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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Management and other education staff


10.Management and other education staff

Last update: 11 October 2024

In Finland municipalities or joint municipal authorities are generally responsible for organising education and training. Municipalities and cities have education departments within their local administration. These are led by heads of local education departments. Other staff in the department includes planning, guidance and development personnel.

In educational institutions the management responsibility generally lies either partly or totally with the principals or directors. As there is local autonomy in the provision and administration of education, institutions are free to organise their management in the way purposeful for them. In general education there is commonly also a vice-principal who shares the management load. In vocational education and training there are often department heads who are responsible for the training in their department, acquisitions etc.

Early childhood care and education (ECEC) can be provided in ECEC centres or in family daycare. Pre-primary education for 6-year-olds is either provided in conjunction with comprehensive (primary and lower secondary) education or at ECEC centres. Heads of early education centres are responsible for its operation, and they are assisted by a deputy head when necessary.

In higher education institutions the overall responsibility of the operations lies with the rectors together with collegiate bodies or governing boards. In addition, faculties or departments are generally led by deans or directors.

Other educational staff in comprehensive and upper secondary education and training comprises guidance, health care, social welfare and special needs personnel. Higher education institutions commonly employ advisory or guidance personnel. In addition, institutions employ support personnel according to their needs.