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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Management and other education staff


10.Management and other education staff

Last update: 6 September 2024

Early childhood education and care

Pre-school education and care is provided to children under 4 years of age at infant/child and child centres.  Pre-school education and care is not part of the formal educational system which in Greece begins with the enrolment at pre-primary school.
Infant/child and child centres are municipal public law legal entities and are managed by a board of directors appointed by the respective municipal council.
Primary responsibility for education management, formal and non-formal, in all fields, services and levels lies with the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs while specific management and guidance competences are allocated per education level as follows:

Early childhood and school education

Management of all schools throughout the country for the first two levels of the formal education system i.e. primary education (pre-school and primary education) and secondary education, (compulsory -lower secondary education and non-compulsory -upper secondary education), is held at central top level by scientific and advisory services and boards operating at the Ministry. At regional level, administration is exercised by the relevant Regional Primary and Secondary Education Directorates directly governed by the Minister. At prefecture level, administration is exercised by the Directorates of Primary and Secondary Education, which operate under the respective Regional Directorates of Education. At primary and secondary education school unit level, the administrative bodies are the school head, the deputy school head and the school teachers' board. The Educational Policy Institute (IEP) is the competent body, at national level, as regards primary and secondary education quality control. IEP’s aim is to conduct scientific research and study on issues regarding primary and secondary education as well as provide continuing scientific and technical support on the planning and implementation of the educational policy applied to the issues in question. 

At the school unit level, the Education Consultants are tasked with the pedagogical and scientific guidance of teachers, their training, the development of innovative initiatives in the field of education, as well as the evaluation of teachers. Furthermore, they participate in the process of  the collective planning and the self-evaluation of the work  carried out by the school unit and the support structures of primary and secondary education.

 At regional level,  the Education Consultants  are supervised by the Education Quality Supervisor of the Education Directorate.

Higher education

Higher education is provided by higher education institutions (ΑΕΙ). They are self-governed legal entities of public law and are supervised by the Minister of Education. Higher education consists of universities. The administrative bodies are established at institution, school, department and section level.
The laws governing the organisation, operation and management of HEIs in Greece are:

Lifelong learning

At central level, the General Secretariat for Vocational education, Training and Lifelong Learning of the Ministry of Education Religious, Affairs and Sports co-ordinates, monitors, promotes and formulates policy proposals for vocational education, vocational training, lifelong learning and youth.
The laws regulating the provision of lifelong learning services in our country are:

  • law 3879/2010
  • law 4186/2013
  • law 4763/20
  • law 4957/22
  • More specifically, law 3879/2010, establishes the National Lifelong Learning Network and describes  the role of all competent bodies both at top and regional level, as well as the involvement of municipalities. Law 4186/2013, as amended by the latest law 4763/2020, defines the operation of formal and non-formal education providers, whereas law 4957/22 regulates the provision and operation for adult learners of Lifelong education and training centres. (KDBM)