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Legislation and official policy documents


15.Legislation and official policy documents

Last update: 27 November 2023
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Chapter 1: Political, Social and Economic Background and Trends

Το Σύνταγμα της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας [The 1960 Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus]

The Cyprus Independence order, 1960. All Amending Laws have been integrated in the above referred text. N. 12/1965 [Ο Περί Μεταβιβάσεως των Εξουσιών των    εις το Υπουργείο Παιδείας] N. 108(I)/1997 [Ο Περί Σχολικών Εφορειών Νόμος του 1997] Official Gazette No. 3211, Ε.Ε. Παρ. Ι(Ι), 31.12.1997 All Amending Laws have been incorporated in the text. Summary: ......

The Law on the Renaming of the Ministry of Education and Culture of 2019 (Law 94(I) 2019)



Chapter 2: Organisation and Governance


Ο Περί Δημοτικής και Μέσης Εκπαίδευσης (Υποχρεωτική Φοίτηση και Παροχή Δωρεάν Παιδείας) Νόμος του 1993 [The Compulsory and Free Education at the Primary and Secondary Level Law] (Ν. 24(Ι)/1993)

[Official Gazette Nr. 2799, 28.05.1993]   Amended by Law 220(I)/2004]    [Official Gazette Nr. 3887, 23.07.2004]   Law 24(I)/1993 and its amendment provide for free education at the primary and secondary level and compulsory education at primary and lower secondary level. Parents or guardians of children, who fail to register and send them to school during the specified period, are subject to a penalty. The Law also provides for the textbooks to be published by the Ministry of Education and Culture and be provided to teachers and pupils free of charge. It also assigns to the Council of Ministers the authority to decide for provision of transport, either subsidised or free of charge, to pupils living at a distance from the school they attend.

The Law on Private Schools of 2019


Το Σύνταγμα της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας [The 1960 Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus]

The Cyprus Independence order, 1960. All Amending Laws have been integrated in the above referred text.


Οι Περί Σχολών Τριτοβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης Νόμοι του 1996 έως 1999 [The Tertiary Education Institutions Laws of 1996 to 1999] (N. 67(I)/1996 – N. 53(I)/2013)

This is an unofficial reproduction of Law 67(I)/1996 and its amendments up to Law 53(I)/2013.  Law 67(I)/1996 was published in the Official Gazette, Part I (I), Nr 3137, 28.03.1997. Law 53(I)/2013 was published in the Official Gazette, Part I(I), Nr. 4394, 28.06.2013. Law 67(I)/1996 and its amendments regulate the establishment, control and operation of non-university institutions of tertiary education, providing for the following:  *The establishment and functions of an Advisory Committee on Tertiary Education in the Ministry of Education and Culture;  *Procedure of establishment of a public institution *Operation of a public institution: Council, internal rule, director and teaching staff, prospectus, number of students, records, programmes of study, curricula and schedules of a public institution;  *Procedure of establishment of a private institution; *Operation of a private institution: Teaching staff, classrooms, laboratories, equipment, financial viability, prospectus, qualifications issued, tuition fees, records, internal rule, inspection; *The establishment and functions of the Council for Educational Evaluation-Accreditation (SEKAP); *Procedure of accreditation of programmes of study of non-university level institutions of tertiary education


Ο Περί Σχολικών Εφορειών (Τροποποιητικός) Νόμος του 2005 [The School Boards (Amending) Law] (N. 70(I)/2005)

(Official Gazette, Part I (I), Nr. 4008, 24.06.2005) The Law provides for the following: *the number of the members of the School Boards (appointed or elected); and, *the duties and authority of the School Boards.


The Law on Private Schools of 2019 (Ν. 147(Ι)/2019)

Νόμος που ρυθμίζει την ίδρυση και λειτουργία Ιδιωτικών Φροντιστηρίων και άλλα συναφή θέματα




Οι περί Λειτουργίας των Δημοσίων Σχολείων Δημοτικής Εκπαίδευσης Κανονισμοί του 2008 έως 2012[ The Operation of Public Elementary Schools Regulations of 2008 to 2012] (Κ.Δ.Π. 225/2008 - Κ.Δ.Π. 253/2012).

