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Early childhood and school education funding


3.Funding in education

3.1Early childhood and school education funding

Last update: 31 January 2025


The state education policy guarantees:

  • Fundamental right to education, indispensable for the exercise of other human rights;
  • Implementation of the basic mechanism for training and development of human capital;
  • Achievement of educational ideals and objectives, fostering national consciousness and identity, promoting general human values ​​and the European integration aspirations of society.

General education public institutions are financed by special destination transfers from the state budget to local budgets.

The public financial means allocated for financing the education system and public educational institutions, are approved every year by the Parliament through the State Budget Law.

The Ministry of Education and Research prepares proposals for the draft state budget and ensures the distribution of expenses in the field of education at the national level, including special destination transfers from the state budget to local budgets.

Public institutions of early education, primary, lower secondary, upper secondary and extracurricular education are founded by the local public administration authorities and by those of Gagauzia Autonomous Territorial Unit (UTA Gagauzia). They are funded by special destination transfers from the state budget to local budgets.

The state provides, free of charge:

  • didactic materials for children from preparatory groups, 

  • school textbooks for pupils from primary and secondary education, 

  • alternative communication, writing, reading, and orientation systems for children, pupils, and students with special educational needs. These alternative systems are provided for pupils/students who study in general, vocational, and higher education institutions, based on their individual needs. 

The state provides free transportation of students and teachers to and from educational institutions in rural areas, over distances exceeding 2 km.

When estimating transfers from the state budget to the local budgets, the standard value for a "weighted pupil" and the standard value for an educational institution are taken into account. The standard value for a student/pupil includes variable expenses that depend on the pupils’ number and does not include food, for which additional financial resources are transferred, separately from this formula. The standard value for the institution includes fixed expenses that do not depend on the number of pupils (water, energy, etc.). 

The local public administration authorities and UTA Gagauzia ensure the financing of public general education institutions based on the standard cost per child or pupil, in a volume that ensures compliance with state educational standards, in the manner established by the Government. They can supplement the funds allocated from the state budget from their own resources. 

In the preschool education institution, all children from the corresponding school district are enrolled, upon request, compulsorily, without competitive exams. The state ensures the expenses for preschool education and care services in public institutions for all children, including children with special educational needs.

The basic financing of general education is done according to the principle "the money follows the pupil". This means that funds designated for each pupil or child are allocated to the educational institution they attend, ensuring resources are tailored to meet the needs of individual pupil.In the first grade, as well as in the gymnasium, all children from the corresponding school district are enrolled, compulsorily, without competitive exams.

Funding of early childhood education and care

The terms and conditions for carrying out the financial activity of institutions in early childhood education are stipulated by the Ministry of Education and Research in the Regulation of the educational institution "kindergarten - primary school", and in the institutional regulations.

The preschool institution operates on the basis of budget financing with elements of self-management and self-financing.

Preschool institutions can have different forms of ownership:

  • public - created in accordance with the decision of the bodies local public administration within the limit of the number of places;

  • private - created and maintained by quota (expenses foreseen from the public budget according to existing regulations and expenses of businesses, organizations, and families) on a contractual basis.

To ensure food for children in public kindergartens parents pay a contribution established by the legislation in force. At the request of parents, additional meals for the children can be organized with payment by the parents.

The main sources of funding for the preschool institution are the budgetary means. The norms of budget financing are established for one child. The institution can receive allocations legally derived from extra-budgetary sources (donations from natural and legal persons, companies and patronage associations, lease of premises, etc.). The financing of the institution is carried out in the manner established both for the preschool institution and for the primary school.

Funding of primary and  secondary general education

The terms and conditions for carrying out the financial activity of institutions in general education are stipulated by the Ministry of Education and Research in the Regulation-type for the organization and operation of general primary and secondary education institutions, cycle I and II and in the institutional regulations.

Thus, the funding of the institutions is done through:

  • the state budget;

  • extra-budgetary sources (additional educational services provided to the population, donations, voluntary payments of individuals and legal entities, other legal income);

  • payments of money, made on strictly voluntary principles with a concrete destination, to the institution's special account or to another account opened for this purpose, with the issuance of appropriate receipts or receipts for donors. Beneficiaries will present annual reports to donors regarding the spending of the collected sums.

