Polish presidency of the EU: Priorities of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education
10 January 2025
On 1 January 2025, Poland assumed the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, which will last for the next six months. The leading message of the Polish Presidency, ‘Security, Europe!’, reflects the priorities for action, focusing on ensuring stability in key areas. The Polish Presidency will strive to strengthen security in the external, internal, information, economic, energy, food and health dimensions, taking initiatives for the common good of all Member States.
Priorities in higher education
Inclusive education and the social dimension of education
One of the main priorities of the Polish Presidency in the field of higher education is the promotion of inclusive education, implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education. The Ministry also emphasises the social dimension of education, covering topics such as:
- mental health of students,
- the role of women in science,
- promotion of STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering, mathematics).
Developing European University Alliances
As part of enhancing the competitiveness of EU education systems, work will continue on the Higher Education Package, as well as initiatives related to European University Alliances, which aim to strengthen cooperation between universities across the EU.
Key documents
Two strategic documents will be negotiated and adopted during the Polish Presidency:
- Resolution of the EU Council on the Plan for a Common European Diploma,
- EU Council Recommendation on a European Quality Assurance and Recognition System for Higher Education.
The adoption of these documents is planned during the Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council meeting on 12 May 2025 in Brussels.
Ministry plans for the new academic year 2024/25
27 September 2024
The Ministry of Science and Higher Education plans to amend the Law on Higher Education and Science. Among the announced changes are a tightening of the visa system, changes to the functioning of postgraduate studies and issues related to strengthening the rights of students and doctoral students.
Quality of education is a priority
The main aim of the changes is to put things right in higher education - quality of education is a priority. Among other things, it is planned to introduce the right of the Minister of Science to liquidate non-public universities on the basis of clear evidence of law-breaking.
The changes will also include the right to conduct postgraduate studies - only universities that provide first-cycle programmes will have this right. Such HEis have the appropriate staff and facilities to conduct postgraduate studies.
Tightening up the visa regime for students
A provision is planned whereby universities will have to admit more Polish students than foreign ones.
The possibility of admitting foreign students will also be limited to academic universities, i.e. those that provide education in at least one field of study with a category B+ or higher. State higher education institutions will also have the possibility to educate students under the Erasmus+ programme. The changes are being prepared in consultation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Democratisation of universities - changes to academic structures
The democratisation of universities is planned. No internal structure, such as the university council, should influence the choice of the rector. It should be the choice of the students and staff of the university.
There are also plans to expand the composition of the university council to include a representative of young researchers employed by the university, appointed by the senate. The changes will also concern the composition of the electoral colleges: the minimum composition of the college is to be at least 80 members.
Strengthening the rights of students and doctoral students
Among the changes planned for the entitlements of students and doctoral students, the Minister announced, among other things:
- the possibility for doctoral students to apply for an allowance,
- regulation of the institution of an Ombudsman for Students‘ Rights and an Ombudsman for Doctoral Students’ Rights,
- clarification of provisions concerning the granting of a doctoral scholarship and establishing its amount,
- extending the catalogue of benefits to include scholarships for social activities.
Consolidation of universities for efficient management of resources
There are plans for universities to work together to share infrastructure and teaching facilities, and ultimately, to merge some of them. A larger university means lower service costs and more efficient use of the infrastructure. One university has unused buildings and another lacks classrooms. Larger HEIs also mean more opportunities to obtain external funding.
The universities will have a choice in the matter. The incentive to consolidate is to be provided by additional funds for transition costs and an increase in subsidies for the merged entities. The new provisions of the Act are also expected to clarify a number of formal issues, such as adding associations of HEIs to the catalogue of entities operating for the benefit of the higher education and science, or regulating the issue of incorporating a branch established by a public HEI into another public HEI.
New certificates for non-degree postgraduate studies and specialised training
5 August 2024
The Minister of Science and Higher Education has signed an amendment to the regulation on documents issued in connection with the course or completion of non-degree postgraduate studies and specialised training. The new regulations will come into force on 1 October 2024.