[Κ.Δ.Π. 225/2008: Official Gazette, Part III(I), Nr. 4283, dated 13.06.2008]

Regulations Κ.Δ.Π. 225/2008 and its amendments regulate the operation of public primary schools and kindergartens. Main provisions concern: Administration; types of schools; admissions; progression; certification; curriculum, textbooks and timetables; holidays; duties and responsibilities of teachers and headteachers; inspection.

K.Δ.Π. 310/1990 - Κ.Δ.Π. 130/2011




Απόφαση Αρ. 64597 (09.11.2006) [Decision Nr. 64597 (09.11.2006)]

(Currently not available online). By Decision Nr. 64597, the Council of Ministers designated the Planning Bureau as the National Authority for the implementation of the European Lifelong Learning Programme in Cyprus.


Απόφαση Αρ. 64892 (17.01.2007) [Decision Nr. 64892 (17.01.2007)]

(Currently not available online). The Foundation for the Management of the European Lifelong Learning Programme (Ίδρυμα Διαχείρισης ΕυρωπαΪκών Προγραμμάτων) was established by Decision Nr. 64892 of the Council of Ministers, in 2007.


Απόφαση Αρ. 66304 (07.11.2007) [Decision Nr. 66304 (dated 07.11.2007)]

(Currently not available online). By its Decision Nr. 66304, the Council of Ministers approved the National Lifelong Learning Strategy 2007-2013.


Απόφαση Αρ. 67445 (09.07.2008) [Decision Nr. 67445 (09.07.2008)]

(Currently not available online). By its Decision Nr. 67445, the Council of Ministers approved a proposal for the appointment of a National Committee to be responsible for the development of a National Qualifications Framework for Cyprus.


Chapter 3: Funding in Education


Νόμος που Προνοεί για τα Άτομα με Αναπηρίες [The Providing for Persons with Disabilities Law] (N.127(I)/2000)

[Official Gazette Nr. 3420, Part I(I), 21.7.2000]  Main provisions of the Law concern the rights of persons with disabilities and the establishment of consultative and executive bodies responsible for the management of relevant issues.


Early Childhood Education and Care


 Ο Περί Παιδίων Νόμος του 1956, Κεφ. 352 [ The 1956 Children Law, Chap. 352]

The Law makes provision for the care and welfare of children in certain cases and for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto. The day nurseries are regulated by the 1956 Children Law, Chap. 352 and its amendments, and the Children Regulations of 2011 (Κ.Δ.Π. 262/2011).

 Ο Περί Κέντρων Προστασίας και Απασχόλησης Παιδιών Νόμος του 1996 [The After School Day Centres Law of 1996]  (N. 2(I)/1996

[Official Gazette Part I(I), Nr. 3039, 09.02.1996] Law N. 2(I)/1996 was amended by Law N. 63(I)/2011, Official Gazette PartI(I), Nr.4281, 21.04.2011 (integrated in the above referred text). Law N. 2(I)/1996 provides for the registration and inspection of the After School Day Centres. The after school day centres are regulated by Law N. 2(I)/1996 and the Regulations of 1997 (Κ.Δ.Π. 157/1997). 

Ο περί Ιδιωτικών Σχολείων και Φροντιστηρίων Νόμος του 1971 [The Private Schools and Institutes Law of 1971] (N. 5/1971)

[Official Gazette Part I, Nr. 857, 26.02.1971] Law N. 5/1971 was amended by Laws N. 56/1983 - N. 18(I)/2012, which have been integrated in the above referred text. Main provisions of the Law include for the following: Terms and conditions under which a private school / institute can be established; terms of operation (type of school, infrastructure, internal regulations, fees, supervision, certification and matriculation); director and teaching staff; and, establishment of a ‘Consultative Committee’ in the Ministry of Education and Culture, responsible for advising the Minister on issues concerning private education.

The community and the private kindergartens are regulated by Law N. 5/1971.  



Περί Παιδίων -Παιδοκομικοί Σταθμοί – Διάταγμα του 2011 [ Τhe Children-Day Nurseries- Regulations of 2011] ( Κ.Δ.Π. 262/2011 )

[Official Gazette Part III(I), Nr. 4505, 08.07.2011]

[Based on the Children Law, Chap. 352]
The day nurseries are regulated by the 1956 Children Law, Chap. 352 and its amendments, and the Children Regulations of 2011 (Κ.Δ.Π. 262/2011).  Decree Κ.Δ.Π. 262/2011 provides for the operation of the day nurseries: Duties of the director; number of personnel according to the number and age of children; qualifications of the director and the personnel; health conditions and equipment; records.    