It is forbidden to collect money from parents, by unauthorized individuals, for the needs of the educational institution (repairs, renovations, improvements, etc.).

The state provides free transportation of pupils and teachers to and from educational institutions in rural localities, over distances exceeding 2 km.

Primary and secondary school pupils receive school textbooks free of charge. For pupils in grades X-XII (ISCED level 3), textbooks are provided through the school textbook rental scheme.

In primary education, groups or classes with an extended programme can be organised, financed from budgetary and other legal sources, in the manner established by the Ministry of Education and Research.

Financial autonomy and control

The priority source of funding for the public institutions of early childhood, primary, lower secondary, and upper secondary education is the special-purpose transfers from the state budget to the local budgets. These special purpose transfers are carried out by the Ministry of Finance, in accordance with the allocation formula proposed annually by the Ministry of Education and Research and approved by the Government.

According to the Education Code, the funding of education from state budgetary resources, is done in four ways:

  • standard funding: standard cost per child/pupil/student and adjustment coefficient;

  • compensatory funding: for children with special educational requirements, children with special abilities - through experimental or alternative programmes and performance support programmes;

  • complementary funding: for the modernization of the material and didactic base, for subsidising food, for school transport and accommodation;

  • project-based tender funding.

According to Education Code, public preschool, primary, secondary, and special education institutions, can operate under financial self-management mode in the manner established by the Government. The decision regarding the transition to financial self-management is issued by founder of the educational institution.

The basic terms and conditions of organisation and functioning of institutions in general education are stated in ministerial regulations:

The Board of administration is the governing body of the institution with a decision-making role in the administrative field. It organizes public hearings regarding the elaboration of the draft budget and its execution, ensuring the transparency of the process; establishes the directions of the development of the educational institution; manages the financial resources from other than the budgetary sources, ensuring the transparency and correctness of their capitalisation; debates the staffing scheme of the institution, etc.

The director exercises the executive management of the institution, including the financial-accounting service, if the institution has one.

Vacant teaching positions in general education institutions are filled on a competitive basis. The contest is organised based on the methodology approved by the Ministry of Education and Research.

In order to ensure financial transparency, the administrative board annually publishes at least the following documents on the institution's website and on its information board:

  • Budgets subject to public debate and the income and expenditure budget of the institution approved by the administrative board.

  • Income and expenditure budget approved by the competent authority.

  • Budget execution of the previous year accompanied by a brief informational note on the execution of the budget with an explanation of the major categories of expenses incurred.

  • Rules for completing classes, the number of classes and the staffing scheme.

  • Development plan of the educational institution and the annual operational plan.

  • Annual report on the destination of income from other sources than the budgetary ones, including parents' contributions, etc.

The basic terms and conditions of financing vocational education institutions are provided in government decisions and ministerial regulations:

The vocational education institutions (vocational schools, colleges and centers of excellence) operate in a financial-economic self-management mode, they hold accounts in the single treasury account of the Ministry of Finance and can carry out economic activities in accordance with the normative acts.

The financing of vocational education institutions is carried out from:

  • Allocations from the state budget according to the plan (State Order), approved annually by Government Decision:

a. financial means established on the basis of standard cost per pupil, differentiated by professional training programmes;

b. complementary financing, in the amount of up to 12% of the volume of allocations from the state budget, according to the state order;

c. financing through tenders based on projects, up to 3% of the volume of allocations from the state budget, according to the state order;

  • Tuition fees of students/pupils studying on a contract basis.

  • Income from the economic activity of the institution's subdivisions (teaching and auxiliary farms, experimental lots, workshops, canteens, etc.), from the creation of didactic, scientific and artistic literature, methodical works, textbooks, etc.

  • Payments for the rental of rooms, buildings, equipment.

  • Donations and income from international collaboration/cooperation, as well as from donations from natural and legal persons.

  • Income obtained by participating in projects and/or activities financed by national and international partners, including within consortia.

  • Other legal sources.

The board of administration is the governing body of the institution with a decision-making role in the administrative field. In financial terms, it annually approves the institution's budget; the strategy for obtaining and managing extra-budgetary financial resources, including entrepreneurial activities, the staffing scheme and the human resources development strategy, approves the study fee, etc.

