Pupil assessment
The evaluation and grading process is carried out in accordance with the Regulation Regarding The Assessment And Grading Of Learning Outcomes, Promotion and Graduation in Primary and Secondary Education, approved by the Ministry of Education and Research.
The evaluation of learning results, at all levels of education, is done with grades from "10" to "1" and, by case, with the qualifications "excellent", "very good", "good", "satisfactory", "unsatisfactory", "admitted", "rejected" or by descriptors.
In general upper secondary education, the passing results of the academic year are considered: grades from "5" to "10" and the qualifications "very good", "good", "satisfactory", and "admitted". Learning outcomes from "4" to "1" are considered below the passing threshold.
The evaluation of the learning results is carried out periodically during the semesters or during the school holidays (for special situations).
Each semester includes summative assessment activities carried out according to the learning units planned in the long-term didactic project in the school discipline, to establish the level of skills acquired by the pupils.
At the end of each semester and at the end of the academic year, teachers have the obligation to complete the pupil’s school situation. In organising the evaluation, the following principles will be respected: validity, reliability, equity, transparency, confidentiality, respect for the participating parties.
The evaluation and grading of pupils with special educational needs is carried out based on the individualised educational plans.
The forms of assessment applied in the educational process in secondary education at the class level are: oral, written, practical and laboratory. In the context of the given forms, traditional methods can be used (based on tests, oral/written/practical tests, laboratory works, semester theses) and complementary/alternative methods (investigation, project, portfolio, systematic observation of pupils' activity and behaviour and self-assessment).
The initial assessment for school subjects is organised in written, oral or practical form, the decision regarding the form of conduct belongs to the teaching staff depending on the specifics of the subject.
The formative/continuous evaluation is carried out throughout the learning unit. The frequency of the continuous evaluation is established based on the number of hours, the specifics of the discipline, according to the curriculum documents elaborated by the Ministry of Education.
The number of summative assessments during a semester, for each school discipline, is equal to at least the number of learning units/designed modules. The specific design aspects of the summative evaluations are established annually by the methodological milestones for the organisation of the educational process, approved by the Ministry of Education.
When applying summative evaluations, teachers are responsible for developing evaluation tools: the specification matrix (for evaluations based on docimological tests), the content of the evaluation test, the correction scale, the score-to-grade converting scheme.
The teaching staff has the right to select the forms of assessment applied in the educational process according to the provisions of the curriculum documents and the psycho-pedagogical particularities of the group of pupils. The educational institution has the right to establish its evaluation forms and strategies, discussed within the methodical committees of the institution and approved by the Board of Administration, in compliance with the normative acts in force.
In general, upper secondary education, the semester average for school subjects is the arithmetic average of the current grades, obtained during the semester, calculated without rounding, up to two decimals.
The number of marks/qualifications during a semester awarded to the pupil, in each school discipline, excluding the summative assessment mark (semester thesis), must be, at least, equal to the weekly number of hours provided by the Education Framework Plan for the cycle high school, but not less than two.
In upper secondary education, the subjects Physical Education, Education for Society, and Personal Development will be assessed using descriptors/qualifications, according to the specific assessment algorithms of each subject, in line with the curriculum documents issued by the Ministry of Education.
In the school discipline Physical Education pupils can be exempted from physical effort under specific conditions:
"throughout the academic year", in the school catalogue (subject page), as well as when registering the school situation, it is indicated "exempt", and the medical document is kept by the medical assistant at the educational institution;
"partially" (during one semester), when establishing the annual school situation, the grade of the second semester is recorded; or
"partially, with the limitation of physical effort", according to the recommendations of the doctors, they are assessed by descriptors with qualifications, according to the curricular provisions.
The type of activities during physical education hours are determined individually by the teacher, in consultation with the director of the institution.
