric services;
  • at least 120 periods in the care of the mother and the new-born and by sick children in the hospital;
  • at least 80 periods in the care of mental health and psychiatric care;
  • 160 periods determined by the school and completed in one of the fife first-mentioned services or in other services if the responsible inspection of the service has agreed.

3rd year:

  • at least 200 periods in hospital in adult medicine;
  • at least 200 periods in hospital in adult surgery;
  • at least 80 periods in nursing homes, in day care centres, in geriatric services or psycho-geriatric services;
  • at least 80 periods in the care of mental health and psychiatric care;
  • at least 80 periods in home care through the nursing home care services;
  • 200 periods for election, of which 80 periods have to be determined by the student. These periods must be completed in one of the mentioned services or in other services if the responsible inspection of the service has agreed.

Teaching Methods and Materials

Freedom of education is a constitutional right. So, every school maintaining body has the free choice of pedagogical methods. Within the context of, and with due respect for any methodological guidelines that may have been given by the school maintaining body, every teacher is free to make use of the methods they deem to be most appropriate for their lessons.