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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Special education needs provision within mainstream education


12.Educational Support and Guidance

12.1Special education needs provision within mainstream education

Last update: 4 March 2024

Definition of the target group

Special educational needs are to be assumed for pupils who are impaired in their educational, developmental and learning opportunities in such a way that they cannot be adequately supported in general school lessons without special educational support

Art. 15 of the School Law and the Ordinance on Remedial School Measures specify that children with special educational needs should be supported by special educational measures so that they can remain in their usual class or can be integrated into a regular class. Remedial school measures can also be implemented to support children who have a different mother tongue. All children and young people (from birth to age 20 - in certain circumstances up to age 22 ) living in Liechtenstein with special educational needs are entitled to remedial school measures.

For most children and youth with special educational needs the appropriate measures are implemented in the context of early curative education (family-based) or in normal schools during the period of compulsory schooling. If these measures prove to be inadequate, or no longer sufficient, the competent school authority may authorise enhanced measures - after completion of a standardised assessment process (SAV) aimed at determining the precise individual needs. 

Children and young people at secondary levels I and II with proven giftedness can be educated in special courses at the request of their parents in accordance with the "Intercantonal Agreement for Schools with Specific Structured Courses for Gifted Children".

Remedial measures

In early remedial education, children with physical, cognitive and other impairments are assessed and supported from birth until they start compulsory school. The service also includes preventative and educational advice for parents and the wider educational environment. The measures generally take place outside of school hours. Early remedial education is organised centrally by the management of the Schaan special education day school.

As part of school integration, children with and without special educational needs are taught together in classes. The necessary educational, special educational, therapeutic and nursing care is provided on site in order to meet specific needs.

As explained in the support concept, supplementary teaching (Ergänzungsunterricht EGU) is one of the special school measures. Supplementary teaching is provided by supplementary teachers (Ergänzungslehrpersonen) with training in special education. EGU as a school support measure basically supports the individual support of all pupils in municipal schools (kindergartens and primary schools) and secondary schools (lower secondary level). The main focus is on children and young people with special educational needs in terms of learning disabilities and/or behavioural difficulties or gifted children. EGU takes place in the classroom, in group and/or individual settings and, as a general objective, also includes consultation and cooperation with the teachers and specialists at the mainstream school and with other specifically trained specialists (speech therapy, psychomotor skills, audiology, social pedagogy, etc.), the school management and the parents.