At the end of the academic year, the final grades in the subjects evaluated by descriptors/qualifications are recorded in the school catalogue (under the "Learning Outcomes Record" section”) and in the baccalaureate diploma. The study disciplines, in which semester theses/examinations are submitted, are established by order of the Ministry of Education. It is not allowed to organise additional theses, other than those established by the Ministry of Education.
The evaluation tools applied within the semester theses—including the specification matrix or correlation table (linking specific competencies, evaluation objectives, item content, and complexity level), the assessed curriculum topics, the marking scheme, and the score-to-grade conversion chart—are developed by the Local Specialised Education Authority (OLSDÎ) or the educational institution, depending on the decision of the OLSDÎ.
At the decision of the OLSDÎ, the assessment tools applied in the theses session, can be elaborated within the lyceum, by the teaching staff of the discipline, discussed within the Institutional Methodical Commission and approved by the director of the educational institution.
The individual responsible for preparing the semester thesis establishes the specific skills to be evaluated, develops the evaluation objectives and the evaluation tools to be used in the evaluation process.
Pupils are eligible to sit the semester thesis if their cumulative average in the respective subject is at least 5 (five), based on the decision of the institution's teaching council, convened on the last working day before the beginning of the semester thesis session.
The list of pupils along with their cumulative average in the subject for which the semester thesis is held, signed by the teaching staff and supervisors, is presented to the secretary of the Teacher's Council, during the admission session. Pupils who have an average of current grades of at least "5" (five) are considered "admitted" to the thesis.
Pupils who have an average of current marks below "5" (five) are admitted to the thesis after clearing their academic backlog, without the need for an additional convocation of the faculty council. The grade "10" (ten) is awarded ex officio for the semester thesis, in the following cases:
to pupils holding 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree diplomas at the republican and international Olympiads in the given discipline, organised by the Ministry of Education, in the current academic year, within the summer session;
to pupils who passed, during their general education, exams with international recognition for the certification of linguistic skills in foreign languages and hold a certificate attesting a level of linguistic competence of at least B2 (C1 for candidates from bilingual classes), corresponding to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The list of recognised international language certification exams is approved by ministerial order. This exemption applies in the last semester examination session that includes the Foreign Language subject, as per the list of examination subjects approved by the Ministry of Education and Research (MEC).
to pupils who hold a certificate attesting to the successful completion of internationally recognised exams for certifying competencies in the field of informatics (recognized by order of the Ministry of Education). This exemption applies in the last thesis session that includes the discipline of Informatics, according to the list of theses disciplines approved by the Ministry of Education.
Semester theses/examinations:
are organised in the last two weeks of the semester, according to the schedule approved by OLSDÎ, respecting the interval of at least one day between tests. It is not allowed to organise two semester theses or other summative assessment tests on the same day;
takes place during two academic hours;
it is evaluated in the premises of the educational institution, within no more than two days from the date of the completion of the thesis, by all the teachers of the school discipline within the Methodical Commission, in accordance with the developed marking schemes .
Pupils who did not submit the semester thesis due to illness, absence, or have marks lower than "5" (five) can submit the semester thesis, until the next theses session. For summer theses this must be done by September 1 of the year in progress, according to the schedule established by the management of the educational institution. Pupils caught cheating during the examination will be disqualified and must retake the exam in accordance with the conditions outlined in the Regulations.
The teaching council may decide the number of attempts for retaking failed exams (corigențe), as well as the extension of the term for these retakes, but not later than the beginning of the next semester theses session (in the case of the winter session)/the beginning of the next academic year (in the case of the summer).
The deputy director in charge of the instructional process ensures, by the end of the semester, that the hours for the subjects in which the semester theses were held are properly included in the timetable.
The results of the semester theses, in a compulsory manner, are analysed with the pupils, within 5 working days from the date of the thesis, with the recording of results in the school catalogue.
Semester theses are kept for three years in the educational institution and can be consulted by the pupils/their parents, in the presence of the teacher who teaches the respective study discipline and/or who awarded the grade.