Pursuant to the Act of 20 July 2018 the Law on Higher Education and Science, the provider of postgraduate studies and specialised training independently determines the templates for certificates of completion of such studies. The new regulations introduce changes to these documents indicating the necessary elements that must be included in the certificate. They will enter into force on 1 October 2024.
Now certificates will have to include more information i.e.:
- the start and end dates of the postgraduate course,
- the number of hours of online courses and the number of ECTS credits allocated to those courses,
- information on the location of the practical placement (if any),
- information on training for a relevant profession or obtaining professional qualifications (if applicable),
- for persons preparing for the teaching profession: confirmation that the studies completed have prepared them for the teaching profession, with an indication of the subject or type of courses they can teach.
In addition, certificates will include the number of practical placement hours. The possibility of including printed information instead of the stamp of the person signing the certificate has also been introduced to facilitate preparation of the documents.
These changes aim to improve the quality of education, enable better evaluation of the course of study and provide graduates with more detailed certificates that can be valid for employers or professional qualification authorities.
National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) and the Polish Academy of Science (PAN) - legislative work in progress
11 July 2024
The following bills were added to the list of legislative work of the Council of Ministers: on amending the Act on the National Centre for Research and Development, the Act on the Polish Academy of Sciences and on the liquidation of the Copernicus Academy.
National Centre for Research and Development
The purpose of the proposed act is to introduce necessary procedural changes and to improve the functioning of the institutions supervised by the minister responsible for higher education and science and research institutes. The changes mainly concern the mode of appointment and dismissal, and the composition of the management bodies of supervised institutions, as well as the qualifications of persons performing the functions of director and deputy director in research institutes, and the financing of research institutes.
The key issues to be resolved are the matters related to the Minister's appointment of the NCBiR Director, as well as the selection procedure for the members of the NCBiR Council and ways to determine the term of office of its members.
Polish Academy of Sciences
The main aim of the draft law is to consolidate the position of the Polish Academy of Sciences as a strong, autonomous scientific institution guided by the constitutional principle of freedom of scientific research by creating mechanisms to counteract current problems in the area of organisation and management, and to adapt the provisions of the law to the changing legal environment.
The draft law provides for amendments to:
- supervision over the activities of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and its scientific and other organisational units
- organisational structure
- the status of PAN members
- property management
- finances.
Minister of Science and Higher Education with conclusions after visits to 16 academic institutions
26 June 2024
The Minister of Science and Higher Education summarised the sixteen meetings with the academic community held in all provinces of the country since February. The Minister met with all rectors and also listened to the ideas of thousands of students and doctoral students at open meetings. The conclusions of these visits will be reflected in the planned amendment to the Act Law on Higher Education.
The minister announced changes to raise the status of doctoral students, increase funding for research and development, and improve the financial situation of students. The amendment to the Act aims to adapt the legislation to contemporary challenges and the needs of the entire academic community.
The planned changes concern the following areas:
- Quality of education
- Equal opportunities for studying
- Consolidation of universities
- Increased investment in research projects and international cooperation
- Evaluation system for academic institutions.
Supporting students to improve their competences and skills
18 June 2024
The Minister of Science and Higher Education announces a call for candidates for experts for the advisory team in the framework of the implementation of the project entitled "Supporting students in raising their competences and skills". Applications can be sent before 2 July 2024.
The Project assumes systemic support of universities (entities benefiting directly from the support) by enabling female and male students to participate in international competitions, competitions and conferences.
The aim of the Project is to support female and male students in the development of their:
- competences and skills,
- scientific activity
- innovation
- creativity,
by enabling them to participate in international competitions, competitions, conferences.
The call for proposals was conducted on the basis of the Call of the Minister of Science and Higher Education and lasted until 24 June 2024. The value of funds allocated for the call for proposals in the current Call is PLN 12,500,000.00. The cost of implementation of one project cannot exceed:
- PLN 80,000.00 - in the case of a project implemented by a single student or a female student;
- PLN 500,000.00 - in the case of a project realised by a team of students.