After using the transferred funds, the institutions must submit to the founder the report on the expenses incurred and the supporting documents. The control over the efficient use and destination of the financial means is carried out by the founder and by the control bodies empowered with this right.

The monitoring of the implementation of the budget financing methodology is carried out, at the central level, by the Ministry of Education and Research and by the budgetary authorities (founders). The activity of the institutions is subject to internal and external audits. 

Fees within public education

Compulsory education is free and begins with the preparatory group of preschool education (level 0 ISCED) and ends with gymnasium (secondary education, level 2 ISCED). The obligation to attend compulsory education starts at the age of 5 and ends at the age of 16.

In the preschool education institution, in the first grade, as well as in the gymnasium, all children from the corresponding school district are enrolled, compulsorily, without competitive exams.

The state provides, free of charge:

  • didactic materials for children from preparatory groups, 

  • school textbooks for pupils from primary and secondary education, 

  • alternative communication, writing, reading, and orientation systems for children, pupils, and students with special educational needs. These alternative systems are provided for pupils/students who study in general, vocational, and higher education institutions, based on their individual needs. 

The state provides free transportation of pupils and teachers to and from educational institutions in rural areas, over distances exceeding 2 km.

To provide food for children in public kindergartens, in addition to complementary funding from the state and local budgets for subsidising food, parents pay a contribution established under the legislation in force. At the parents' request, additional meals for the children can be organised, with the costs covered by the parents. Thus the amount paid by parents in different institutions may be different.

General education institutions can provide food services for children and pupils in the manner established by the Government. 

All payments are made to the special account of the institution, to another account opened for this purpose or to the centralized accounting of local public authorities with the mandatory issuance of appropriate vouchers or receipts.

It is forbidden to collect money from parents, by unauthorised individuals, for the needs of the educational institution (repairs, renovations, improvements, etc.). However, as the study of the Public Policy Institute shows, the phenomenon of informal payments persists, especially in cities. In 2024, the Ministry of Education and Research proposed to the Government for approval a regulation that includes stricter sanctions for the illegal collection of informal payments and the regulation of a voluntary, transparent and anonymous donation mechanism, administered by educational institutions.

For activities and study programmes, in addition to the standard package of educational services financed from the state budget, fees may be charged according to the legislation in force.

The standard cost per pupil or student is the basis for calculating tuition fees.

Financial support for learners' families

A programme with governmental support measures "Family Programme" is intended to support children and families with children in the Republic of Moldova. The aim of the programme is to provide better social protection for children from all social categories, to expand services for children in need and to support young families with new options for child rearing and care.

Family allowances: The allowances addressed to families with children and paternal indemnity do not stipulate the condition of attending an educational institution.

Tax relief: Tax exemption for dependents (including children) is established annually by the Budget Law. For example, in 2024 the tax exemption for 1 dependent person constituted 9000 MDL (469 EUR*).

The tax exemption for disabled dependents (including children) is established annually by the Budget Law. For example, in 2024 this tax exemption for 1 person constituted 19800 MDL (1032 EUR*).

Non-taxable income: payments received by employees for the purpose of compensating the costs for alternative care services for children up to the age of 3 in an amount not exceeding 2500 MDL per month (130 EUR*) for each child of the employee.

Deductions from taxable income:

  • Donations made for philanthropic or sponsorship purposes in favour of family-type children's homes;
  • Expenses incurred for the granting of private scholarships, in the manner established by the Government;
  • Expenses incurred for the transport and food of intern students and/or pupils, based on the Education Code stipulations regarding dual education, in the manner established by the Government.

Other social benefits:

The state provides, free of charge:

  • didactic materials for children from preparatory groups, 

  • school textbooks for pupils from primary and secondary education, 

  • alternative communication, writing, reading, and orientation systems for children, pupils, and students with special educational needs. These alternative systems are provided for pupils/students who study in general, vocational, and higher education institutions, based on their individual needs. 

The state provides free transportation of students and teachers to and from educational institutions in rural areas, over distances exceeding 2 km. The state and local authorities ensure partial coverage of the expenses for the meals of children in preschool education.