The semester average in each school subject is calculated without rounding, to the nearest hundredth. The average is calculated as follows: a) for school subjects without theses, the semester average is the arithmetic average, calculated without rounding, to the nearest hundredth, of the current grades obtained in the oral and written assessments, practical and laboratory work; b) for school subjects where semester theses are submitted, the semester average is calculated from the average of the current grades, calculated to the nearest hundredth, without rounding and the grade from the thesis, dividing the sum by two, in the event that both marks are not lower than "5" (five); c) if the grade from the semester thesis is lower than "5" (five), then the average for the semester is calculated according to the deadlines set by the school management for retaking the semester examination.
The semester/annual average in school subjects with curricular extension (according to models I-III of the Framework Plan for high school education) is the arithmetic average, calculated to hundredths, without rounding, of the average mark obtained in the basic curriculum, of the average mark obtained in curricular extension and the mark from the semester thesis.
The annual average in each school subject (evaluated by grades) is calculated to the nearest hundredth, without rounding, based on semester averages. Pupils who do not pass at least one semester examination or obtain a semester grade lower than "5", do not end their academic situation in the school discipline in question.
The administration of the educational institution establishes the deadline and the delegated persons responsible for the repeated organisation of semester theses.
The arithmetic average of all the annual averages, calculated without rounding up to the nearest hundredth, constitutes the general average and is calculated at the end of the courses/cycles for the failed pupils.
For postponed pupils, the semester/annual/general average is calculated after taking the tests to clear the correctness/arrears/differences in the program. The support of proofs of retake examinations or the conclusion of the school situation for failed pupil is carried out under the conditions of the Regulation.
The general mark in the national baccalaureate exam is calculated to the nearest hundredth, without rounding, based on the marks obtained in the exam subjects, if the mark for each exam subject is at least "5" (five).
The arithmetic average of all annual averages in compulsory and optional school subjects (recommended by the Ministry of Education) from the Education Framework Plan, calculated to hundredths, without rounding, constitutes the general average for pupil in all education cycles. It is calculated at the end of courses/cycles for passed pupils. For pupils with unfinished school status from the X-XI grades, the general average is calculated after passing the retake exam, difference, and recovery tests.
The school average is calculated regardless of the result, and is kept in the school catalogue, except for deferred pupils, whose semester average cannot be finalised for the reasons stipulated in the Regulations.
For the admission to the semester thesis, in lyceum education, the average of the current grades in the school subject to which the thesis is organised will be calculated and attached to the decision of the Teaching Council.
In upper secondary cycle, the semester average for the school discipline with semester theses will be recorded in the school catalogue only if the average of the current grades and the grade from the thesis are greater than or equal to "5" (five). Otherwise, after clearing the retake exams, under the conditions of the established Regulation, "C" grade will be recorded in the respective column, which means "retake" (corigent).
For the record of clearing retake exams, the column in the catalogue indicating "Semester average / Annual average" is preceded by the column "Clearing of Semester/Annual Retake".
In upper secondary classes, the grades from the semester theses are recorded in the school catalogue at the time of submission. The immediately following column is fixed only for the results of clearing retakes, and in the column "Subject of the lesson" it is indicated "Clearing of Retake for Semester Examination", where the grades from "5" to "10" are recorded. The evidence of the grades obtained by the pupils in cases of repeated exam is recorded in a minutes report, signed by the deputy director in charge of training.
The grades awarded are compulsorily communicated to the pupils and are recorded in the pupil's agenda by the teaching staff who assign them and by the class tutor. The pupil's agenda serves as a communication tool with the pupil's parents or legal representatives.
Pupils have the obligation to carry the agenda, to present it to the teaching staff for the recording of grades/qualifications, as well as to parents/legal representatives for information on the school situation. At the decision of the educational institution, the pupil’s agenda can be replaced by the electronic record of learning results.
