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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Population: demographic situation, languages and religions


1.Political, social and economic background and trends

1.3Population: demographic situation, languages and religions

Last update: 6 March 2024

There are about 5.5 million inhabitants in Finland. The land area is 338 000 square kilometers. The average population density is 18 inhabitants per km2. However, it varies a lot; from 0,2 in some areas in the north to almost 3 000 in Helsinki, the capital.

The population is mainly concentrated in the south of the country, particularly in the Helsinki metropolitan area. The area accounts for about 27 % of the entire population, approximately 1.5 million people. In all, in Finland there are nine cities with more than 100 000 inhabitants.

One of the key challenges for the society in future is adapting to demographic changes, particularly the aging of the population. The proportion of the working-age population is decreasing and a shortage of labour is foreseen.

According to the population forecast of Statistics Finland the Finnish population is projected to turn to a decline in 2031.

The latest population projection by Statistic Finland has predicted that in 2050, the population will be approximately 100 000 lower than now days.

According to Statistics Finland's latest population projection, if the birth rate remains at the current level there will be no regions in Finland where births exceed deaths in 15 years.


Table 1.1. Population trends 1950 - 2070, by age group as a percentage

Age group 1950 2000 2020 2040 2070
0 – 14 30 18 16 13 12
15 – 64 63 67 62 60 55
65 – 7 15 23 27 33

Source: Statistics Finland

Employment/unemployment rates

According to Finland’s Labour Force Survey the number of employed aged 15 to 74 was 2,561,000 in January 2024. The number was almost unchanged from a year earlier. 

There were 231,000 unemployed aged 15 to 74 in January 2024. It was 20,000 more than in January 2023. The number of unemployed men was 127,000 and unemployed women 103,000. The proportion of the unemployed among the labour force was 8.3 %, one year earlier the share was 7.6%.  

Migrant population

The population with a migrant background can be examined in statistics in several different ways in Finland. Statistics Finland publishes annually statistics on the population based on

  • citizenship
  • country of birth
  • language 

The size of the target group varies based on which of these background variables are included. Different groups are partly overlapping.

Approximately 8.9 % of the entire Finnish population was immigrant background in 2022. The largest groups are from Estonia and Russia. More than one third are from European Union countries.


The official languages in Finland are Finnish and Swedish. The shares of speakers in 2022 were the following

  • Finnish 85.9%
  • Swedish 5.2%
  • other languages 8.9%

(Statistics Finland 2024 Population )

Although the Swedish-speaking population is mainly concentrated on the southern and western coasts, Finnish and Swedish are equal languages in the whole country when dealing with the authorities.

In addition, there are other languages in Finland whose users’ rights are laid down in law. The Sami languages are the languages of the indigenous population of Finland. The Sami-speaking population lives in the northernmost part of Finland, Lapland. Finnish Romani, Finnish sign language, Finland-Swedish sign language and Karelian are autochthonous languages that have a long history in Finland.

The official languages are languages of instruction in educational institutions at all educational levels. Usually the institutions have either Finnish or Swedish as their languages of instruction. However, there are upper secondary vocational institutions and universities which are bilingual. Sami is the language of instruction in some basic education, upper secondary general and vocational institutions in the Sami-speaking areas.

The share of the population speaking other languages has increased steadily and more than 150 different languages are spoken in Finland. At the end of 2022 the number of foreign-language speakers was 8.9% of the population. The largest groups of foreign-language speakers are those whose native language is Russian, Estonian, Arabic, English and Somali.


Finland has a Freedom of Religion Act, which guarantees the right to practice any religion, provided that the law and/or common decency are not violated.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church and the Orthodox Church have a special status among religious denominations as they have taxation rights. Clear majority of the population are members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church.

In 2022 the shares of the population belonging to religious denominations were following

  • Evangelical Lutheran Church 65.2%
  • Orthodox Church 1.1%
  • other religious denomination 1.8%
  • no religious denomination 32%

(Source: Statistics Finland 2024)

Pupils and students in basic and general upper secondary education have the right and obligation to instruction in religion. The instruction is not denominational, religion is primarily approached as a cultural issue. The main issues are familiarity with one’s own religion and tolerance towards other religions and ways of thinking.

Pupils or students not participating in teaching of the country’s main religion are entitled to instruction in their own religion, if there are at least three students in the group. Students who do not belong to any religious denomination have a right to instruction in ethics.