In order to increase access to quality education, parents or other legal representatives of pupils from public general education institutions with less than 50 students, established by the Ministry of Education and Research, who decide to enroll the pupil in another public institution of primary or general secondary education benefit from the non-taxable allowance for increasing access to quality education. The allowance is granted monthly, for two years, being calculated from the date of enrollment of the pupil in the new public primary or general secondary education institution. The payment of the allowance is suspended for the period of June-August inclusively. The amount, the procedure for granting the allowances and the procedure for selecting the institutions is approved by the Government. For example, in 2024 this allowance was 1000 MDL/month (52 EUR*/month).

*(1 EUR/ MDL 19.1807 – Exchange rates. National Bank of Moldova. Accessed on 01 August 2024)

Financial support for families of pupils with special educational needs

In addition to the general family allowances, a state social allowance is provided for children with disabilities up to 18 years of age. The average value of this allowance was 1355 MDL1 (68 EUR2) in 2022.  (Source: 1.Data from the National Insurance House, available in Romanian here: 2. Average official exchange rate of the National Bank of Moldova, available here: 2022 = 1 EUR/19.8982 MDL. Accessed on 23 July 2024). The minimum amount of state social allowances for disability varies depending on the category of beneficiaries by the degree of disability, being higher for disabled children aged up to 18 and people with disabilities since childhood. The amount of state social allowances increased in 2022 compared to the previous year by 76% for disabled children up to 18 years old.

Starting from December 2023, children with severe, pronounced or moderate disabilities benefit from social allowances from the state without submitting an application in this regard. The state social allowance is granted ex officio to the child's mother based on the information sent by the National Council for the Determination of Disability and Working Capacity and the data provided by the Public Services Agency.

Compensation for transport services is granted to children with disabilities, as well as to persons accompanying them, at least once a quarter. The average amount of the quarterly compensation granted for transport services was 180 MDL (9 EUR) in 2022. (Source: 1. Government Decision:; 2. Average official exchange rate of the National Bank of Moldova, available here:  2022 = 1 EUR/19.8982 MDL. Accessed on 23 July 2024). In December 2023, the Government approved the Programme for the Development of Inclusive Education in the Republic of Moldova for the years 2024 - 2027. It stipulates the provision of adapted transport for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities, so that by 2027 it can cover at least 50% the needs of these children.

Individuals who suffer from a disease and/or professional disability and/or have lost their capacity to work, under the conditions specified by the Labour Code, are entitled to repeatedly access higher education with state funding (without tuition fees).

Pupils with orphan status, as well as pupils left without parental care, are exempt from paying the accommodation fee in the dormitories of state secondary and post-secondary vocational education institutions.

Current legislation entitles disabled people to various facilities in the form of exemptions and discounts. The facilities are particularly aimed at the fields of: provision of services, procurement of goods, and execution of documents and payment of various contributions (taxes). The way of providing the facilities is established by special normative acts. In the same way, disabled people have the right to be insured free of charge or with partial payment with assistive devices, based on medical prescriptions.

Tax exemptions*: the tax exemption for disabled dependents (including children) is established annually by the Budget Law. For example, in 2024 this tax exemption for one disabled dependent person constituted 19800 MDL (1032 EUR*).

VAT exemption*: medical services, wheelchairs, orthopaedic and prosthetic articles and appliances; the technical means used for the prevention of disability and the rehabilitation of disabled people are exempt from VAT.

Exemption from excise duties*: means of transport, imported and delivered for transportation of persons with disabilities of the locomotor apparatus, are exempt from excise duties.

Property tax exemption*: families with disabled children under the age of 18 are exempt from property tax.

Payments received by employees for compensating costs for alternative care services for children up to the age of 3 in an amount not exceeding 2500 MDL per month (130 EUR*) for each child are not included in the gross income of the employee. Likewise, alimony and child allowances are not included in gross income*.

(*Source: the Fiscal Code)

*(1 EUR/ MDL 19.1807 – Exchange rates. National Bank of Moldova. Accessed on 01 August 2024)

In 2022, at the national level, 479 different social services were provided for people with disabilities, and other vulnerable groups, most of them being specialised social services for children (185 services). Among them: professional parental assistance; family-type children's homes; community homes for children at risk; day centres for children at risk; placement centres for children separated from their parents; day centres for children with disabilities; maternity centres; child and family social assistance centres.