Περί Κέντρων Προστασίας και Απασχόλησης Παιδιών Τροποποιητικοί Κανονισμοί του 1997 [The Protection of Children Centres Regulations of 1997] (Κ.Δ.Π. 157/97).

The after school day centres are regulated by Law N. 2(I)/1996 and the Regulations of 1997 (Κ.Δ.Π. 157/1997).


Οι περί Λειτουργίας των Δημοσίων Σχολείων Δημοτικής Εκπαίδευσης Κανονισμοί του 2008 έως 2012[ The Operation of Public Elementary Schools Regulations of 2008 to 2012]  (Κ.Δ.Π. 225/2008 - Κ.Δ.Π. 253/2012).

[Κ.Δ.Π. 225/2008: Official Gazette, Part III(I), Nr. 4283, dated 13.06.2008]

This is an unofficial reproduction of Regulations Κ.Δ.Π. 225/2008, amended by Regulations Κ.Δ.Π. 276/2009, Κ.Δ.Π. 345/2011 and Κ.Δ.Π. 253/2012.
Regulations Κ.Δ.Π. 225/2008 and its amendments regulate the operation of public primary schools and kindergartens. Main provisions concern: Administration; types of schools; admissions; progression; certification; curriculum, textbooks and timetables; holidays; duties and responsibilities of teachers and headteachers; inspection.


Primary Education


Ο περί Στοιχειώδους Εκπαίδευσης Νόμος (Κεφ. 166)[The Elementary Education Law (Chap.166)]

(amended by Laws N. 21/1959 - N. 86(I)/1998) The Law provides for the following: Central authority and Director; educational bodies; prescription of schools, appointment and qualifications of teachers and closing of schools; retirement of teachers and pensions; elementary education to be free of charge.


Ο περί Ιδιωτικών Σχολείων και Φροντιστηρίων Νόμος του 1971 [The Private Schools and Institutes Law of 1971] (N. 5/1971)

[Official Gazette Part I, Nr. 857, 26.02.1971] Law N. 5/1971 was amended by Laws N. 56/1983 - N. 18(I)/2012, which have been integrated in the above referred text. Main provisions of the Law include for the following: Terms and conditions under which a private school / institute can be established; terms of operation (type of school, infrastructure, internal regulations, fees, supervision, certification and matriculation); director and teaching staff; and, establishment of a ‘Consultative Committee’ in the Ministry of Education and Culture, responsible for advising the Minister on issues concerning private education.

The community and the private kindergartens are regulated by the Law N. 5/1971.


Ο Περί Δημοτικής και Μέσης Εκπαίδευσης (Υποχρεωτική Φοίτηση και Παροχή Δωρεάν Παιδείας) Νόμος του 1993 [The Compulsory and Free Education at Elementary and Gymnasium Level Law] (Ν. 24(Ι)/1993) .  

[Official Gazette Nr. 2799, 28.05.1993]   Amended by Law 220(I)/2004]    [Official Gazette Nr. 3887, 23.07.2004]   Law 24(I)/1993 and its amendment provides for free education at primary and secondary (lower and upper) level and compulsory education at primary and lower secondary level. Parents or guardians of children, who fail to register and send them to school during the specified period, are subject to a penalty. The Law also provides that the textbooks published by the Ministry of Education and Culture in Cyprus are provided free of charge to teachers and pupils. It also assigns to the Council of Ministers the authority to decide for provision of transport, either subsidised or free of charge, to pupils living at a distance from the school they attend.



Οι περί Λειτουργίας των Δημοσίων Σχολείων Δημοτικής Εκπαίδευσης Κανονισμοί του 2008 έως 2012[ The Operation of Public Elementary Schools Regulations of 2008 to 2012]  (Κ.Δ.Π. 225/2008 - Κ.Δ.Π. 253/2012).

