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Quality assurance


11.Quality assurance

Last update: 27 November 2023

Quality assurance is exercised at all levels of the education and training system. At the pre-primary, primary and secondary level of education overall responsibility for quality assurance rests with the Inspectorates of the respective Directorates of the Ministry of Education and Culture. The inspectors of the Ministry are responsible for supervising the public schools and appraising their teaching staff. They also supervise the private schools in order to assure that they comply with the provisions of law, but they do not supervise their teaching personnel. Public schools also carry out an internal evaluation in the form of an informal summary report on the school, which the headteacher draws up with the cooperation of the deputy heads and the teaching staff and submits to the Ministry at the end of each school year. 

At the tertiary level of education quality assurance is exercised both in the form of internal and external evaluation. Internal evaluation is a form of self-evaluation which every institution is required to carry out. External evaluation is not the same for all institutions, depending on the type and level of each institution. Public universities, as academically autonomous entities, are not liable to supervision. Private universities must be evaluated every five years. Non-university level institutions, either public or private, are inspected by the ministries responsible for their operation. 

Two independent bodies, the Cyprus Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education (N.136(I)/2015), as the competent authority for quality assurance and accreditation in Higher Education in the Republic of Cyprus replacing the Council of Educational Evaluation and Accreditation (CEEA), the Advisory Committee on Higher Education (ACTE) and the Evaluation Committee for Private Universities (ECPU) and assuming their responsibilities. The Agency is responsible to ensure the quality of Higher Education in Cyprus. In addition, the Agency is expected to take all necessary steps to join the European Network of Quality Assurance - ENQA (Ευρωπαϊκό Δίκτυο Διασφάλισης Ποιότητας) and the European Quality Assurance Register - EQAR (Ευρωπαϊκό Μητρώο Φορέων Διασφάλισης Ποιότητας).

The Council οf Academic Recognition (KYSATS) was established in 1996, by Law N.68(I)/1996. KYSATS is the competent authority of the Republic of Cyprus for the recognition of Higher and Tertiary Education qualifications obtained in Cyprus or abroad. KYSATS is responsible for the recognition of academic qualifications, such as degrees, diplomas or certificates, awarded by recognised universities or other institutions in Cyprus or abroad. 

Evaluation of the whole educational system is not regulated. However, evaluation studies have been carried out at times by experts. The newly established Centre for Research and Evaluation is also entitled to carry out research and evaluation studies on the whole education system.

Establishment of an Advisory Committee for the observance of the Health Protocols in the schools

The Minister of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth has established an Advisory Committee on issues related to health rules and compliance with the Protocols, as well as the general operation of schools during the pandemic.

Commission proposal for the unified Student Assessment System

A Proposal for the Modernization of the Student Assessment System at the Cyprus Public School will be adopted by the Ministry of Education and Culture. It is based on an extensive review of international experience and practice, which identifies and analyzes current trends and perceptions regarding the monitoring and evaluation of student progress.

This process will lead to decisions of re-engagement for improvement and development of teaching practices, but also to the wider work produced, both at the level of the school unit and the educational system.

The Ministry of Education and Culture has published the Commission's Proposal for a Unified Student Assessment System as delivered to the stakeholders to be publicly consulted.