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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Higher education funding


3.Funding in education

3.2Higher education funding

Last update: 19 March 2025


Funding of higher education in Montenegro is regulated by Law on Higher Education

An institution may be funded from the following sources:

  • founder’s assets;

  • tuition fees and other fees paid by the students;

  • intellectual and other services;

  • donations, presents and legacies;

  • income from property (lease);

  • projects and contracts with international, national and private entities aimed at promotion of teaching, research and consulting activities; and

  • other sources in compliance with law.

A public institution obtains funds from the Budget of Montenegro on the basis of norms and standards for funding of public institutions, taking into account the number of students defined by the license, cost per student for a certain study programme and the assessment of quality work of the institution from the external evaluation report.

Mutual rights and obligations between the public institution and the Government for the implementation of study programmes of the 1st and 2nd study cycles are regulated by a funding agreement.

In May 2019, the Financing Agreement between the Government of Montenegro and the University of Montenegro was signed for a period of three years. New, so-called contractual financing model, will give for the first time a clear insight into the relationship between input and output parameters, as well as the performance of the university, all with the aim of improving the quality of work at the University. The aforementioned model of financing of the University of Montenegro should enable the improvement of all components at the University, including especially those related to quality, the ratio of students to professors, transparency in work and better response to the needs of the labor market. The contract covers three academic years, 2019/2020, 2020/2021 and 2021/2022, covered by fiscal years 2019 to 2022, and has four annexes with performance indicators:

  • Annex 1 - Institution quality of work and enrollment policy;

  • Annex 2 - Quality Assurance;

  • Annex 3 - Informing the public about the work of the institution;

  • Annex 4 - Improving the quality of existing study programs, determining the need to continue study programs, or abolishing certain non-viable study programs.

Activities of a public institution, as a rule, are non-profitable. A public institution may, in compliance with this Law, promote and use basic educational and research activities on the market for the purpose of generating profit for the implementation of higher education goals, which is used for to improve teaching and scientific-research activities, in line with its financial plan. A public institution primarily obtains approval from the Government, when that activity includes, or might include, the use of right to any important intellectual property, in any literary, artistic or scientific works, scientific discoveries, projects, inventions, goods or services which are entirely or partly, directly or indirectly provided from the budget of Montenegro.

A public institution may establish an innovation centre, centre of excellence, centre for technology transfer, science and technology park and other organisations aimed at conducting innovation activities and providing infrastructural support for the development of innovation and commercialization of outcomes of research and artistic work.

Regarding the resources allocated to a public institution for teaching and research purposes, the Government may prescribe particular conditions of their use, pertaining to:

  • acquisition, use and disposal of land, buildings and equipment;

  • level and use of tuition fees and other fees prescribed for students;

  • transfer of resources allotted for study programmes.

The founder provides a public institution with all resources for:

  • material expenses, ongoing and investment maintenance;

  • salaries of employees in compliance with law, collective agreement and an act on organisation and job classification;

  • equipment and the library fund;

  • performance of scientific-research, or art work, that is in function of raising quality of teaching;

  • scientific and professional development of employees;

  • data bases and information system;

  • work of Student Parliament and extracurricular activities of students;

  • establishment of equal study conditions for all students (unrestricted access, stay and work); and

  • other purposes in compliance with law.

Norms and standards for funding public institutions shall be passed by the Government.

The allocated funds from the national budget for the University of Montenegro in the last four years show an increase of investment in higher education, ie the University of Montenegro in particular.

Financial autonomy and control

The managing body of a public institution is responsible for lawful and purposeful use of resources allocated in accordance with this Law.

Independent external and internal financial control is conducted with regard to operations of an institution. The method of performing internal financial control is regulated by statute of institution.

In performing external control, the Government may appoint an independent authorised auditor to perform the examination of financial standing of an institution funded from the budget of Montenegro. Governing body of an institution ensures cooperation on the occasion of performing the financial control.

The Government will request from an institution funded from the budget of Montenegro to return the allocated funds, if an independent and authorized auditor identifies that they have been unlawfully and inappropriately used.

A public institution can invest funds in educational or research purposes, with the approval of the Government, provided that:

  • the contract does not burden funds from the budget of Montenegro; and

  • funds from the budget of Montenegro are not exposed to risk.