A total of PLN 27,500,000 is earmarked for the implementation of the project.
Organising and animating activities for the academic community
6 June 2024
The competition is aimed at non-governmental organisations and other entities that carry out statutory activities in the academic environment for, among others:
- equalising opportunities for students and doctoral students with disabilities,
- supporting students at an early stage of their studies in order to prevent the phenomenon of abandoning studies (the so-called "drop out"),
- student scientific movement and scientific circles,
- raising the legal awareness of students and doctoral students as regards regulations concerning higher education and science - including watchdog activities,
- the development of academic media, with particular emphasis on programmes devoted to studies, research and the popularisation of science,
- popularising pro-environmental behaviour among students and doctoral students.
This year's thematic scope of the competition was extended to include activities supporting students at an early stage of their studies to prevent the phenomenon of dropping out of university.
The competition offered funding for initiatives for the academic community in the form of competitions, information campaigns, conferences, seminars, training sessions and workshops. The minimum grant amount was PLN 30 000, and the maximum PLN 120 000.
A record number of 247 offers were submitted for this year's competition. In earlier editions, their number was: 75 (2020), 47 (2021), 54 (2022), 118 (2023). Of all the bids submitted this year, 123 qualified for substantive evaluation. 48 projects will receive funding totalling PLN 4.5 million.
Call for tenders from the Minister of Science under the FERS Programme
10 May 2024
On 9 May 2024, a call for bids from HEIs was launched as part of the project ‘Supporting students to improve their competences and skills’ funded by the European Funds for Social Development 2021-2027 programme.
The call is conducted on the basis of the Invitation of the Minister of Science and lasts until 24 June 2024.
The funds allocated for the call for proposals amount to PLN 12,500,000.00.
The cost of implementation of one project cannot exceed:
1. 80 000,00 PLN - in the case of a project implemented by a single student;
2. PLN 500,000.00 - in the case of a project implemented by a team of students.
The aim of the project is to support students in the development of their competences and skills, their research and scientific activity, innovation and creativity by enabling them to participate in international competitions and conferences.
The outcome of the project will be the acquisition of competences or qualifications by those participating in higher education and an increase in the total number of students who will take part in various forms of competition within the higher education system.
Support for students in 2024
12 April 2024
According to the Budget Act 2024, the funds to be distributed to universities amount to PLN 1.6 billion. In the main subsidy distribution, 1.5 billion has been earmarked. The remaining reserve (PLN 123.5 million) is intended for supplementary and corrective distributions during the year.
These funds will be used to increase subsidies for, among other things, additional needs of HEIs caused by an increase in the number of students entitled to benefits, and in connection with the change, as of 1 October 2024, of the income criterion entitling a student to a social grant. This threshold will increase from PLN 1,294.4 to PLN 1,570.5 (net) per person in the student's family.
In the proposed distribution of funds for grants for students and doctoral students in 2024, PLN 1.6 billion is planned. In addition, PLN 230 million will be earmarked for the renovation of dormitories and canteens, as well as over PLN 54 million for expenses related to the granting of the Minister's scholarships for outstanding achievements for students, doctoral students and young scientists. In total, PLN 374 million more was allocated to support students than last year. This is an increase of almost 25 per cent.
"Universities more accessible" - NCBR competition
5 April 2024
The National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) will allocate PLN 400 million to ensure that students with special needs can benefit from the offer of Polish universities. The funds for this purpose come from the European Funds for Social Development programme. Applications for funding can be submitted from 8 April to 28 June.
This is yet another NCBR competition under the European Funds for Social Development (FERS) programme, which will contribute to the elimination of barriers to access to higher education within the concept of 'Accessible University' .
The aim of the initiative is to remove barriers to access to higher education. The idea is to implement the principles of equal opportunities by, among other things, providing appropriate infrastructure and organising the educational process in such a way as to ensure that studies are adapted to the needs of all students, especially those with disabilities.
