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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Assessment in primary education


5.Primary education

5.3Assessment in primary education

Last update: 8 October 2024

Pupil assessment

The purpose of assessment is to guide and optimise pupil learning process within the education system. The assessment and marking process is carried out in accordance with the regulations approved by the Ministry of Education. In primary education the assessment is done on the basis of the descriptors: independent, guided and with more support and with the grades: very good, good, sufficient. Pupils with special educational needs are assessed in accordance with individualised educational plans.

In primary education all learning outcomes, assessed by the descriptors and grades listed, are considered as promotion of the study year. 

The forms of assessment applied in primary education include oral, written, practical and laboratory assessment. These assessments may be carried out in the traditional way, through oral/written/practical tests, laboratory work or term papers, as well as complementary or alternative methods such as investigation, project, portfolio or systematic observation of pupils' work and behaviour, together with self-assessment.

The number of summative assessments during a semester for each school subject is equal to at least the number of learning units, and the specific aspects of their design are set annually by the Ministry of Education. The final assessment in primary education is carried out by means of a national test, which is organised and conducted according to the Methodology for the organisation and conduct of the final assessment in primary education, approved by the Ministry of Education and Research.

In primary education settings, learning outcomes are meticulously documented across various mediums including school registers, associated registers, individual pupils’ files, study records, and the Register of Records of Study Results, adhering to protocols endorsed by the Ministry of Education. Teachers dutifully log the grades assigned to pupils throughout both formative and summative assessments within the register, aligning with the school's academic schedule, curriculum guidelines, and prevailing grading criteria.

The results obtained during the initial assessment are not recorded in the register but are used as benchmarks to measure the progress of pupils. The results of the formative and summative assessment are recorded in the school register and used to calculate the semester averages, in accordance with the specific regulations. For pupils with special educational needs, the same assessment system and criteria are applied, adapted according to the individual education plan. 

Grades for written, oral, practical and laboratory assessments are promptly logged into in the register within a timeframe of five working days from the assessment date.

Semester or annual school averages are meticulously documented within the school register as part of administrative procedures. Furthermore, grades or marks attributed to pupils are communicated directly to them and subsequently entered into their individual agendas by the responsible teachers as well as the head teacher. These agendas serve as vital communication channels between pupils, their parents, or legal representatives.

Pupils are required to have their agenda readily available, presenting it to teachers for the recording of grades or marks and to parents or legal representatives for updates on their academic progress. Depending on institutional policies, the traditional pupil's agenda may be replaced by an electronic register of learning outcomes.

As regards the assessment and evaluation of the semester, year or general learning outcomes in the primary cycle, the descriptor-based criteria assessment is applied. Criterion-referenced assessment by descriptors is a system of continuous and differentiated learning, teaching and assessment without reliance on numerical grading. Performance descriptors are qualitative assessment criteria that describe how pupils' competences are manifested facilitating the assessment of achievement levels.

Grades are not awarded for aspects such as pupils' behaviour in the classroom, failure to complete homework, missing notebooks, textbooks or utensils, and absence from lessons, including absence from assessments (Regulation on assessment and marking of learning outcomes, promotion and graduation in primary and secondary education).

Progression of pupils

The promotion of pupils in primary classes is achieved regardless of the results recorded in the School Performance Table.

Primary school pupils are not subject to retention and are advanced to the subsequent grade (Regulation on assessment and marking of learning outcomes, promotion and graduation in primary and secondary education).

This policy reflects an educational framework that focuses on ensuring the continuous progress of pupils while mitigating any potential stigmatisation or discriminatory practices within the primary school experience.


Primary education is completed with the national test, organized according to the methodology approved by the Ministry of Education (Education Code). No certificates are issued following this test.

This standardised assessment aims to ensure that pupils are adequately prepared for the later stages of education and to identify any needs for intervention or improvement in the education system.