[Κ.Δ.Π. 225/2008: Official Gazette, Part III(I), Nr. 4283, dated 13.06.2008]

This is an unofficial reproduction of Regulations Κ.Δ.Π. 225/2008, amended by Regulations Κ.Δ.Π. 276/2009, Κ.Δ.Π. 345/2011 and Κ.Δ.Π. 253/2012.
Regulations Κ.Δ.Π. 225/2008 and its amendments regulate the operation of public primary schools and kindergarten. Main provisions concern: Administration; types of schools; admissions; progression; certification; curriculum, textbooks and timetables; holidays; duties and responsibilities of teachers and headteachers; inspection.

Κ.Δ.Π. 345/2011: These Regulations of 2011 are referred to as those on the operation of Public Primary Schools issued by the Council of Ministers under Article 5 of the Law on Elementary Education.

Κ.Δ.Π. 253/2012: These Modifier Regulations of 2012 are referred to as those on the operation of Public Primary Schools issued by the Council of Ministers under Article 5 of the Law on Elementary Education.

Κ.Δ.Π. 235/2017: These Modifier Regulations of 2017 are referred to as those on the operation of Public Primary Schools issued by the Council of Ministers under Article 5 of the Law on Elementary Education.

Κ.Δ.Π. 236/2019: Amending decree defining communities as Complexes for all purposes of the School Ephorate Laws of 1997 to 2014

Κ.Δ.Π. 224/2020:  Amending decree defining communities as Complexes for all purposes of the School Ephorate Laws of 1997 to 2014

Κ.Δ.Π. 449/2020: These Modifier Regulations of 2020 are referred to as those on the operation of Public Primary Schools issued by the Council of Ministers under Article 5 of the Law on Elementary Education.


Secondary and Post-Secondary Non-Tertiary Education


Ο περί Κοινοτικών Σχολείων Μέσης Εκπαιδεύσεως Νόμος του 1961 (Ν. 6/1961 ΕΚΣ)

Official Gazette Part I(II), Nr. 70, 29.06.1961

Amended by Law N.138 (I)/2013 , Official Gazette Part. I(I), Nr. 4415, 29.11.2013.


Ο Περί Δημοτικής και Μέσης Εκπαίδευσης (Υποχρεωτική Φοίτηση και Παροχή Δωρεάν Παιδείας) Νόμος του 1993 [The Compulsory and Free Education at Elementary and Gymnasium Level Law] (Ν. 24(Ι)/1993) .

[Official Gazette Nr. 2799, 28.05.1993]  (Accessed 17.04.2015). Amended by Law 220(I)/2004]    [Official Gazette Nr. 3887, 23.07.2004]  (Accessed 17.04.2015). Law 24(I)/1993 and its amendment provides for free education at primary and secondary (lower and upper) level and compulsory education at primary and lower secondary level. Parents or guardians of children, who fail to register and send them to school during the specified period, are subject to a penalty. The Law also provides that the textbooks published by the Ministry of Education and Culture in Cyprus are provided free of charge to teachers and pupils. It also assigns to the Council of Ministers the authority to decide for provision of transport, either subsidised or free of charge, to pupils living at a distance from the school they attend.


Οι περί Ιδιωτικών Σχολείων και Φροντιστηρίων Νόμοι του 1971 έως 2008 [The Private Schools and Institutes Laws of 1971 to 2008] (N. 5/1971 – N. 77(I)/2008)

This is an unofficial reproduction of Law 5/1971 incorporating amendments made up to Law 77(I)/2008, issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Main provisions of the Law include the following: Terms and conditions under which a private school / institute can be established; terms of operation (type of school, infrastructure, internal regulations, fees, supervision, certification and matriculation); director and teaching staff; and, establishment of a ‘Consultative Committee’ in the Ministry of Education and Culture, responsible for advising the Minister on issues concerning private education.



The Operation of Public Secondary Schools Regulations of 1990 to 2011 ( Κ.Δ.Π. 310/1990 - Κ.Δ.Π. 130/2011 )

(issued on the basis of Article 11, Law 6/1961 and its amendments)

Regulations Κ.Δ.Π. 310/1990–Κ.Δ.Π. 130/2011 govern the operation of public evening schools of secondary education. Main provisions concern: Administration; the school year; school holidays; admissions; examinations, progression and certification; duties of pupils; pupil councils; discipline code; duties and responsibilities of teachers and head-teachers.