Salary increases for university teachers - regulation signed
21 February 2024
The Minister of Science and Higher Education has signed a regulation on determining the minimum basic salary of a professor at a public university. It provides for an increase in salaries as of 1 January 2024 by 30 per cent. This means that the salary of a professor will increase from the current level of PLN 7,210 to PLN 9,370. Funds for salary increases for academic teachers in public universities have been secured in the Budget Act for 2024.
The provisions of the regulation will enter into force on the day following the date of announcement, i.e. 22 February, with effect from 1 January 2024.
The salaries of academic teachers and research staff of the Polish Academy of Sciences and other benefits in the higher education system are correlated with the minimum salary of a professor.
According to the Law on Higher Education and Science, the amount of monthly basic salary in a public university for an academic teacher may not be lower than 50 per cent of the salary of a professor, but for:
- university professor - not less than 83 per cent
- an assistant professor - not less than 73% of that remuneration.
The minimum professorial remuneration set out in the regulation also affects a number of other benefits in the higher education and science system, such as the amount of:
- the total monthly amount of social grant and rector's grant that a student may receive,
- the monthly remuneration of the members of the board of a higher education institution,
- the function-related allowance of an employee of a public higher education institution, including the rector,
- the remuneration for promotion proceedings,
- monthly doctoral scholarship.
The actual level of remuneration in public higher education institutions is shaped independently by the authorities of the institution within the autonomy they have in this respect, individually for each employee and taking into account the financial resources available.
The amount of the minimum rates of remuneration for academic teachers in particular staff groups after the planned increase will be as follows:
- professor - PLN 9,370.00 - increase by PLN 2,160.00,
- university professor - PLN 7,777.10 - increase by PLN 1,792.80,
- assistant professor - PLN 6 840.10 - increase by PLN 1 576.80,
- assistant, lecturer - PLN 4,685.00 - increase by PLN 1,080.00.
Expert Panel on the National Internationalisation Strategy of Science
1 February 2024
Preparations for the development of the National Strategy for Internationalisation of Science are underway. Representatives of universities, scientific institutes and other institutions operating in the field of science and higher education have been included in the work on the national strategy. The development of the strategy will take place under the leadership of the National Agency for Academic Exchange and under the auspices of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
Members of the team, which will be the main advisory voice for the preparation of the strategy, received their appointment letters from the Deputy Minister.
Among the most important factors for increasing the level of internationalisation, experts point to international study programmes, joint research projects and the issue of obtaining funding from the European Union and abroad. The National Science Policy, introduced in 2022, will be an important reference point in the multi-stage and complex process of working on a national internationalisation strategy.
PLN 150 million for the development and renovation of dormitories
28 December 2023
87 universities will receive a total of PLN 150 million for the development and renovation of student dormitories. This is funding that has been allocated in the form of an increase in subvention for 2023. The maximum amount of support for one university is PLN 4 million.
PLN 150 million will go to higher education institutions in the form of increases in subsidies from funding for the maintenance and development of teaching and research potential. Support will be given to higher education institutions offering student dormitories.
Subsidy increases were granted to:
- 85 public higher education institutions supervised by the minister responsible for higher education and science,
- 2 non-public higher education institutions run by the Catholic Church, financed from the state budget under the rules of public higher education institutions.
The apportionment does not take into account the 14 HEIs that do not manage student dormitories or did not provided data in the approved reports for 2022. The amount has been calculated based on the proportion of places in student accommodation on 31 December 2022.
Record increase in spending on science and higher education in 2024
20 December 2023
Expenditure on science and higher education will increase by PLN 7 billion. This is an increase of nearly 22 per cent compared to the budget available to Polish science in 2023. The head of the Ministry of Science confirmed a 30 per cent increase for university teachers and a 20 per cent increase for other university staff.
The Polish Academy of Sciences will also receive additional funds. Its budget will increase by PLN 180 million in 2024. There will also be an increase in funding earmarked for the renovation, refurbishment and construction of dormitories. The Ministry will allocate PLN 150 million for this purpose.