The number of functional inclusive education resource centers in preschool and general education institutions was 990 units in 2022, with a 90% share going to those in general education institutions.

(Source: Statistical compendium on the monitoring of the rights of persons with disabilities in the Republic of Moldova for the years 2019-2022)

Special education institutions, general education institutions and responsible public authorities ensure environmental conditions and offer educational services according to the individual needs of children and pupils with special educational needs, including by facilitating the learning of the Braille alphabet, sign language, alternative forms writing, and communication, orientation and mobility skills. Special education institutions, whether offering residential services or not, offer remedial support to children and pupils with sensory and other impairments. They also offer methodical consultations to teachers in the groups or classes where these pupils are enrolled.

Data regarding the provision of educational institutions with equipment and assistive technologies, in accordance with the special educational requirements of pupils, as well as the access of children with disabilities to these facilities is not available. They start to be collected in 2024 through the New Automated Information System of the Republican Center for Psyhopedagogical Assistance, which was in the process of development.

Financial support for learners

Primary and secondary education is provided free of charge in public institutions. However, families bear part of the costs of meals for the children.

Vocational education is financed from the state budget within the limits of the admission plan, approved annually by the Government. Thus, pupils who study on budget-funded places do not pay the tuition fee. In the years 2020-2023, the share of pupils on places with budget funding was 95-96% of the total number of pupils in public secondary vocational education institutions. (Source: National Bureau of Statistics. Education. 2024 Edition. Report. Accessed on 01 August 2024).

Grants and scholarships

In post-secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary technical vocational education, the following types of scholarships financed from the state budget are awarded:

  • merit-based scholarships;

  • study scholarships;

  • social scholarships.

Study scholarships are awarded in secondary technical vocational education.

The framework regulation on the manner and conditions of granting scholarships for pupils from post-secondary technical vocational, post-secondary non-tertiary and secondary technical vocational education institutions is established by the Government. Each educational institution has its own regulation regarding the manner and conditions of granting scholarships.

The government sets the amount and the ceiling for granting scholarships, as follows:

  • For pupils from post-secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary technical vocational education institutions:

a. Scholarships: 1st category scholarship – 970 MDL (51 EUR*); 2nd category scholarship – 815 MDL (42 EUR*); 3rd category scholarship – 745 MDL (39 EUR*);

b. Social grant – 570 MDL (30 EUR*).

Scholarship allocations for 1st category constitute up to 10%, for 2nd category – up to 20% and for 3rd category – up to 70% respectively of the budget allocations designated for this purpose.

c. The scholarship for final year pupils and all pupils from pedagogical, agricultural and medical specialties is set with a 20% increase, as follows: 1st category – 1,165 MDL (61 EUR*); 2nd category – 980 MDL (51 EUR*); 3rd category – 895 MDL (47 EUR*).

The social scholarships are awarded to pupils, upon request, depending on the financial situation of the candidate. The number of social scholarships constitutes 10% of the total number of scholarship pupils, and is awarded to those of them who passed the examination session. The social scholarships are awarded both to pupils who study at places with budget funding, and to those who study on a contract basis with the payment of the tuition fee, who come from socially vulnerable families, depending on the share of the income belonging to a family member. 

  • For pupils from secondary technical vocational education institutions:

a. Scholarships: 1st category scholarship – 725 MDL (38 EUR*); 2nd category scholarship – 610 MDL (32 EUR*); 3rd category scholarship – 515 MDL (27 EUR*);

b. Grants for pupils studying in groups for the deaf and hard of hearing - 550 MDL (29 EUR*).

Allocations for 1st category scholarships constitute up to 20%, for 2nd category scholarships - 30% and for 3rd category - 50% of the budget allocations provided for this purpose.

*(1 EUR/ MDL 19.1807 – Exchange rates. National Bank of Moldova. Accessed on 01 August 2024)

Study scholarships are awarded semiannually, according to the results of the examination session, and are paid monthly, within the limits of the means allocated for this purpose. For the pupils of the first year of education, the first semester of studies, the scholarships are established according to the average grades from the admission test.