The Regulations for the operation of Public Secondary Schools of 2017 (Κ.Δ.Π. 60/2017)

The Operation of Public Evening Schools of Secondary Education Regulations of 1990 to 2010 (Κ.Δ.Π. 45/1990 - Κ.Δ.Π. 337/2010)

(issued on the basis of Article 11, Law 6/1961 and its amendments) 

[Official Gazette Part III (I), Nr. 4443, 23.07.2010]
Regulations Κ.Δ.Π. 45/1990–Κ.Δ.Π. 337/2010 govern the operation of public evening schools of secondary education. Main provisions concern: Administration; the school year; school holidays; admissions; examinations, progression and certification; duties of pupils; pupil councils; discipline code; duties and responsibilities of teachers and headtechers.

The Regulations for the Operation of Public Secondary Schools (Amending) Regulations of 2019 (Κ.Δ.Π. 251/2019)


Higher Education


Ο περί του Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου Νόμος του 1989 [The University of Cyprus Law] (Ν.144/1989) and its amendments

(Official Gazette Part I, Nr. 2430, 28.07.1989) Law N. 144/1989 was amended by Laws N. 137/1990 - N. 116(I)/2013 The Law provides for the following: Establishment, language and mission of the university; the Council; the Senate; academic authorities; faculties, departments and research units; academic and administrative staff; financial provisions; regulations; and, transitional provisions.


Ο περί Ανοικτού Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου Νόμος του 2002 [Τhe Open University of Cyprus Law of 2002] (N.234(I)/2002)

[Official Gazette Παρ.Ι(Ι), Αρ. 3670, 31.12.2002]  Amended by Law N. 35(I)/2010 (Official Gazette Part I(I), Nr. 4238, 31.03.2010). The Law provides for the following: Establishment, mission and language of the university; governing bodies; academic staff; certification; students; administrative and financial services; open and distance learning; development; funding; internal regulations; and, discipline.


Ο περί Τεχνολογικού Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου Νόμος του 2003 [The Cyprus University of Technology Law of 2003] (N. 198(I)/2003) and its amendments

[Official Gazette Part I (I), Nr. 3792, 31.12.2003] [Law 198(I)/2003 was amended by Laws N. 74(I)/2005 - 118(I)/2015] The Law provides for the following: Establishment and mission of the university; governing bodies; academic staff; administrative personnel; financial provisions; fees; regulations.


Ο Περί Ιδιωτικών Πανεπιστημίων (Ίδρυση, Λειτουργία και Έλεγχος) Νόμος του 2005 [The Private Universities (Establishment, Operation and Control) Law of 2005] (N. 109(I)/2005)

[Official Gazette, Part I(I), Nr.4019, E.E. Παρ. Ι (Ι), 29.07.2005] [Law 109(I)/2005 was amended by Laws N.197(I)/2007 - N. 74(I)/2011] The Law provides for the following as regards the establishment, operation and control of the private universities: Aims and legal status of the private university; procedures for its establishment and operation; governing bodies (Council, Senate, Rector).


Ο περί Σχολών Τριτοβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης Νόμος του 1996 [The Tertiary Education Schools Law] (N. 67(I)/1996)

[Official Gazette, Part I(I), Nr. 3057, 03.05.1996] [Law N. 67(I)/1996 was amended by Laws N.15(I)/1997 - N. 53(I)/2013] Law N. 67(I)/1996 provides for the following: Establishment and operation of public schools of tertiary education; establishment and operation of private schools of tertiary education; educational evaluation and accreditation of programmes of studies of private schools of tertiary education; establishment of a Consultative Committee of Tertiary Education and its mission.  


Οι Περί Αναγνώρισης Τίτλων Σπουδών Ανώτερης και Ανώτατης Εκπαίδευσης και Παροχής Σχετικών Πληροφοριών Νόμοι του 1996 [The Recognition of Higher and Tertiary Education Qualifications and Provision of Relevant Information Laws of 1996] (N.68(I)/1996)

[Official Gazette, Part I(I), Nr. 3057, 03.05.1996] [Law N. 68(I)/1996 was amended by Laws N. 48(I)/1998 - N. 30(I)/2015] The main provision of Law N.68(I)/1996 concern the establishment and operation of the Cyprus Council for the Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications (KYSATS).


