Adult Education and Training is provided through various channels. In the framework of formal education in general formal adult learning structures such as Second Chance Schools that offer school leaving certificates equivalent to secondary education schools; in the framework of non-formal education, in secondary education and training structures, as are the Vocational Training Schools/ESK and Vocational Apprenticeship Schools/EPAS of the Greek Public Employment Service (DYPA) which offer training at post-lower secondary level; in Higher Vocational Training Schools/SAEK and Post-Secondary Apprenticeship Programs that offer training at post-secondary vocational level and finaly in post-secondary non-tertiary education structures, such as public Lifelong Learning Centres/KDVM and municipality programmes. Adult learning through LLL centres/KDVM or muncipality programmes offer continuous vocational training, reskilling, upskilling, and general adult education.
Provision to raise achievement in basic skills
Scholeia defteris efkairias - second chance schools
Second Chance schools were established in 1997 by l. 2525/1997. Pursuant l. 4763/2020, they are under the responsibility of the General Secretariat for Vocational Education and Training and Life Long Learning/Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports which establishes their educational framework and supervises them. To enroll one must have reached the minimum age of 18 years and not completed compulsory education, having obtained a primary school leave certificate. Attendance is free of change.
The aims of Second Chance Schools are:
- completion of compulsory education for people that have reached the minimum age of 18 years.
- connection of learners to the education and training systems.
- acquisition of current knowledge, skills and attitudes that can help to their socio-economic inclusion and advancement.
- reinforcement of learners’ self-esteem and
- contribution to their inclusion or improvement of workplace status.
The curricula of Second Chance Schools are designed to be open and flexible, with a focus on providing knowledge, developing skills, and fostering positive attitudes. The core of the curricula includes subject areas and literacies that are aligned with the 8 basic competencies of the European Reference Framework. In addition to these core subject areas, preparatory classes may also be offered to help individuals prepare for the exams required to obtain a primary school leaving certificate, as well as classes to teach Greek language to immigrants and refugees who wish to enroll in Second Chance Schools.
The Second Chance Schools' curriculum is designed to be intensive and lasts for 18 months, divided into two nine-month periods spanning across two school years. Classes are held in the evenings between 4:30 or 5:00 pm and 8:30 or 9:00 pm, with a weekly schedule covering 21 teaching hours. Upon successful completion of the program, students are awarded a certificate equivalent to the lower secondary education leaving certificate.
The curriculum is designed to be flexible and open, allowing for a constant redefinition of goals and modification of content to adapt to the students' needs. Teaching methods are innovative and based on the unique way in which adults acquire knowledge, incorporating an experiential approach to learning, group learning, and interdisciplinary approaches.
Second Chance Schools not only provide knowledge but also social competencies like communication, cooperation, and problem-solving. Students are supported in their learning path by the counselling services provided by the school, which includes a psychologist and a career counsellor for each institution.
Τhe following courses are taught in Second Chance Schools:
- Greek Language
- Mathematics
- Information Technology
- English Language
- Social Education
- Environmental Education
- Natural Sciences
- Arts Education
To ensure the best functioning of Second Chance Schools, two advisory bodies have been institutionalized. The Career Advisor provides personalized and group counseling to facilitate and support learners in entering or re-entering the labor market. Meanwhile, the Psychologist-Advisor intervenes in a supportive way for individuals or groups that face difficulties within this education framework, while also supporting the teaching staff in facing the problems that arise.
Second Chance Schools are co-funded by European and national resources through the operational programs of the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports. Currently, there are 66 Second Chance Schools (and 22 branches), and 12 Second Chance Schools located within correctional institutions. These schools operate in all districts. In school year 2023-2024, a total number of 5,176 learners completed second chance schools.