Fees within public higher education

In accordance with the Law on Higher Education

  • Students of the 1st and 2nd cycles of studies at public institutions do not pay tuition fee
  • Students of the 3rd cycle of studies at public institutions pay tuition fee
  • Students of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycles at private institutions  pay tuition fees

Self-financing students who started their studies prior to 2017/18 at the University of Montenegro (the only public university) pay tuition fee between EUR 500 and EUR 1 000 per year, depending on the study profile, while at the Faculty for Montenegrin Language  and Literature, individual public HEI, students pay 400 EUR per year. At public institutions, the fee amount is defined by the governing body of the higher education institution, with the consent of the Ministry. Self-financing students who started studies before 2017/18 and passed all the exams and had good results, i.e. achieve 60 ECTS credits, have the right to be financed from the budget in the next year.

The amount of fee to be paid by students attending the 1st and 2nd cycles at public institutions who fail to acquire 45 ECTS credits is determined by governing body, following the approval of the Ministry of Education. 

Namely, In accordance with the Law on Higher Education students obtaining 45 ECTS or more remain state-subsidized. Those with less than 45 ECTS can continue their studies in self-financed study places in the subsequent years. The amount of fee to be paid by students of I and II cycle who fail to acquire 45 ECTS credits is determined by governing body of HEI, following the approval of the Ministry of Education. 

Students with disabilities at both public and private institutions are exempted from paying fee.

A foreigner is entitled to be enrolled into study programmes in Montenegro, under the same conditions as Montenegrin citizens, in compliance with the Law and statute of institution.

Financial support for learners' families

There are no funds committed as financial support for learners' families.

Financial support for learners

 A student is entitled to:

  • dormitory accommodation and meals;
  • students loan;
  • scholarships for best students;
  • transport allowance concerning suburban and intercity traffic;
  • health care in compliance with special law;
  • establish sport associations in accordance with law.

The criteria, manner, conditions and the amount of fees for exercising rights are prescribed by the Ministry with special by law act Rulebook on the criteria, method, conditions and amount of compensation for the exercise of the right to accommodation and food in the dormitory and participation in the transportation of pupils and students and Rulebook on the criteria, method, conditions and amount of compensation for exercising the right to a student loan and scholarship in 2023.

In accordance with the criteria prescribed by the Call, the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation co-finances fees to candidates of master and doctoral studies in country and abroad as well as travel expenses for academic stays abroad. The Public Call is published annually in daily newspapers and on the web site of the Ministry.

Student Loans

In accordance with the Rulebook on the criteria, method, conditions and amount of compensation for exercising the right to a student loan and scholarship in 2023, higher education students who enrolled a semester of the relevant year for the first time and who have not changed their study programme are entitled to student loan. The criterion for granting loans is the performance accomplished in the previous year of studies. Under equal conditions with regard to the performance, advantage is given to students whose parents or guardians exercise the right to social security in line with regulations on social protection.

The loan is given in monthly installments, not less than 25% of minimum wages in Montenegro. The minimum monthly loan is €112.50, and the average loan is €130 per month, which is paid in ten monthly installments.

The loan beneficiary is obliged to start repaying the loan within one year from the day when, according to the statute of the higher education institution, the student was obliged to complete the studies, and 18 months the latest. A student who completes their studies within the regular duration of the study programme, as defined by a higher education institution’s Statute, with the average grade ranging from 9.00 to 10, is granted full loan remission.

Students with disabilities, regardless of their performance and the length of study, are granted full loan remission.

Each year, on the basis of a special competition, the Ministry grants 3,400 student loans.

The Ministry announced a Competition for the allocation of student loans for the academic year 2023/2024. For the academic year 2023/2024, 3,400 loans were granted. Loans range from 112.50 euros to 161 euros per month, which covers the costs incurred by the student when paying for food and accommodation in student dormitories in Montenegro.


There are no need-based grants in Montenegro. Grants are awarded in accordance with the Rulebook on the criteria, method, conditions and amount of compensation for exercising the right to a student loan and scholarship in 2023 to the best performing students in the second and the succeeding years of studies, who enrolled a semester of a study year for the first time, and who have not failed any year during the studies, or to students who have shown particular interest in science or art in certain scientific disciplines and have won awards at international and national competitions. Grants are awarded in line with the criteria of the Call announced by the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation at least one month before the beginning of academic year.

