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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Management and other education staff


10.Management and other education staff

Last update: 27 November 2023

Liechtenstein started setting up school administrations already in the seventies and regulated their responsibilities in detailed ordinances. In the course of time the mainly organisational and administrative tasks were extended and gradually included more pedagogical executive functions. The authorities reacted with the following measures as possible answers to the widened spectrum of tasks:

  • Adaptations in the field of workload reductions and functional allowances of the school heads
  • Qualifications or rather continuing education of the school administrations
  • Establishing of steering groups (enlarged school management)
  • Introduction of team lessons
  • Introduction of a quota of lessons (a fixed number of lessons for additional tasks within the organisation of the school)
  • Institutionalisation of the conferencees of the school heads
  • Establishing and expanding of school offices
  • Support services from the Office of Education (inspectorate; office of educational IT (assi); School Psychology Services (SPD); school social work; Complementary Education (EGU); external councelling services etc.)

In 2008/2009 first pilot projects of professional school administrations at primary schools were launched in some municipalities. The schools were thus thought to achieve a higher degree of autonomy and organisation. In 2012 professional school heads for all types of school were nationally introduced and regulated by law. There are no national regulations concerning the management of higher educational institutions or the field of adult education in Liechtenstein. The respective institutions decide independently on their organisational structures, on their job profiles and on employment conditions.