During the analysed period, Ukraine reformed the legislative and regulatory framework for adult education and training, which consisted of the following elements: legislative harmonisation of vocational education with adult education; legislative and regulatory support for adult education and training; promotion of adult education under martial law to simplify the training of workers; simplifying the procedure for recognising learning outcomes obtained through non-formal and/or informal education in higher and professional pre-higher education.
No reforms.
Reform of the legislative and regulatory framework for adult education and training
On 12 January 2023, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a Resolution ‘On adoption of the draft Law of Ukraine on Adult Education as a basis’ (Постанова Верховної Ради України ‘Про прийняття за основу проєкту Закону України про освіту дорослих’). The draft law includes the following provisions:
Defining of the legal, organisational and economic principles of the functioning and development of the adult education system in Ukraine, as well as outlining of the conditions for effective cooperation of stakeholdersto ensure the realisation of adults’ right to lifelong learning;
A provision to recognise non-formal education within the formal education system;
Changes of the set of adult education components, namely: additional personally oriented education and training; civic education; continuous professional development of employees, including postgraduate education; compensatory education; formative education, etc;
A suggestion to introduce the Register of Personal Electronic Portfolios, in particular for specialists in professions for which there is a need for additional regulation;
Approaches to state financing of adult education, in particular for adults with special educational needs, principles of preferential lending and taxation of costs for the training of the adult population from other sources of funding, etc.
Reform of the legal and regulatory framework for adult education and training
On 2 April 2024, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine presented a draft of the new Law on Vocational Education and Training (проєкт Закону України ‘Про професійну освіту’). This draft includes provisions on adult education, specifically:
Defining learning activities for employees of enterprises in the workplace, during internships, and/or during on-the-job training for learners of formal vocational education;
Introducing new pedagogical professions related to adult education, such as preceptor, mentor, facilitator, tutor and others.
On 19 June 2022, the Verkhovna Rada adopted the Law on Amendments to the Law of Ukraine on Vocational Education and Training (Закон України ‘Про внесення змін до Закону України ‘Про професійну (професійно-технічну) освіту’ щодо окремих аспектів підготовки кваліфікованих робітників в умовах воєнного стану та відновлення економіки’). This law promotes the development of adult education under martial law to simplify the training of workers. Introduced norms allow obtaining a new professional qualification of 2-5 NQF levels at the expense of the state and/or regional budgets, etc.
On 8 February 2022, the Ministry of Education and Science adopted the Order on Approval of the Procedure for Recognition in Higher and Professional Pre-Higher Education of Learning Outcomes Obtained through Non-formal and/or Informal Education (Наказ Міністерства освіти і науки України ‘Про затвердження Порядку визнання у вищій та фаховій передвищій освіті результатів навчання, здобутих шляхом неформальної та/або інформальної освіти’). This order simplified the recognition procedures for learning outcomes obtained through non-formal and/or informal education in higher and professional pre-higher education institutions.