Adult Education and Training


Ο περί Βιομηχανικής Καταρτίσεως Νόμος του 1974 [The Industrial Training Authority Law of 1974] (N. 21/1974)

[Official Gazette, Part I, Nr. 1105, 25.06.1974] [Law N. 21/1974 was amended by Laws N.6/1975 and 17/1980]. Law N. 21/1974 provides for the establishment of the Industrial Training Authority and its competences; the Governing Board; and the services of the Industrial Training Authority.


Ο περί Προϋπολογισμού της Αρχής Βιομηχανικής Κατάρτισης Νόμος [The Industrial Training Authority Law] (N. 94/1988)

[Official Gazette, Part I, Nr. 2333, 22.06.1988] Law N. 94/1988 provides for the budget of the Industrial Training Authority.


Ο περί Ανάπτυξης Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού Νόμος του 1999 [The Human Resource Development Law of 1999] (N. 125(I)/1999)

[Official Gazette Part I(I), Nr. 3360, 01.11.1999] [Amended by Laws N.52(I)/2006 and N.21(I)/2007] Law 125 (I)/1999 provides for the evolution of the Industrial Training Authority into the Human Resource Development Authority. Main provisions of the Law include for the establishment and competences of the Human Resource Development Authority (HRDA); the governing Council of HRDA; services of HRDA, and; financial provisions.


Ο περί Ανοικτού Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου Νόμος του 2002 [Τhe Open University of Cyprus Law of 2002] (N.234(I)/2002)

[Official Gazette Παρ.Ι(Ι), Αρ. 3670, 31.12.2002]  Amended by Law N. 35(I)/2010 (Official Gazette Part I(I), Nr. 4238, 31.03.2010). The Law provides for the following: Establishment, mission and language of the university; governing bodies; academic staff; certification; students; administrative and financial services; open and distance learning; development; funding; internal regulations; and, discipline.


Ο περί Δημόσιας Εκπαιδευτικής Υπηρεσίας (Τροποποιητικός Αρ.2) Νόμος του 2007 [The Public Education Service (Amending Nr.2) Law of 2007] (N. 52(I)/2007

[Official Gazette Part I(I), Nr. 4123, 18.05.2007] Law N.52(I)/2007 provides for the University of Cyprus to be committed to offer a pre-service education programme, as a prerequisite for their appointment to the public education service.



Regulations Κ.Δ.Π. 45/1990 - Κ.Δ.Π. 337/2010

[Official Gazette Part III (I), Nr. 4443, 23.07.2010]

Regulations Κ.Δ.Π. 45/1990–Κ.Δ.Π. 337/2010 govern the operation of public evening schools of secondary education. Main provisions concern: Administration; the school year; school holidays; admissions; examinations, progression and certification; duties of pupils; pupil councils; discipline code; duties and responsibilities of teachers and headtechers.


Regulations Κ.Δ.Π. 236/2007

[Official Gazette Part III(I), Nr, 4202, 08.06.2007].  

Regulations Κ.Δ.Π. 236/2007 provide for the prospective teachers of public secondary education to attend a pre-service training programme as a prerequisite for their appointment. By an agreement signed between the Ministry of Education and the University of Cyprus, the programme will be offered by the University of Cyprus.


Teachers and Education Staff


Οι περί Ιδιωτικών Σχολείων και Φροντιστηρίων Νόμοι του 1971 έως 2008 [The Private Schools and Institutes Laws of 1971 to 2008] (N. 5/1971 – N. 77(I)/2008)

This is an unofficial reproduction of Law 5/1971 incorporating amendments made up to Law 77(I)/2008, issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Main provisions of the Law include the following: Terms and conditions under which a private school / institute can be established; terms of operation (type of school, infrastructure, internal regulations, fees, supervision, certification and matriculation); director and teaching staff; and, establishment of a ‘Consultative Committee’ in the Ministry of Education and Culture, responsible for advising the Minister on issues concerning private education.


Ο Περί Δημόσιας Εκπαιδευτικής Υπηρεσίας Νόμος του 1969 [The Public Educational Service Laws] (Ν.10/1969)

[Official Gazette Part I, Nr. 707, 31.01.1969] Law N. 10/1969 was amended by Laws N.67/1978 - N. 76(I)/2014.  The Law provides for the following issues: Structure and mission of the Educational Service Commission, appointments, promotions, transfers, resignations and retirements of teachers as well as the teachers’ rights, obligations and discipline.