Provision to achieve a recognised qualification during adulthood - Certification
Scholeia defteris efkairias - second chance schools
Second Chance Schools, also known as Scholeia Defteris Efkarias (SDE), were established to address social exclusion and support individuals aged 18 years and older who have not completed compulsory education. By offering a flexible and open curriculum, SDE provides graduates with the opportunity to acquire knowledge, develop skills and attitudes, and obtain a certification equivalent to the lower secondary education leaving certificate, recognized by the Supreme Council for Civil Personnel Selection (ASEP) and corresponding to level ISCED 2. This certification contributes to their smooth integration into social, financial, and professional structures, and prevent the risk of social exclusion and marginalization.
Provision of vocational education and training for adults
Law 4763/2020, as amended by l. 5078/2023, established new learning pathways for all levels (3-5) of the National and European Qualifications Framework.With l. 5082/2024, this education and training has been reorganized aiming at optimal efficiency and stronger connection with the labour market.
Provision of Ιnitial Vocational Education and Training (IVET) for adults, who have only completed compulsory education
Adults who have only completed lower secondary education, are given the opportunity to receive initial professional education and training with certification, and to achieve a recognized qualification, in the following programme frameworks and specific education units:
Initial vocational education and training, at level three (3), is provided by
the Vocational Training Schools (ESK)
and the Vocational Apprenticeship Schools (EPAS) of the "Public Employment Service" (DYPA) (l. 4921/2022), which is supervised by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security.
The main purposes of the above Schools are:
Providing vocational education and training services to graduates holding a certificate of compulsory education or an equivalent qualification.
Addressing school dropout, enhancing the basic skills of those holding a compulsory education certificate or its equivalent, and integrating them into the labour market.
Ensuring the integration of vulnerable and socially disadvantaged groups into professional life.
Specifically, the EPAS of DYPA provide post-lower secondary vocational education at level three (3), implementing the dual system that combines:
Theoretical and laboratory education in the classroom,
Apprenticeship in a workplace,
thus ensuring that vocational specializations meet the needs of the labor market, with the aim of securing employment for graduates.
Each trainee may attend only one Vocational Training School (ESK) or Vocational Apprenticeship School (EPAS) of DYPA. Trainees cannot enroll and attend other education and training structures simultaneously.
Vocational Training Schools (ESK)
The Vocational Training Schools of the Ministry of Education, Religion and Sports were established by l. 4763/2020.
Attendance at Vocational Training Schools (ESK) lasts two years and includes:
Theoretical and laboratory courses, as well as
Paid practical training that takes place in private and public sector companies in positions relevant to the specialty.
At these schools, interested individuals are enrolled in the 1st Class and study free of charge and without other restrictions (exams, age limits), with the only condition that they hold the lower secondary graduation certificate or any other equivalent title. Trainees who pass the 1st Class are enrolled in the 2nd Class.
The ESK provide up-to-date initial vocational training as well as the upgrading of basic skills, aiming at ensuring integration into the labor market and the continuation of studies at a higher level.
ESK offer training in vocational specialties, which are determined by the needs of the local labor market and the developmental priorities of the national economy.
For the school year 2024-2025, there are two public Vocational Training Schools (ESK), which will operate under the Ministry of Education, Religion, and Sports. These ESK offer specialties in high demand in the labour market, related to the shipbuilding industry. The one is located in Perama (district near the port of Piraeus) and the other in Syros (island in the Aegean).
Vocational Apprenticeship Schools (EPAS) of DYPA
Attendance at Vocational Apprenticeship Schools (EPAS) lasts two years.
The apprenticeship programs of the EPAS include:
A "learning program at the educational institution", and
A paid "learning program at the Workplace."
The EPAS of DYPA have been operating since 1952, successfully implementing the institution of apprenticeship, a dual educational system that combines theoretical and laboratory training in the classroom, with paid apprenticeship (implementation of a learning program in the workplace) in any company/ branch of the national economy and in various technical specialties.