The final certification assessment of educational performance in secondary education is carried out through the national testing called “the national baccalaureate exam”, organised and carried out in accordance with the regulation approved by the Ministry of Education.
Progression of pupils
According to the Regulation regarding the assessment and grading of learning outcomes, promotion and graduation in primary and secondary education promotion in general upper secondary education is based on the results obtained by pupils in the compulsory and optional school subjects of the Framework Plan.
Pupils from grades X-XII are promoted if, at the end of the academic year, they obtain at least an annual average of "5" (five) in all school subjects from the Education Framework Plan according to the respective profile and class.
Deferred pupils who do not pass the course/difference in the program, within the established terms, are considered, by the decision of the Teacher's Council, to have failed.
Pupils from the grade XII, who obtained average annual marks from "1" to "4" in 1-3 subjects of study and do not have the school situation completed in the school subjects from the Framework Plan are not admitted to the national baccalaureate exam.
The educational institution issues for these pupils a certificate attesting the school situation for the general upper secondary education.
Pupils can request to take the national baccalaureate exam under the conditions of the Regulations regarding the national baccalaureate exam.
Pupils of grades X-XI, who have obtained an annual average mark from "1" to "4" in 1-3 school subjects or exams are considered to have failed and are promoted to the next grade only after clearing the retakes, according to the decision of the Teaching Council and the order of the educational institution director.
Pupils of grades X-XI with annual average marks from "1" to "4" in more than three school subjects are considered repeaters, they are not promoted to the next grade. The expulsion of pupils declared repeaters pupils from lyceum education is done under the conditions of regulations approved by the Ministry of Education.
The decision with reference to promotion and/or repetition/correction belongs to the teaching council of the educational institution and is adopted until September 1 of the current year, being validated by the order of the director of the educational institution.
The timetable for clearing the retake exams is developed by the deputy director, coordinated with the teacher and approved by the order of the director of the educational institution.
Pupils who have been absent, whether motivated or unmotivated, including studying for a certain period of time, abroad, support the differences in the programme, including semester theses according to the schedule established by the Faculty Council and approved by order of the educational institution director.
Pupils declared deferred in the first semester may complete their school situation during the second semester, up until the start of the current semester’s exams. The finalisation of the school situation of these pupils is based on grades obtained from remedial assessments. .
If, within the established deadlines, lyceum pupils do not manage to clear the retakes, for health reasons or other objective reasons, the director of the institution, based on the decision of the Teaching Council, grants an additional deadline until the beginning of the next academic year.
The end of the school situation of pupils postponed for the second semester or postponed annually is done in a period established, by order, by the director of the educational institution, but no later than August 25 of the current year.
Pupils who have failed, who cannot attend the retake exams for valid reasons, confirmed by documents, are examined on a later date. This date is established by order by the director of the institution and must be set within a maximum of seven working days from the original exam date.
The school situation of failed, deferred or repeating pupils is communicated in writing to parents/legal guardians or to adult pupils, by the tutor, no later than 10 days after the end of each semester/year of studies. They will confirm, by signature, about the acknowledgment of the learning outcomes and about the responsibility for retaking the remedial exam/arrears/differences in the terms established by the management of the institution.
For pupils who are delayed or who failed the exams, the class tutor notifies to the parents/legal representatives, in writing, the schedule for remedial examinations, curriculum difference assessments, and the deadline for finalising the academic record.
For the organisation of remedial / arrears/ liquidation of curriculum difference exams, the director of the educational institution issues an order establishing:
the deputy director responsible for the organisation of tests for retake examinations/ curriculum difference assessments;
the teaching staff responsible for the individual activity with pupils who have failed or deferred assessments;
the location, period, schedule of activities, types and forms of evaluation, as well as the deadlines for carrying out the final evaluation.
For pupils declared failed or postponed semesterly/annually, the examination is made of all the subjects studied by the pupils in the semester/year of studies, according to the curriculum requirements. The number of written tests for the remedial examinations will be at least two.