As of 1 January 2024, it is planned to increase the minimum basic salary of a public university professor by 30 per cent, i.e. from the current level of PLN 7,210 to PLN 9,370. Funds for the increase in the remuneration of academic teachers in public universities have been secured in the Budget bill for 2024.
Salaries of academic teachers and research staff of the Polish Academy of Sciences and other benefits in the higher education system are correlated with the minimum professor's remuneration.
The minimum professorial salary set out in the regulation also affects a number of other benefits in the higher education and science system, including, among others:
- the total monthly amount of the social grant and the rector's grant that a student may receive,
- the monthly remuneration of the members of the board of a higher education institution,
- the function-related allowance of an employee of a public higher education institution, including the rector,
- the remuneration for promotion proceedings,
- the monthly doctoral scholarship.
New Minister of Science
18 December 2023
Dariusz Wieczorek was appointed Minister of Science in Prime Minister Donald Tusk's government.
On 1 January 2024, the Ministry of Education and Science will be divided into: Ministry of National Education and Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
The power of innovation - the new OPI portal now available
12 September 2023
The Information Processing Centre (OPI) prepared the Innowacje.opi.org.pl portal on behalf of the Ministry of Education and Science. This new address on the Polish Internet contains information on innovative projects which are particularly useful for entrepreneurs and the Polish scientific community. The new portal is not only an extensive database of innovations. Every user will also receive tips on where to find a suitable expert, a report, a scientific publication or even a free online course.
The Innowacje.opi.org.pl portal contains references to other OPI systems, such as the RAD-on portal, the Polish Scientific Bibliography, Funding Streams Service, NAVOICA or the Medical Research Agency system. Users will find here data on innovative publications and scientific projects, experts in the field, patents, research apparatus and research funding - including free reports and analyses. There is also a wide range of free online courses from the NAVOICA platform on innovation development.
OPI is the main developer and operator of IT systems that collect data on Polish science and higher education. The scope of information in these systems is very broad, which may cause problems with finding specific information. By choosing the address innowacje.opi.org.pl, each user gains access to a large database of innovative activities arranged in a simple and logical manner.
Signing of CEEPUS IV agreement
9 September 2023
During the CEEPUS Joint Committee of Ministers in Warsaw, the CEEPUS IV Programme Agreement, to which Poland is a signatory, was signed. The Polish Chairmanship of this Programme came during a period of intensive work and multilateral negotiations between the 15 countries of the region. Their main objective was to develop the text of a new CEEPUS IV agreement, enabling a smooth transition from CEEPUS III to CEEPUS IV in 2025.The CEEPUS IV agreement creates an appropriate legal framework not only for the development of existing regional cooperation within the programme, but also provides new opportunities for countries in the region in terms of academic exchange. Ultimately, the implementation of CEEPUS IV by 2032 will be an important element of cooperation between Central and Southern European countries, positively influencing the improvement of the level and quality of education and research through academic exchange and the development of young researchers.
CEEPUS is one of the main programmes in Poland supporting international mobility. Every year, around 300 Polish students and doctoral students and around 350 academic staff participate in various forms of education and professional qualification improvement under CEEPUS III. On average, about 300 foreign students and doctoral students and about 300 academic teachers come to Poland during the academic year, which makes about 550-600 placements per year.
Advisory Board to support activities promoting Polish science
21 August 2023
On 21 August 2023 an Advisory Team to support activities for the promotion of Polish science was established.
The team's task is to develop proposals for solutions, including legal solutions, to support activities for the promotion of Polish science and to strengthen the position of Polish scientists at the international level.
PLN 37 million for the education of students and doctoral students with disabilities
7 June 2023
In 2023 94 universities will receive more than PLN 37 million for tasks related to providing conditions for the disabled to fully participate in the university and doctoral school enrolment process and to educate disabled students and doctoral students or support them in their research activities.