The maximum amount of grant is 225 EUR per month paid in 10 monthly instalments. Grants are awarded solely to the first-cycle students.

Besides grants, in accordance with criteria prescribed by the annual call for co-financing tuition fees at master and doctoral studies in the country and abroad, and travel expenses for study periods abroad, the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation co-finances tuition fees to master study candidates in the amount of 500 EUR, and to doctoral students in the amount of 1,000 EUR.

For students with disabilities, the Ministry has established a special quota for awarding grants starting from 2018/19 academic year. 30 scholarships were awarded for the academic year 2023/2024.

In accordance with the established criteria, 1.5% of students use grants.

Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation announced a Competition for awarding scholarships to the best students for the academic year 2023/2024. 456 scholarships were awarded. The scholarship amounts to 225 euros per month and is paid for ten months.

A Competition has been announced for co-financing scholarships for master's and doctoral studies in the country and abroad and travel expenses for study stays abroad, which will co-finance tuition fees for 60 candidates enrolled in the first year of master's studies and 24 candidates enrolled in the first year of doctoral studies in the country and abroad. A total of 48 candidates applied for co-financing of master's studies, out of which 34 candidates received tuition fees (500 euros), while 23 candidates applied for doctoral studies, out of which 14 were entitled to tuition fees (1 000 euros).

Accommodation in Dormitories

Students educated outside their place of residence, who have enrolled a certain grade of the ongoing school year for the first time, as well as higher education students educated outside their place of residence, who have enrolled a semester of the relevant year of studies for the first time and have not changed their study programme, as well as students attending one of the secondary schools in Montenegro, are entitled to dormitory accommodation.

Students of post-graduate master's and doctoral studies who are unemployed and studying outside their place of residence, and who have enrolled for the first semester of the corresponding year of study and have not changed their study program, may also obtain the right to dormitory accommodation.

Students with special educational needs are entitled to accommodation, with consideration of their special needs.

Concerning accommodation, dormitories purposefully designate up to 7% of its capacities for accommodating students from the most vulnerable groups of society and social security beneficiaries in line with the social welfare regulations.

In line with the established criteria of the Call, 1750 students exercise their right to accommodation and meals in student dormitories in Podgorica, Nikšić, Cetinje and Kotor. 2200 students have meals at subsidized prices. The price of accommodation and meals in dormitory amounts to 117.80 EUR, of which 88.40 EUR is state-subsidised, whereas the price of meals amounts to 92.70 EUR, of which 69.60 EUR is state-subsidised.

1170 primary and secondary school students used the right to participate in transport in suburban and intercity transport on routes where public transport was organized. Participation amounts to 20% for high school students, 40% for elementary school students and 50% for students receiving financial support from the family. In addition to them, another 4,729 students used transportation by school vehicles on routes where there is no organized public transportation.

Private education

Funds from the budget of Montenegro may be allocated for funding students of private institutions attending study programmes of public interest which are not implemented at any public institution. Criteria for determining study programmes of public interest at private institutions which are not implemented at any public institutions are prescribed by the Government, following the opinion provided by the Council for Higher Education.

Based on the criteria the Government renders a decision on study programmes of public interest carried out at private institutions which are not implemented at any public institution for each academic year.

Following the opinion provided by the Council, the Government shall, on the basis of the decision determine the number of students and the amount required for funding students attending study programmes of public interest at private institutions which are not implemented at any public institution, for each academic year.

The amount of funds is determined on the basis of norms and standards for funding study programmes of public interest at private institutions which are not implemented at any public institution, adopted by the Government.

The Government  prescribes certain conditions for using the funds allocated to a private institution, as well as requests from the private institution to submit the budget proposal for the performance of its activity for the following fiscal year.

A private institution is responsible for lawful and purposeful use of funds allocated by the Government, and it provides the Government with access to its financial books and records.

Students of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycles at private institutions pay tuition fees. The amount of fee to be paid by students at institutions is determined by governing body of institution. Fees at the 1st cycle are between 1,350 - 2,500 euros per year.