Additionally, since 2022 Professional Development and Career Offices (GEAS) operate inside vocational training schools, with the aim of supporting the professional path of students in the labour market,
Eligible Trainees are individuals aged up to 29 years who hold a lower secondary education leaving certificate or equivalent qualification. Trainees can enroll without exams in the first year, and those who pass the first year enroll in the second year. During the admission process, the following criteria are considered: Lower secondary leaving certificate grade, social criteria (such as belonging to a large family, being an orphan, low family income, etc.).
For the 2024-25 school year, DΥPA operates fifty-one (51) Vocational Apprenticeship Schools (EPAS) which offer training in a total of thirty-two (32) vocational specialties, of high demand in the labour market.
Furthermore, during school year 2024-2025, DYPA operates seven (7) Model Vocational Apprenticeship Schools (P-EPAS), founded in the year 2021. Model apprenticeship schools are aimed at graduates of compulsory education over the age of 18 and provide training in 3 specialties of tourism and hospitality.
PEPAS guarantee the placement of all apprentices in apprenticeship positions in distinguished businesses in the tourism sector (4* and 5* hotels), but also strengthen the prospect of their professional integration after completion of studies.
In the school year 2023-24, approximately 8,000 students attended EPAS apprenticeship schools and Model Vocational Apprenticeship Schools (P-EPAS).
Trainees who successfully complete their studies at the Vocational Training Schools (ESK) and at Vocational Apprenticeship Schools (EPAS) of DYPA receive a Vocational Education and Training Diploma, Level 3, after certification exams conducted by the National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP).
For the professional training of Persons with Disabilities, DYPA also operates :
A Vocational Training School for Persons with Disabilities in Athens, and
A Vocational Training Center for Persons with Disabilities in Thessaloniki.
These institutions aim to provide vocational (theoretical and practical) training and social integration for unemployed individuals with disabilities, with the goal of their employment in various sectors of the economy. At the same time, the trainees receive psychosocial and counseling support from a Special Scientific Staff (psychologists, social workers, psychiatrists, etc.).
Evening Vocational High Schools (EPAL)
Adults who hold a high school diploma or other equivalent qualification, without age limit, are eligible to attend Evening Vocational High Schools. The duration of study in them is three years (classes A', B' and C'). In the first class they enroll without exams. The certificates issued by the evening Vocational High Schools are equivalent to those issued by the daytime Vocational High Schools.
These educational institutes are presented in detail in Chapter 6
Provision of initial higher vocational training for adults- graduates of upper secondary education
Post-upper secondary school/One-Year-Apprenticeship class
The post-upper secondary school "ApprenticeshipYear/Class" began its pilot operation in 2017 (l. 4386/16).
The program has a total duration of twelve (12) months and the applied apprenticeship methodology includes:
1. apprenticeship through on-the-job training for at least fifty percent (50%) of the total duration and
2. laboratory courses for the specific professional specialty
Entitled to enrol to this program are the following:
Upper secondary schools graduates and
Graduates-degree holders of EPAL (Vocational upper secondary schools) in related specialties, who have not previously participated in an apprenticeship program
There is no upper age limit for participation in this program
Post-High School One-Year-Apprenticeship Class graduates, after their evaluation in the laboratory course as well as in the workplace learning program, are awarded by the school unit with a Vocational Training Certificate (VEK). The VEK is a prerequisite for participating in the certification exams for qualification and the awarding of Professional Education and raining Certificate of level five (5) (NQF). These exams are conducted annually by EOPPEP.
The specific program is presented in detail in Chapter 6.
- Higher Vocational Training Schools (SAEK).
Comprehensive vocational education and training at level five (5) of the National and European Qualifications Framework, is provided in Higher Vocational Training Schools (SAEK) (l. 5082/2024).
The purpose of the Higher Vocational Training Schools (SAEK) is:
a) To provide initial vocational training to graduates of non-compulsory secondary education, namely general upper secondary schools (GEL), vocational upper secondary schools (EPAL), and to holders of equivalent certificates.
b) To equip trainees with corresponding qualifications through the teaching of scientific, technical, vocational, and practical knowledge and the development of relevant skills, in order to facilitate their professional integration and ensure their adaptability to the changing needs of the production process.
c) To actively and effectively connect SAEK trainees and graduates with the labor market at the local, regional, and sectorial level.