Call for proposals for the new “Science for Society II” programme
April 2023
The programme will provide funding for projects aimed at building cooperation between different actors operating in the socio-economic sphere, developing and implementing solutions serving local and regional communities or developing theoretical models on social issues. More specifically research projects in the following areas:
Scientific excellence
This area supports the implementation of research projects aimed at:
- increasing the quality and pursuit of breakthroughs in scientific research (frontier research), in particular by identifying new research problems of key importance for socio-economic development and undertaking pioneering research work in this area,
- internationalisation of Polish science and increasing recognition of its achievements,
- working out and implementing the concept of development of scientific and didactic staff,
- improving the quality of academic teaching,
- identifying incentives and measures for the development of Polish science,
- shaping the public perception of Polish science.
Science for innovation
Within this area, support is provided for the implementation of research projects aimed at:
- improving the effectiveness of cooperation between science and the economic environment,
- supporting innovation processes and commercialisation of the results of scientific research and development works, as well as know-how related to these results, including promotion of good practices in the field of innovation,
- dissemination of knowledge on the relations between science and innovation and the economy.
Humanities - Society - Identity
This area supports the implementation of research projects aimed at:
- the development of the humanities and the stimulation and promotion of innovative humanities research,
- developing and promoting interdisciplinary research in the humanities,
- the use of the humanities for the development of other areas of science as well as culture, education, economy and society,
- researching and promoting the idea of ‘Polishness’ in history, culture and political thought,
- research into national (cultural) identity for the sake of the durability of the Polish national tradition,
- research into and promotion of Polish regional and national traditions and patriotic attitudes,
- researching and popularising regional and national sources of Polish culture (including literature, art, music and philosophical thought) at home and abroad,
- conducting research on Polish museums and places of national remembrance at home and abroad.
Physical culture/ sport for an active and healthy society
This area supports the implementation of research projects aimed at:
- monitoring, supporting and promoting the physical development, fitness and physical activity of society,
- developing and implementing innovative methods, forms and means of physical activity and training for people of all ages,
- conducting research of fundamental importance for the development of academic sport, including its promotion, or physical activity and sport development of people with disabilities,
- identification of persons with physical talent and a predisposition for sports training,
- study of the genetic and environmental determinants of physical fitness in people of different ages,
- injury prevention in physical education and sport.
Participation in the programme
Co-financing from the programme may be provided to, inter alia, universities, institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences, research institutes, institutes operating within the Łukasiewicz Research Network, the PAU, the Medical Centre for Postgraduate Education and other units promoting science.
The prerequisite for participation in the programme is, inter alia, the presentation of a research project with a maximum duration of 36 months and a maximum grant amount of PLN 2 million.
New postgraduate courses to respond to the demand for specialists in nursery schools and schools
April 2023
In 2022 four new postgraduate programmes financed from the budget of the Ministry of Education and Science were launched in the following fields:
- early development support and family support,
- working with mixed ability classrooms,
- family counselling,
- supporting pupils' language communication methodology.
Extension of the catalogue of fields of study offered as uniform master degree programmes
July 2022
The proposed amendments to the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 27 September 2018 on degree programmes provide for the expansion of the catalogue of degree programmes that can be taught as an uniform master's degree programme to include the following courses:
- interior architecture
- psychology and animal biology
- speech therapy
- programmes which provide education exclusively for firefighters in the State Fire Service
- degree programmes which exclusively provide training preparing for the teaching profession (excluding pre-school and early school pedagogy and special pedagogy, which are already offered as single master's degree programmes only).
Amendments to the classification of scientific fields, disciplines and artistic disciplines
June 2022
The planned amendments to the regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 20 September 2018 on scientific fields, disciplines and artistic disciplines provide for the inclusion of the following scientific disciplines in the classification:
- security engineering
- biotechnology
- international relations
- ethnology and anthropology
- heritage protection and conservation
- family studies
- biblical sciences
- veterinary science including the scientific discipline of veterinary medicine.