Ο περί της Μείωσης των Απολαβών και των Συντάξεων των Αξιωματούχων, Εργοδοτουμένων και Συνταξιούχων της Κρατικής Υπηρεσίας και του Ευρύτερου Δημόσιου Τομέα Νόμος του 2012 [The Reduction of Salaries and Pensions of Officials, Employees and Pensioners in the Public Service and the Wider Publc Sector Law of 2012  ] (Ν.168(Ι)/2012)

[Official Gazette Part I (I), Nr. 4369, 06.12.2012]

Law N. 168 (I) / 2012, enforced on 1 January 2013,  provides for the reduction of the salaries and pensions in the public sector. 
Amendments: Law N. 168 (I) / 2012 was amended by the following Laws, which have not been integrated in the referred above text of the basic Law :
N. 31(I) / 2013 , [Official Gazette Part I(I), Nr. 4386, 30.04.2013],and;
N. 152 (I) / 2013 , [Official Gazette Part I(I), Nr. 4418, 06.12.2013.


Ο περί Συνταξιοδοτικών Ωφελημάτων Κρατικών Υπαλλήλων και Υπαλλήλων του Ευρύτερου Δημόσιου Τομέα περιλαμβανομένων και των Αρχών Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης (Διατάξεις Γενικής Εφαρμογής) Νόμος του 2012 [The Pension Benefits of State Officials and Employees in the Wider Public Sector including for the Local Authorities (General Application Provisions) Law of 2012] (Ν. 216(Ι)/2012)

[Official Gazette Part I(I), Nr. 4374, 28.12.2012].

Law N. 216(I)/2012 provides for the pension benefits of the employees in the public and the wider public sector, including for the Local Authorities too. 
The basic Law was amended by Law N. 52(I)/2015 (being integrated in the above referred text). 



The Operation of Public Secondary Schools Regulations of 1990 to 2011 ( Κ.Δ.Π. 310/1990 - Κ.Δ.Π. 130/2011 )

(issued on the basis of Article 11, Law 6/1961 and its amendments)

[Official Gazette 
Regulations Κ.Δ.Π. 310/1990–Κ.Δ.Π. 130/2011 govern the operation of public evening schools of secondary education. Main provisions concern: Administration; the school year; school holidays; admissions; examinations, progression and certification; duties of pupils; pupil councils; discipline code; duties and responsibilities of teachers and headtechers.


The Operation of Public Evening Schools of Secondary Education Regulations of 1990 to 2010 (Κ.Δ.Π. 45/1990 - Κ.Δ.Π. 337/2010)

(issued on the basis of Article 11, Law 6/1961 and its amendments) 

[Official Gazette Part III (I), Nr. 4443, 23.07.2010]

Regulations Κ.Δ.Π. 45/1990–Κ.Δ.Π. 337/2010 govern the operation of public evening schools of secondary education. Main provisions concern: Administration; the school year; school holidays; admissions; examinations, progression and certification; duties of pupils; pupil councils; discipline code; duties and responsibilities of teachers and headtechers.


Management and Other Education Staff


Ο περί της Μείωσης των Απολαβών και των Συντάξεων των Αξιωματούχων, Εργοδοτουμένων και Συνταξιούχων της Κρατικής Υπηρεσίας και του Ευρύτερου Δημόσιου Τομέα Νόμος του 2012 [The Reduction of Salaries and Pensions of Officials, Employees and Pensioners in the Public Service and the Wider Publc Sector Law of 2012  ] (Ν.168(Ι)/2012)

[Official Gazette Part I (I), Nr. 4369, 06.12.2012]

Law N. 168 (I) / 2012, enforced on 1 January 2013,  provides for the reduction of the salaries and pensions in the public sector. 
Amendments: Law N. 168 (I) / 2012 was amended by the following Laws, which have not been integrated in the referred above text of the basic Law :
N. 31(I) / 2013 , [Official Gazette Part I(I), Nr. 4386, 30.04.2013],and;
N. 152 (I) / 2013 , [Official Gazette Part I(I), Nr. 4418, 06.12.2013.