For the training year 2024 – 2025:
- The Ministry of Education, Religion, and Sports operates 127 SAEK.
- DYPA operates 30 SAEK
- In addition, a small number of SAEK are also operated by the Ministries of Tourism, Health and Rural Development.
Studies at SAEK of the Ministry of Education lasts a minimum of four (4) semesters to five (5) semesters in total, including the internship or apprenticeship period. The training of graduates of secondary vocational education (EPAL), as well as holders of equivalent vocational education titles, lasts at SAEK from two (2) to three (3) semesters, including the internship or apprenticeship period, if it is a title in a specialty of the professional field from which they graduated from EPAL or an equivalent structure of secondary vocational education.
The 127 Public SAEK of the Ministry of Education, which operate during the 2024-2025 training year, offer free of charge quality vocational training with subsidized internships in 98 modern specialties which meet the needs of the labor market, with employment prospects. For some students, they also offer the possibility of providing a housing allowance.
In the year 2024-2025, approximately 33,000 students study at the SAEK of the Ministry of Education.
Studies at SAEK of DYPA lasts for a total of five (5) semesters, divided into:
- Four (4) semesters of theoretical and laboratory training of a total duration of up to 1,200 teaching hours of specialization, according to the specific study programs and
- One (1) semester of Practical Training, of a total duration of 960 hours
During the training year 2024-2025, the 30 SAEK of DYPA, which operate throughout Greece, offer training in 12 professional specialties. In the year 2023-2024, the total number of students that attended them were approximately 3,800.
The Higher Vocational Training Schools (SAEK) of the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports and their training programms are financed by national and EU funds.
The educational structures of DYPA are co-financed by national funds and the European Union (Program "for human resources and social cohesion" - NSRF 2021-2027).
The SAEK of the Ministry of Education, Religion and Sports and the SAEK of DYPA provide graduates (after certification exams) with a Level 5 Professional Specialty Diploma (NFQ).
Professional Development and Career Offices (GEAS) operate in both the educational structures of the Public Service for Employment (DYPA), as well as in Higher Vocational training Schools of the Minsitry of Education.
The GEAS are the connecting link between the educational structures and the labor market. Their main work is:
• the information of the students regarding the possibility of carrying out the "learning program in workplaces" within the framework of the dual Apprenticeship system,
• informing graduates about future employment prospects,
• the provision of consulting services, as well as
• the organization of events and workshops with the participation of social partners and businesses, with the aim of promoting the work of EPAS Apprenticeships.
Provision targeting the transition to the labour market
The educational frameworks provided to adults in Greece for further training aimed at facilitating transition to the Labour market, which are publicly subsidised, are the following:
Further training and skill development for adults who have completed their studies in higher vocational training schools
Trainees who have completed their studies at SAEK (Higher Vocational Training Schools) and do not hold a Vocational Specialty Education and Training Diploma (Level 5), provided that no more than eighteen (18) months have passed since the completion of their studies, are provided with programs for further training, updating knowledge, and skill enhancement. These programs aim at developing digital and technical skills and are funded by the national or the co-financed Section of the Public Investment Program of the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports, as well as the relevant Section of the, in each case, relevant Ministry. These programs may also be implemented by:
- the "Information Society S.A.",
- the Technical Chamber of Greece, and
- the Scientific Institutes of institutional social partners.
Training and Lifelong Learning Centers of the Higher Education Institutions (KEDIVIM)
KEDIVIM are units within the Higher Education Institutions (AEI) that aim at ensuring the coordination and interdisciplinary collaboration in the fields of the development of training, continuing education, vocational training, and lifelong learning programs. KEDIVIM operate in 23 Institutions.