Government Representative for the Development and Internationalisation of Education and Research
May 2022
In May 2022, the Government appointed the Secretary of State in the Ministry of Education and Science as the Government Representative for the Development and Internationalisation of Education and Research (Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 27 April 2022 establishing the position of the Government Representative for the Development and Internationalisation of Education and Research / Rozporządzenie Rady Ministrów z dnia 27 kwietnia 2022 r. w sprawie ustanowienia Pełnomocnika Rządu ds. Rozwoju i Umiędzynarodowienia Edukacji i Nauki / which came into force on 3 May 2022). As part of his / her responsibilities, the Representative:
- coordinates measures for the development and maintenance of bilateral and multilateral research collaboration within the higher education and science system, including measures aimed at strengthening internationalisation of research;
- monitors and coordinates matters in the field of research related to Poland’s participation in international organisations and institutions;
- supports and coordinates measures promoting Polish science to build international relations and create the image of Poland as a country of high-quality research activities;
- undertakes activities fostering the development and internationalisation of education;
- reviews national legislation, mechanisms and measures related to international cooperation in the field of education, internationalisation of education and funding for international research cooperation, and identifies issues in these areas and makes proposals to address them;
- evaluates activities and makes proposals related to international research collaboration as part of programmes and projects supporting institutions of the higher education and science system.
In consultation with the Minister of Education and Science, the Representative presents his / her findings and proposals to the Government. (S)he may set up expert or advisory teams, commission studies and research, and – in consultation with the Minister and with the consent of the Prime Minister – submit draft documents for consideration by the Government.
The Representative performs his / her responsibilities in collaboration with government administration bodies, institutions within the school education and higher education and science systems, local government units, non-governmental organisations and other national and international institutions working in the fields of higher education and science and school education.
In solidarity with Ukraine
15 March 2022
The aim of the Programme is to enable Ukrainian refugees (arriving in Poland as of 24.02.2022) - Ukrainian students and doctoral students to continue their studies, work on their doctoral thesis or pursue any other form of education at Polish universities and institutes between March and September 2022. The programme is implemented by the National Agency for Academic Exchange on behalf of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Applications in the programme could be submitted by universities supervised by the Ministry of Education and Science or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where the number of full-time students is at least 150, and institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences/Lukasiewicz network/research institutes. In their application, these entities declared the number of Ukrainian refugees they were ready to host, providing them with free opportunities to continue their studies, prepare their doctoral thesis, take language courses or any other form of education.
On 4 April 2022, the call was closed - applications for project funding were submitted by a total of 98 institutions - universities, institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences and research institutes (including six universities supervised by the Minister of Health). The total budget of the programme is PLN 25.7 million (the amount applied for is PLN 69.6 million). The submitted applications for support concerned 2129 students, 220 doctoral students, 3939 participants of other forms of education (a total of 6288 persons). Based on the declarations of the universities, the programme budget should allow for the education of 1947 persons.
Law on assistance to citizens of Ukraine in connection with the armed conflict on the territory of that country
12 March 2022
The Minister of Education and Science has proposed, within the scope of his jurisdiction, the introduction of a number of facilitations within the framework of the special law of 12 March 2022 on assistance to citizens of Ukraine in connection with the armed conflict on the territory of the country (Journal of Laws, item 583). The provisions conducted aim to facilitate the continuation and undertaking of studies by refugees from Ukraine by reducing administrative, legal and financial obstacles.
The Act contains, inter alia, the following solutions:
- The possibility for Ukrainian citizens to apply for a social grant and student loan, based on a statement of their family and financial situation. For them, the restrictions on the number of allowances that can be paid by the university will also be lifted.
- The possibility for Polish and Ukrainian citizens who were students at a university in Ukraine on 24 February 2022 and do not have documents certifying periods of study, examinations passed, passes or professional practice to continue their education.
- Universities may carry out proceedings on confirmation of graduation at a certain level with respect to, inter alia, citizens of Ukraine residing in the territory of the Republic of Poland whose stay in the territory of the Republic of Poland is recognised as legal or Polish citizens who entered the territory of the Republic of Poland directly from the territory of Ukraine in the period from 24 February 2022, who do not possess diplomas of graduation obtained abroad.
