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7.2.First-cycle programmes


Last update: 28 March 2024

Branches of study

Undergraduate study programs are provided by licensed higher education institutions in compliance with the Law on Higher Education from the following areas:

  • natural sciences

  • technical and technological sciences

  • medical sciences

  • social sciences

  • humanistic sciences

  • agricultural sciences

  • interdisciplinary sciences

Undergraduate study programmes are organized as three year courses – 180 ECTS for the majority of study programmes.

Exceptions are some undergraduate Bachelor study programmes like Teacher training, Teacher training in Albanian Language, Architecture  and Pharmacy which are organized in duration of five years, 300 ECTS. Study of Medicine and Dentistry are organized in duration of six years, 360 ECTS.  Students who complete  undergraduate studies in duration of five or six years can be enrolled  in doctoral studies directly.

Admission requirements

A person who has obtained a proper level education required for attaining IV-1 sub-level of National Qualifications Framework is entitled to enrol in undergraduate academic and applied studies.

Enrolment in studies is conducted on the basis of:

  1. general performance concerning the completion of individual grades for attaining IV-1 sub-level of National Qualifications Framework;

  2. results achieved at external Matura or vocational exam;

  3. performance from two subjects of third and fourth grade relevant for continuance of education;

  4. achieved success at national or international competition in subjects of importance for continuing education;

  5. “Luča” diploma awarded for excellent study performance.

For enrolment in certain study programmes, an admission exam may be introduced.

For persons with disabilities the principle of affirmative action shall be applied on the occasion of enrolment in a study programme.

Matura or vocational exam is valued with at least 15% of total number of points acquired on enrolment by evaluating all criteria.  On professional-artistic study programmes of undergraduate studies of faculties and art academies, a candidate without completed secondary school can be enrolled, provided that they pass an admission exam in compliance with the Law on Higher Education.

If a candidate is a person with a disability, the principle of affirmative action is applied.

A foreigner is entitled to be enrolled into study programmes in Montenegro, under the same conditions as Montenegrin citizens, in compliance with the Law and statute of institution.

More detailed conditions and criteria, method and procedure of enrolment in the first year of undergraduate academic and applied studies is prescribed by the Ministry of Education. 


An institution is entitled to determine study programmes to be carried out and courses to be taught and independently develop and carry out study programmes.  

Studies at institutions are carried out on the basis of an accredited study programme. Undergraduate study programmes can be accredited as academic and applied. Accreditation is done by the Agency for Control and Quality Assurance of Higher Education in accordance with the Law on Higher Education and by law acts.

A study programme must include practical training, as well as learning outcomes for the scientific area to which the relevant study programme belongs, i.e. competences for performing the relevant activities. Programmes of undergraduate studies shall include at least two elective modules. An institution can perform its activity and admit students after the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports identifies that the institution has met the requirements prescribed by the Law on Higher Education and renders a decision on licensing in accordance with the Rulebook on more detailed conditions for the establishment, performance of activities, licensing procedure and the manner of keeping a register of higher education institutions

The license determines the type of institution, accredited study programmes, maximum number of students that can be admitted to certain study programmes, levels of education and degrees that can be obtained at the institution.

Within the programme implemented, a higher education institution  provides students with conditions for acquiring knowledge of at least one foreign language on the level of proficient user.

Teaching methods

As a part of institutions rights  an institution is entitled to determine methods of teaching and assessment of students’ knowledge.

An institution organizes lectures, exercises, practical training and other forms of instruction for all students, except in case of distance learning, in accordance with study programmes for achieving learning outcomes.

Practical knowledge, skills and competences, or practical training may be acquired at the premises of the institution and outside the institution.

Practical training outside the institution is provided by legal entities on the basis of agreement on practical training. The manner and time of organizing all forms of instruction are regulated by a general act of institution.

At the beginning of an academic year, an institution  duly informs students on the manner, time and place of conducting instruction, knowledge assessment and examination, examination results and other matters relevant for the organization of studies.

Also, a public institution may, with the approval of the Government, organise studies in cooperation with a domestic or foreign higher education institution.

A private institution may organise studies in cooperation with a domestic or foreign higher education institution.

In organisation of the these studies an institution is entitled to carry out a programme of double or joint degrees.

Double degree is acquired upon completing a study programme at two higher education institutions and is verified by two diplomas issued by these institutions.

Joint degree is issued by at least two or more higher education institutions, according to a study programme for joint degree acquisition, that hold the license to implement such study programme.  

Teaching may also be organised remotely (distance learning), whereas exams are held at premises of an institution. Conditions and manner of teaching organisation and exam taking are prescribed by the Ministry of Education, following the prior opinion of the Council for Higher Education.

By the Regulation on Norms and Standards for Financing Public Higher Education Institutions and Financing of Students at the Higher Education Institutions, passed by the Government, norms and standards for financing of public higher education institutions and students at this institutions, as well as financing students of those study programmes at private higher education institutions that have been determined as programmes of public interest, are prescribed. By this by-law act the  number of students in study groups is determined in accordance with study programme groups, number of study groups, activities of academic staff at public institution financed from the Budget, number of employees (academic staff) at public HEI, number of teaching assistants at public HEI, number of technical staff at public institution, number of non-academic staff at public institution, overheads and material costs of the public institution necessary for its activities, costs per student at public institution, costs of a study programme at public institution, costs per student at private higher education institution at study program of public interest.