The main objective of the educational programs organized by the KEDIVIMs of AEI is to provide specialization, knowledge, and skills that strengthen the professional prospects and personality of the trainees and support their connection to the labor market.
These programs are conducted, by majority, in the Greek language, but there are also programs that are conducted in the English language. Their duration varies from 80 hours up to 500 hours of training, which take place over a period of one (1) month to nine (9) months respectively. Training is delivered either
-through physical presence or
-virtually, through synchronous and asynchronous distance learning or
-in a mixed learning method.
University graduates and high (upper secondary) school graduates, with or without relevant work experience, are eligible to participate, depending on the requirements of each program. Each program's study guide specifies the participation requirements as well as the duration of study for each specific program.
The operation of KEDIVIM is financed by the state funds, which finance the corresponding AEIs. Participants pay for educational fees. Some educational programs that are provided by KEDIVIM are fully funded by the European Union and participants can attend them for free, through the “Voucher program” (mentioned later on).
The successful completion of the above programs of KEDIVIM leads to the awarding of a Certificate of Training or Specialized Training, or a Certificate of Attendance.
Public Lifelong Learning Centers (KDVM) of the Public Employment Service (DYPA)
The Public Employment Service (DYPA), during educational year 2024-25, operates seven (7) Public Lifelong Learning Centers (KDVM), which implement targeted, accelerated vocational training programs ranging from 25 to 350 hours and are free of charge. Through these Centers, the Public Employment Service aims to upgrade the quality of vocational training provided and to effectively link this training with the chanelling of the unemployed into employment.
The duration of study in the training programs of the DYPA's Public Lifelong Learning Centers (KDVM) depends on the educational subject. It usually ranges from 25 to 295 hours of attending theoretical as well as laboratory courses. The necessary supporting documents for the selection of the candidates and the way of their selection are mentioned in the relevant Invitation issued by the Directorate of Vocational Training of the Public Employment Service and posted on the website
These Institutions and the studies offered by them, are funded by both national and european funds.
Other Public Lifelong Learning Centers (KDVM)
Other public LLL centres include:
six Centres for LLL (KDVM) run by local authorities of the corresponding Regions, and
one (1) KDVM within the Attica Psychiatric Hospital that offers training programs specifically for medical and nursing staff.
All the above seven (7) KDVM are financed by state resources.
The successful completion of the above programs offered by these KDVM leads to the awarding of a Certificate of Attendance.
Programs of DYPA for continuous theoretical training, addressing unemployed individuals
In the training year 2024-2025, the Public Employment Service (DYPA) implements the "Continuous Vocational Training programs and programs that combine the employment of trainees. These programs run under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan "Greece 2.0," which is funded by the European Union - “Next Generation EU ”, as follows:
"Continuous Vocational Training Programs for upgrading green skills" for 50.000 unemployed individuals,
"Continuous Vocational Training Programs in digital, green and financial skills” for 50,000 unemployed individuals,
"Integrated training and employment action for unemployed individuals who are beneficiaries of the welfare financial assistance program and for homeless individuals" for 10,000 unemployed individuals.
The purpose of these programs is to provide theoretical training services that will lead to certification of the knowledge and skills acquired during the training.
Eligible to participate in these programs are unemployed individuals who meet the following criteria:
they are registered in the Digital Registry of DYPA, regardless of whether they receive unemployment benefits or not.
they are over 18 years of age.
they have completed, to the least, compulsory (lower secondary) education, as defined by relevant legislation.
Each training program may have additional requirements for the participation of beneficiaries.
The certification process for the knowledge, competencies, and skills of beneficiaries will be organized based on the applicable National or European regulatory framework. The certification will be conducted by specially certified private providers.
Beneficiaries and interested parties participating in the project can find further information on the website of DYPA as well as on the special website of the Training Vouchers
Each beneficiary who has completed the Continuous Vocational Training Program and passed the Certification exams, is entitled to receive an educational allowance, which amounts to €5/hour of training, not including insurance contributions, which will be also covered.
