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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Mobility in higher education


13.Mobility and internationalisation

13.2Mobility in higher education

Last update: 27 November 2023

Agreements with Switzerland and Austria

Due to Liechtenstein’s small size programmes particularly in higher education are limited. The mobility in tertiary education is therefore very high and agreements for the recognition of admission particularly important.

Since 1974 there is an agreement with Switzerland to check and recognize the Liechtenstein Matura by the same criteria as in Switzerland. Since 1978, agreements with Switzerland on participation in the education programmes of secondary and vocational schools exist. By joining the "Inter-cantonal Agreement on Higher Education" in 1981, the equalisation of students from Liechtenstein and Swiss students is guaranteed and within this the compensation for students from Liechtenstein regulated.

Already since 1977 respectively 1983 there is an agreement with Austria on the admission of graduates of the Liechtenstein Gymnasium to Austrian universities. Other agreements in the field of equivalence and recognition followed and concerning current developments in higher education of both countries got summarised and complemented in the "Agreement on Equivalencies in the Field of Qualifications and Higher Education" in 1997. 

Concerning higher education Liechtenstein takes part in the Bologna process. Bologna aims to ensure transparency and mobility on national and international level in order to strengthen its educational location and competitiveness.

Concerning vocational secondary schools and in tertiary vocational education there are cooperations with neighboring countries, especially Switzerland, too. In summer 1999, Liechtenstein joined the "Intercantonal Fachschul agreement" to ensure the access and admission for students from Liechtenstein.

By joining the Regional School Agreement EDK-Ost (RSA) the access and the financial support of the cantons for programmes on tertiary level (training and further training of pedagogical universities of EDK-Ost for already trained teachers) got regulated. Within this regional school agreement the admission (with the agreed conditions) of students from neighboring Swiss cantons to the vocational baccalaureate school Liechtenstein is ensured as well.

Mobility of students

The University of Liechtenstein has a partner network with different universities worldwide which can be attended by students within a mobility programme. Liechtenstein citizens or people living in Liechtenstein who are studying in Switzerland or in a country participating in the EU education programme get, in case of taking part in the Erasmus mobility programme, the same contributions as the students in Liechtenstein.

The international office at the University of Liechtenstein deals with mobility issues and the needs of foreign students and university staff.

Many of the study exchanges are realized within the mobility funds of the EEA Financial Mechanism.

Mobility of lecturer and professors

Higher education institutions offer their lecturers and professor the opportunity to work as visiting professors at international universities. The universities are in charge for the programme, duration, remuneration and application procedures. Usually the lecturers are advised to apply as guest lecturers at partner universities.