The scholarship allocation ceiling (including for students involved in mobility programmes) is set at 70% of the number of local pupils enrolled in full-time, state-funded education at each vocational post-secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary institution, across every professional training domain. Within the limit of this established ceiling, both pupils admitted to studies with budget funding and pupils who study on a contract basis with the payment of the tuition fee can benefit from scholarships from the state budget.

The selection of scholarship candidates is carried out within the faculties/sections of the educational institutions. In order to ensure the transparency of this process, when drawing up the lists of candidates for scholarships financed from the state budget, representatives of the pupils, pupils unions, the lawyer, the accountant, etc. are involved.

In the years 2020-2023, the share of pupils receiving scholarships was 93-95% of the total number of pupils studying on budget-funded places in public secondary technical vocational education institutions. (Source: National Bureau of Statistics. Education. 2024 Edition. Report. Accessed on 01 August 2024) 

  • Monthly payment for pupils from educational institutions in the field of military and public order are 400 MDL (21 EUR*)

  • Merit-based scholarships for pupils from post-secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary technical vocational institutions:

a. 5 Scholarships of the President of the Republic of Moldova: 2860 MDL (149 EUR*)

b. 20 "Gaudeamus" scholarships 2460 MDL (128 EUR*)

Merit-based scholarships are awarded to students who have relevant performance in academic, scientific and extracurricular activities. Lists of candidates for merit-based scholarships are approved annually.

*(1 EUR/ MDL 19.1807 – Exchange rates. National Bank of Moldova. Accessed on 01 August 2024)

Discounts on the cost of travel tickets

Pupils from post-secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary technical vocational education institutions and secondary technical vocational education institutions, with the exception of those who have their permanent residence in the same city of the educational institution or in the suburbs of this city, have the right to two trips per year across the country (round trip), with the refund of 50% of the cost of travel tickets in intercity road and rail transport by the respective educational institution, from the budget funds for scholarship students and from the study fees for pupils who study on a contract basis.

Per-diem and accommodation

During the pedagogic and specialised internships, students and pupils are paid per-diems and accommodation in the amount of 50% of the per-diems and accommodation cost established for officials and workers, as well as full transport expenses (round trip) from the educational institution to the headquarters of the institution/company where the internships are organised.

Discounts on accommodation costs in dormitories

The Government sets the accommodation fees in the dormitories of state educational institutions.

Pupils from state secondary technical vocational education institutions pay 15% of the accommodation cost.

Pupils who study with funding from the state budget and on a contract basis in state post-secondary technical vocational education institutions pay no more than 40% of the accommodation cost.

The concrete amount of the accommodation fee in the dormitories of the state institutions of secondary and post-secondary technical vocational education is calculated in accordance with the Methodology for calculating the accommodation fee in the dormitories, established by the Government and institutionally approved.

Pupils with orphan status, as well as students left without parental care, are exempt from paying the accommodation fee in the dormitories of state secondary and post-secondary technical vocational education institutions.

Most pupils are provided with accommodation in dormitories. In the years 2020-2023, the share of pupils who had places in dormitories varied between 94 and 98% of the number of those who requested accommodation in dormitories. (Source: National Bureau of Statistics. Education. 2024 Edition. Report. Accessed on 01 August 2024)

Tax exemption

Scholarships for pupils are non-taxable sources of income.

Private education

The financing of private educational institutions is carried out from the sources of the founders and tuition fees, income from the provision of paid educational services, research and technology transfer activity, as well as from grants, sponsorships, donations, and other legal sources.

According to the Education Code, accredited private general education institutions can benefit from state support in the manner established by the Government.

The board of directors of the private general education institution oversees the financial performance of the institution and ensures that its financial resources are well managed. It additionally includes in its composition a representative of the founder.

The local public administration authorities monitor the activity of private educational institutions within the administered territory.

Fees for studies in private kindergartens in Moldova are approximately 150-500 EUR per month.

Tuition fees in a private upper secondary institution vary from 800 to 13500 EUR for one year of studies.

The conditions for payment of tuition fees are established by the private institution in accordance with the law.

To these tuition fees the payment for registration, the testing fee and the payment for children’s meals can be added.

Private institutions may offer discounts. For example family discounts: for the second child or for the third child studying in this school. A discount may be granted if the tuition fee is paid in full in one instalment before the start of the school year.

Sources on tuition fees: