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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Main providers
Belgium - German-Speaking Community

Belgium - German-Speaking Community

8.Adult education and training

8.3Main providers

Last update: 27 November 2023

Labour Office (ADG- Arbeitsamt der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft)

The Labour Office of the German-speaking Community (ADG) took over the tasks of FOREM after its establishment in 2000. It now manages four of its own training centres and also works with several companies where training projects are carried out locally.

Institute for Initial and Continuing Training in SMEs (IAWM)

The training organised by the IAWM enables the acquisition of general and professional knowledge required to work as a freelancer. In the meantime, this offer no longer exclusively concerns self-employed professions as they may be represented in the High Council of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (especially in small and medium-sized commercial enterprises or craft enterprises), but also - if there is a proven need in the region - other professions, e.g. in the service sector and banking. The institute coordinates the activities of two training centres (ZAWM Eupen and ZAWM Sankt Vith).

Institutes for school-based continuing education

There are five institutes for continuing school education organised by or subsidised by the German-speaking Community. Like all schools, the institutes for continuing school education are organised by school boards of the various networks: by the German-speaking Community (GUW), by a municipality (OSUW), by a private-law independent Catholic school board (FSUW). Generally, the institutes for school-based continuing education have their headquarters in the existing secondary schools; however, under certain conditions, they can theoretically also run their continuing education courses at the place of work or at any place where trainees gather. Two institutes maintain branches in neighbouring municipalities.

Centres for Agricultural Education and Training

Agricultural education and training is organised by private institutions (centres, associations or professional organisations) and subsidised by the German-speaking Community. In addition to classical farm manager training courses, courses for trainee trainers, study days, study meetings, guided tours, contact days, continuing education courses, extension seminars, internships and study trips are also organised. The persons participating in CVT courses are mainly farmers (self-employed, assistants or wage labourers) who are engaged in agricultural activities as their main occupation. These training courses enable the acquisition of new qualifications or the improvement of professional knowledge.

Other organisational models

Several private organisations are active in adult education. They offer various training courses aimed at social, cultural or even purely personal development. For example, there are also literacy courses in the DG. Each of the recognised regional adult education organisations sends a representative to the Council for Adult Education (RVE), whose task is to issue expert opinions and statements on matters of adult education, e.g. on applications for recognition, on subsidy criteria and on the parliamentary budget, either on its own initiative or at the request of the competent minister or the parliament.

The Ministry regularly offers its civil servants further education courses and thus tries, among other things, to strengthen and promote motivation within the authority.