- The possibility for universities to amend their enrolment resolutions for studies starting in the second semester of the academic year 2021/2022 and in the academic year 2022/2023 and to exclude the application of the provisions of the Act - Law on Higher Education and Science to the amendments to study regulations introduced by 30 September 2022, to the extent necessary for the enrolment, by transfer from Ukrainian universities, of persons who, on 24 February 2022, had the status of a student of a university operating in the territory of Ukraine.
- Possibility for the rector to change the organisation of the academic year 2021/2022 as defined in the internal acts of the university. In the academic year 2021/2022, it will also be possible to hold full-time and part-time courses at the university together.
University for you – Університет для вас
28 February 2022
A set of measures taken by the minister responsible for higher education and science to ensure access to Polish higher education for students from Ukrainian universities, including:
- 28 February 2022 – the Ministry of Education and Science launched a helpline (22 52 92 662) and email address ukraina-studia@mein.gov.pl for PL citizens studying in Ukraine and incoming UA citizens
- 8 March 2022 - the Minister of Education and Science decided to allow the participation of Ukrainian citizens in internships within the framework of academic network scholarships, summer schools and intensive courses and freemover scholarships in the CEEPUS programme (Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies - the second largest scholarship programme in Europe after Erasmus+).
- 17 March 2022 - As part of the coordination activities regarding the provision of opportunities for Polish and Ukrainian students (so far studying at universities in Ukraine) to continue their studies, the Ministry, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, has assigned all students who have declared such a desire to enrol in a Polish university. Information has been sent to the students concerned about their assignment to a specific university that will consider admitting them to study medicine or medicine-dentistry. All students who used the helpline were assisted.
- 17 March 2022 - information and recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science for the higher education and research institutions concerning measures for the benefit of Ukrainian and Polish citizens in connection with the war in Ukraine were issued
- 17 March 2022 - as part of the "PSRP Comfort Zone" project, the Parliament of Students of the Republic of Poland launched free psychological assistance for students from Ukraine. Professional psychological assistance is provided in Ukrainian. The project is implemented within the framework of a task commissioned by the Minister of Education and Science, hence psychological advice is free of charge.
- 30 March 2022 - an information chatbot was launched in Polish and Ukrainian concerning, among others, higher education and research. The tool provides information related to enrolment, material assistance for students or taking up employment at Polish universities or research institutes. The chatbot not only provides the most important information, but, via the links provided, allows users to be redirected to websites with information for Ukrainian citizens.
- On 5 May 2022, the University of Warsaw launched a nationwide online recruitment service for candidates from Ukraine. The service has been developed on the initiative of the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland in order to make it easier for university candidates, students, doctoral students and employees of universities and research units from Ukraine to find out about the educational offer and opportunities for work or voluntary work at Polish universities and scientific institutes.
"Social responsibility of science" - Call for proposals
2 February 2022
The programme "Social Responsibility of Science" is an undertaking addressed to higher education and science institutions and other bodies acting for the benefit of science promotion. The programme consists of two modules: "Popularisation of science and promotion of sport" and "Support for scientific libraries".
The aim of the programme "Social responsibility of science" is popularization of science, promotion of academic sport and projects related to maintenance of library resources of significant importance to science or its heritage.
In order to participate in the programme, it is necessary to present a project which does not last longer than 24 months and its indirect costs do not exceed 10% of direct costs of project implementation. The project may also not include activities financed by other funds from the state budget.
Financial support under each module amounts to:
- "Popularisation of science and promotion of sport" - from PLN 20,000 to PLN 1,000,000,
- "Support for scientific libraries" - from PLN 20,000 to PLN 250,000, however, it cannot exceed 90% of the project implementation costs.
Pearls of science
4 January 2022
The objective of the programme is to support higher education and scientific institutions in creating conditions for the development of exceptionally talented graduates of first-cycle studies or students after the end of the third or fourth year of uniform Master's programmes by enabling them to conduct scientific research or artistic creativity under the guidance of a scientific or artistic tutor.
The programme was established on 31 December 2021, the first call for applications was open from 4 January to 18 February 2022.