For failed pupils, two sessions for the retake examinations and differences are organised annually for each semester of studies in a period established by order, by the director of the institution. Based on the results of the session for the retake examinations/differences in the programme, the teaching council takes the final decision regarding the promotion of the respective pupils, based on which, the director of the institution issues the order for promotion to the next grade or repeating the grade/year of studies.
The teaching staff responsible for the retake examinations/differences in the programme completes a report with reference to the retake examinations, attaching the copies of the proofs of retake examinations/differences in the programme, which are kept, during the pupil's stay in the educational institution, at the deputy director for training. The arithmetic average of marks from the tests for retake examinations/programme differences has the value of the "semester average" and is registered in the catalogue on the page of the respective study discipline in the column reserved for "Retake examinations".
Failed pupils from grades X-XI, who do not attend or do not pass the retake exam in at least one school subject, as well as postponed pupils, who do not appear at the finalisation exam for at least one subject, are declared repeaters.
Pupils declared repeaters enrol in the following academic year in the class they repeat, at the same secondary education institution or they may transfer to another educational institution in that class.
The obligation to attend compulsory education ends at the end of the school year in which the pupil reaches the age of 16. Individuals who have not completed compulsory education by this age and who are more than two years older than the age for the class they could have been enrolled in, may continue their studies, upon request, in institutions offering part-time education.
The following pupils do not support programme differences for the previous years of studies:
pupils graduating from secondary vocational education and training institutions when enrolling in upper secondary education through transfer or enrolment in upper secondary based on admissions competition;
pupils graduating from secondary vocational education and training institutions and secondary schools of general culture when enrolling in part-time upper secondary education;
pupils from upper secondary classes transferred from one profile to another for school subjects that, according to the Education Framework Plan, have a different number of hours.
The teaching council in the institution validates the school situation of the pupils per semester, annually, after graduation exams, supplementary exams, by class, in meetings. The secretary of the council records it in the minutes, mentioning, depending on the approved results the names of those "promoted", "failed", "repeaters", "postponed", "expelled". Based on the decision of the Teaching Council, the director of the educational institution issues the order with reference to the promotion of pupils.
The admission of XII-grade pupils to the graduation exams of the educational cycles is done by the Institution's Teaching Council (convened annually between May 25-27), in accordance with the Regulations on National Graduation Exams approved by the Ministry of Education. Based on the decision of the Teachers' Council, the director of the educational institution issues the order with reference to the admission of pupils to the graduation exams.
For XII-grade pupils, admission to the national baccalaureate exam is based on the results obtained by the pupils in the school subjects from the Framework Plan for upper secondary education, in the respective profile.
Pupils who have an annual average mark below "5" (five) in school subjects from the Education Framework Plan are not considered admitted to the national baccalaureate exam.
According to the Instruction on the Automated Customization, Issuance, Record-keeping, and Retention of Study Documents in General Education in the Republic of Moldova, pupils who successfully complete the level of upper secondary education, receive the Baccalaureate Diploma (Diploma de Bacalaureat). The diploma is issued in Romanian language, free of charge by the lyceum where the pupil studied, on blanks elaborated and approved by the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova.
The following information is indicated in the certificate: series and number, registration number, issue date, the name and location of the education institution, baccalaureate centre (locality and the district), profile, graduation year, name, surname and date of birth of the pupil, pupil’s ID or other identity document, the results of final exams and transcript of the obtained grades, space for titular signature, space for signature, name and surname of the institution director, deputy director and three didactic staff; space for signature of the president of the baccalaureate centre.
Pupils who failed the final baccalaureate exams receive a Certificate of Lyceum studies (Certificat de studii liceale), which includes a transcript of obtained marks during the X-XII grades from the personal file, validated by the signature and the stamp of the institution’s director.
The assessment, grading and certification of qualifications at different educational levels, as well as documents certifying qualifications by educational level, are described by the National Register of Qualifications.