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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice



Last update: 27 November 2023


General upper secondary schools for adults (in Finnish: aikuislukio) are either separate schools or separate sections in normal upper secondary schools. Besides a complete general upper secondary degree, these institutions offer individual courses in different subjects, and preparatory instruction and lower secondary education for adults.

Ammatillinen aikuiskoulutuskeskus

Vocational adult education centres (in Finnish: ammatillinen aikuiskoulutuskeskus) are municipal or private educational institutions that arrange vocational upper secondary education for adults.

Ammatillinen erikoisoppilaitos

Specialised vocational instutions (in Finnish: ammatillinen erikoisoppilaitos) are owned by industrial or service companies and offer training according to the company's needs.

Ammatillinen tutkinto

Vocational qualification.


Universities of applied sciences (in Finnish: ammattikorkeakoulu) provide higher non-university vocational education in usually multidisciplinary surroundings for matriculated students and those with qualifications from secondary vocational education.


Further vocational qualification.

Avoin yliopisto

Open universities (in Finnish: avoin yliopisto) offer individual courses or larger modules in different fields for learners not studying in a degree programme. The studies are available regardless of the educational background of the learner.


Pre-primary education.

Compulsory one year pre-primary education starts at the age of six, one year before school education.

Kandidaatin tutkinto

A bachelor’s degree (in Finnish: kandidaatin tutkinto) is the lower academic degree in the new two-stage degree system in universities. Before 1994 kandidaatin tutkinto was used to refer to the higher academic degree.


Higher education.


General upper secondary school.


Comprehensive school.


Single-structure primary and lower secondary education or comprehensive school education.

It begins at the age of 7 and lasts for 9 years. It is provided in a single structure system and includes grades 1-9.

Toisen asteen koulutus

Upper secondary education is divided in two types; general education and vocational education and training. The general age to participate in upper secondary studies is from 16 to 19 years but also adults can participate at any age.


Early childhood education and care is meant for all children aged 0-6 years, i.e., for children under school age. It is mainly organised in day-care institutions and so-called family day-care.

