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Adult education and training funding


3.Funding in education

3.3Adult education and training funding

Last update: 4 April 2024


Continuing education in Liechtenstein is primarily organised and financed privately. State funding is provided to various adult education institutions that are affiliated to the Adult Education Foundation as an umbrella organisation. The foundation promotes adult education in Liechtenstein and coordinates the budget funds approved by Parliament in accordance with the Adult Education Law.

Companies support their employees by organising in-house courses, contributing to the costs of external courses or providing employees with time for continuing education. The Vocational and Professional Education and Training Law (Art. 44, Art. 58) also provides for the state to promote job-oriented CET.

According to the 2020 education statistics, state expenditure on CET in 2019 amounted to CHF 1 291 750.

Fees paid by learners

Fees vary according to provider and type of programme.

Financial support for adult learners


The allocation of educational grants is regulated by the Scholarship Law. The state grants education subsidies in the form of scholarships (without repayment obligation) and interest-free loans (must be repaid). In principle, persons resident in Liechtenstein who can prove at least 3 years of uninterrupted residence or a total of at least 5 years of ordinary residence in Liechtenstein at the time of commencement of education are entitled to apply for an education grant. The amount of the education grant is determined according to the principle of subsidiarity (depending on the income and assets of the legal guardians). From the age of 25 (irrespective of the income of the legal guardians), an education allowance can be applied for in the form of a scholarship and an interest-free loan. It may expire when the maximum duration of training has been exhausted. From the age of 32, no grants are awarded but only loans for educational purposes.

Support is provided for initial and secondary school and vocational training leading to a qualification recognised in Liechtenstein, as well as for recognised further training.

The Office of Vocational Training and Career Guidance offers counselling for career planning and career organisation. Career counselling services and career coaching for students as well as for adults taking part in a state-run programme for the unemployed are free of charge.

The Department of Labour Market Services (AMS) of the Office of Vocational Training organises and realises integration programmes for the long-term unemployed, including e.g. training and retraining courses, educational practical trainings and professional practical courses, participation in practice companies or in programmes for temporary employment.

Das Amt für Berufsbildung und Berufsberatung bietet Beratungen für die Laufbahnplanung und Karrierebildung an. Berufsberatung sowie Laufbahncoaching sind für Schülerinnen und Schüler, sowie Erwachsene, die in einem staatlichen Arbeitslosenprogramm sind, kostenlos. Der Arbeitsmarktservice (AMS) des Amts für Berufsbildung organisiert und realisiert Integrationsprogramme für Langzeitarbeitslose. Diese umfassen z.B. Weiterbildungs- und Umschulungskurse, Ausbildungs- und Berufspraktika, Teilnahmen in Übungsfirmen oder in einem Programm zur vorübergehenden Beschäftigung.

Education vouchers

By awarding education vouchers, the state promotes adult education and enables people with limited financial resources to attend further education courses.

Subsidies for private providers

Private providers can receive contributions from the public sector. The majority of public contributions are linked to the fulfilment of certain criteria (e.g. sufficient measures for quality development).