Progression of students

On the occasion of enrolment in an institution a student shall opt for a certain study programme.

A study programme determines courses for an individual year of studying.

By passing exams from the courses a student obtains a certain number of ECTS credits in compliance with a study programme.

A student funded from the budget of Montenegro who has obtained at least 45 ECTS credits in an academic year enrolled for the first time is entitled to be funded from the budget in the next academic year as well.

A student funded from the budget of Montenegro who has obtained less than 45 ECTS credits in an academic year enrolled for the first time can continue studies with the status of self-funding student.

An institution may approve enrolment in the following study year to a student who failed to earn at least 45 ECTS credits if they did not pass one exam in a course worth more than 15 ECTS credits, in compliance with statute of the institution.

A student who fails to pass an elective course, may take the same course again or choose a different elective course.

Rules of studying is determined in more details by a general act of an institution.

In accordance with the Amendments to the Law on Higher Education, institutions that have accredited study programs of specialist studies until the day of the entry into force of the Law on Amendments to the Law on Higher Education, can enrol students in specialist studies until the academic year 2021/2022. Students who are enrolled in specialist studies until the day this Law enters into force and students referred in Paragraph 1 of this Article, have the right to complete their studies according to the study program valid at the time of enrollment, according to the law under which they are enrolled, and no later than 2023/2024.


In order to enable adequate circumstamces for practical training of students to prepare them for the labour market a study programme includes practical training.  Practical training makes at least 25% of total student’s workload by course, i.e. a year, depending on the learning outcomes for an individual study programme.

Practical knowledge, skills and competences, or practical training are acquired at the premises of the institution and outside the institution. Practical training outside the institution is provided by legal entities on the basis of agreement on practical training.

Also, an institution carries out labour market research at least once in five years by conducting survey among graduate students, associations of employers, commercial entities and entrepreneurs concerning the applicability of the obtained knowledge, skills and competences required in the labour market.

In that sense on the basis of the prepared Feasibility Study for the establishment of the Tracer Study, a survey for students who obtained degree of completed studies in 2009 and 2013 was conducted and Data Analysis from Tracer Study has been done.

In 2012 Montenegrin Parliament adopted Law on Professional Training of Persons with Acquired Higher Education. In accordance with this Law, the Program of Professional Training of Persons with Acquired Higher Education has been implanting. The programme enables the persons with acquired higher education, and who are without working experience, to acquire knowledge, skills and competences, during these nine months that will help them in the future for independent performing of their activities. The programme beneficiaries are enabled to acquire appropriate working experience, while the employers in both public and private sector are able to recognize high quality staff, that would once the professional development programme is finished could be engaged at work. Nine-month professional development, during which beneficiaries get monthly net salaries in the amount of 50% of average net salary in Montenegro, is support to the education of the young and incentive to them to get employment. This Program is a very good indicator and good source of information, together with other important information, and contributes to improving the decision-making process on creating the enrolment policy at higher education institutions in Montenegro from the aspect of producing qualifications in accordance with the real labour market needs. Implementation of the Programme indicates the willingness of employers to be more actively engaged in the process of training of the future workforce. Financial resources for the realization of this Program are provided by the Government. Program is performing for the six consecutive years.

In accordance with analysis done by the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation in cooperation with Tax Administration concerning four years of Program implementation, out of 14.252 Program users 6.865 i.e. 48,16% have continued their working engagement. 

Student assessment

A student takes an exam upon completion of instruction from that study course in a manner determined by a study programme, in compliance with statute of institution.

The success of students to master a course and overcome all forms of knowledge assessment before the exam shall be valued and expressed in points.

Total number of points a student can earn through all pre-exam forms of knowledge assessment, or study results ranges from 30 to 70, in compliance with the rules of studying.

On the basis of all pre-exam forms of knowledge assessment, or learning outcomes and by taking exams, a student can earn a maximum of 100 points, in compliance with the rules of studying.

Students’ performance on exam and other forms of knowledge assessment shall be expressed in letter grades, specifically: A, B, C, D, E and F.

Grade F is an insufficient grade.

Letter grades are equivalent to numerical grades, namely:

  1. A (excellent) is equivalent to grade 10

  2. B (very good) is equivalent to grade 9

  3. C (good) is equivalent to grade 8

  4. D (satisfactory) is equivalent to grade 7

  5. E (sufficient) is equivalent to grade 6.

Average grade during the studies is determined as quotient of the sum of numerical grades multiplied by ECTS credits for each course, and the total number of obtained ECTS credits.


After completing of undergraduate programmes students are awarded by diploma of undergraduate study programmes academic or applied and Bachelor degree of education. After completing of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy study program students are awarded by diploma of undergraduate study programe and Doctor of medicine/dentistry/ pharmacy education degree. As a part of diploma, a  Diploma Supplement (DS), based on the official European model, is issued to graduates. As of 2006/07, the DS was made mandatory for all degree programmes. The content of the DS is bilingual, in both Montenegrin and English. If the student studies in the language of minorities, then diploma and diploma supplement is issued in the language of minorities as well.

The content of diploma and supplement diploma is prescribed by the Rulebook on the content and form of diploma and supplement diploma, keeping the register of students, records and contents of public documents issued by the university and institutions of higher education

Qualifications acquired after completing undergraduate study program extent of 180 ECTS regardless applied of academic are accommodated in VI level of National Qualification Framework.