Program (3 ) mentioned above as: "Integrated training and employment action for unemployed beneficiaries of the welfare financial assistance program and for homeless individuals" is an integrated intervention which aims at the. reintegration of unemployed individuals in work and society. It includes:
a. paid training for skill upgrading in Continuous Vocational Training programs, as well as certification for these skills , and as a second phase,
b. the employment of beneficiaries who complete the above training and obtain certification, for 12 months in full-time jobs in private sector enterprises. These enterprises will be publicly subsidised to cover wage and non-wage costs.
Community service programs of Public Employment Service (DYPA) for unemployed individuals
Community service programs aim at reinforcing the integration/re-integration of unemployed adults into the labor market by employing them in job positions related to community service while providing training to reinforce and upgrade skills and qualifications. Emphasis is placed on groups that face a high risk of social exclusion, such as long-term unemployed adults, low-qualified unemployed, older unempolyed, who initially need to work in a "protected environment" while maintaining and upgrading their employability.
Thus, community service programs combine
- counselling support,
- work experience in community service positions, and
- training that leads to a certification of knowledge and skills. Τhe ongoing enrichment of the training subjects strengthens further the active nature of community service work, and, consequently also the prospects of the reintegration of the unemployed into the labor market, following changes during its ongoing evolution.
The methodology of implementing these programs may involve “training vouchers”
The “Training Voucher System” is a system for the provision and management of education and professional training services. This program offers the possibility to the direct beneficiaries to receive free of charge training services from certified providers, by subsidizing them with training vouchers to receive vocational training and certification services.
This System was developed by the Operational Unit for Partnership Agreements (NSRF) of Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, which manages European funds within the framework of co-financed programs, using resources from Greece and the European Union (European Social Fund)".
The theoretical training programs as well as community service programs of DYPA are co-financed by national funds and by the European Union ("Program for human resources and social cohesion" - NSRF 2021-2027).
Provision of free general (non-formal and non-vocational) adult education
Municipalities run educational programs that offer opportunities for the personal development of adults through their participation in various activities that strengthen their social skills, as well as various other skills.
Each Municipality offers a variety of programs for adults that include mainly learning in following subjects: dance, visual arts, theater, jewelry-making and other cultural activities as well as a wide range of sports activities, which are all selected based on the needs and interests of the residents.
In larger municipalities and depending on the infrastructure, programs for learning computer skills, foreign languages, and musical instruments may also be offered.
Interested adults pay a small fee for their participation. There are no restrictions or requirements for their participation in these programs.
These programs are financed by the state budget provided to the Municipalities.
Other types of publicly subsidised provision for adult learners
Provision of Lifelong Higher Education for Adults
Adults who have completed non-compulsory (upper) secondary education may enroll, without age restrictions, in the following higher education programs:
Undergraduate Programs of Higher Education Institutions (AEI), which are implemented in person and are free of charge. Enrollment can be achieved after success in specific entrance exams. These Institutions are publicly funded and co-funded by European funds.
Undergraduate Programs of the Hellenic Open University (EAP), which are implemented via distance learning and require the payment of tuition fees. This Institution is publicly sybsidised and co-funded by the European funds.
Provision of non-formal lifelong learning programs to Public sector employees
The National Center for Public Administration and Local Government (EKDDA), through its relevant body INEP, provides training programs to Public Sector employees and executives. INEP designs and implements certified programs aimed at the effective implementation of public policies concerning administrative reform and decentralization, efficiency and transparency, sustainable development, e-government, health, social policy and social solidarity.
These programs are free and last from 2 days to 4 months. Τhey involve a number of subject categories, which focus on improving the skills of public sector employees and executives, on the developing of new skills and on their further training in emerging subjects related to Public Administration.
After full attendance and successful participation in the assessment and certification exams, participants are awarded a corresponding Certificate .