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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Management Staff for Higher Education


10.Management and other education staff

10.5Management Staff for Higher Education

Last update: 27 November 2023



Requirements for Appointment as a Higher Education Institution Leader


Management in higher education varies according to the status of each institution. Public universities are academically autonomous and fully self-administered public corporate bodies. The overall administration is the responsibility of the University Council (Συμβούλιο Πανεπιστημίου) and the Senate (Σύγκλητος).

The University Council is responsible for the management and control of the administrative and financial affairs of the university and its property, as well as the preparation of its budget. The Council is made up by university and external members. University members include the Rector, Vice Rectors, two representatives of the academic staff, one representative from the administrative staff, one student representative and the Director of Administration and Finance. There are seven external members of the Council, four of whom are appointed by the Council of Ministers and three by the Senate. The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the University Council are appointed by the President of the Republic of Cyprus from among external membership.

The Senate is the supreme academic organ of the university and it is responsible for the academic work of the university both in teaching and research.  It is made up of the Rector, Vice Rectors and Faculty Deans, as well as three representatives from each faculty, student representatives, the Director of Administration and Finance and the Library Director. The Rector (Πρύτανης) is the head of the Senate and is assisted in his/her duties and responsibilities by one or more Vice Rectors (Αντιπρυτάνεις).

The Rector is the supreme academic and executive officer of the university having the management of its current activities and presiding over its services. The Rector causes the decisions of the Council and of the Senate to be carried out and is responsible for the implementation of the policy of the university.

The Rector and Vice Rectors are elected from amongst Professors by the entire academic staff and representatives of both student and administrative staff.

Non-university level institutions

Public institutions are managed by their Council and the Director of the institution. The Council is appointed by the Council of Ministers. The Director is appointed or promoted to the position after it has been announced in the Official Gasette. A postgraduate qualification is a prerequisite for applicants to be eligible for the post.