Ο περί Συνταξιοδοτικών Ωφελημάτων Κρατικών Υπαλλήλων και Υπαλλήλων του Ευρύτερου Δημόσιου Τομέα περιλαμβανομένων και των Αρχών Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης (Διατάξεις Γενικής Εφαρμογής) Νόμος του 2012 [The Pension Benefits of State Officials and Employees in the Wider Public Sector including for the Local Authorities (General Application Provisions) Law of 2012] (Ν. 216(Ι)/2012)

[Official Gazette Part I(I), Nr. 4374, 28.12.2012].

Law N. 216(I)/2012 provides for the pension benefits of the employees in the public and the wider public sector, including for the Local Authorities too. 
The basic Law was amended by Law N. 52(I)/2015 (being integrated in the above referred text).


Quality Assurance


Ο περί Ανοικτού Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου Νόμος του 2002 [Τhe Open University of Cyprus Law of 2002] (N.234(I)/2002)

[Official Gazette Παρ.Ι(Ι), Αρ. 3670, 31.12.2002]  Amended by Law N. 35(I)/2010 (Official Gazette Part I(I), Nr. 4238, 31.03.2010). The Law provides for the following: Establishment, mission and language of the university; governing bodies; academic staff; certification; students; administrative and financial services; open and distance learning; development; funding; internal regulations; and, discipline.


Ο περί Σχολών Τριτοβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης Νόμος του 1996 [The Tertiary Education Schools Law] (N. 67(I)/1996)

[Official Gazette, Part I(I), Nr. 3057, 03.05.1996] [Law N. 67(I)/1996 was amended by Laws N.15(I)/1997 - N. 53(I)/2013] Law N. 67(I)/1996 provides for the following: Establishment and operation of public schools of tertiary education; establishment and operation of private schools of tertiary education; educational evaluation and accreditation of programmes of studies of private schools of tertiary education; establishment of a Consultative Committee of Tertiary Education and its mission.


Οι Περί Αναγνώρισης Τίτλων Σπουδών Ανώτερης και Ανώτατης Εκπαίδευσης και Παροχής Σχετικών Πληροφοριών Νόμοι του 1996 [The Recognition of Higher and Tertiary Education Qualifications and Provision of Relevant Information Laws of 1996] (N.68(I)/1996)

[Official Gazette, Part I(I), Nr. 3057, 03.05.1996] [Law N. 68(I)/1996 was amended by Laws N. 48(I)/1998 - N. 30(I)/2015] The main provisions of Law N.68(I)/1996 concern the establishment and operation of the Cyprus Council for the Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications (KYSATS). Law N.136(I)/2015  [Ο Περί της Διασφάλισης και Πιστοποίησης της Ποιότητας της Ανώτερης Εκπαίδευσης και της Ίδρυσης και Λειτουργίας Φορέα για Συναφή Θέματα Νόμος του 2015] [....]

Official Gazette No. 4526, E.E. Παρ. Ι(Ι), 21.7.2015
N.1/1990 [Ο Περί της Δημόσιας Υπηρεσίας Νόμος του 1990] [The Civil Service Law of 1990]
Official Gazette No. 2474, Παρ. Ι, 27.01.1990



Οι περί Εκπαιδευτικών Λειτουργών (Επιθεώρησις και Αξιολόγησις) Κανονισμοί του 1976 [The Inspection and Evaluation Regulations of 1976] (Κ.Δ.Π. 223/1976).

[Amended by Regulations Κ.Δ.Π. 73/2011]  Regulations Κ.Δ.Π. 223/1976 and its amendments provide for the inspection and evaluation of primary and secondary school teachers in the public sector of education.


Educational Support and Guidance


Ο Περί Αγωγής και Εκπαίδευσης Παιδιών με Ειδικές Ανάγκες Νόμος του 1999 [The Special Education Law of 1999] ( Ν. 113(Ι)/1999

[Official Gazette Part I(I), Nr.3340, 28.07.1999] Law 113(1)/1999 has been amended by Laws N. 69(I)/2001 and N. 87(I)/2014, which have been integrated in the above referred text.  Law (N. 113(I)/1999 providesfor the children with special needs to attend regular schools equipped with the necessary infrastructure, unless otherwise decided. The Law also provides for the following: The establishment of a Central Committee and District Committees; the establishment of a Board for Special Education; the establishment of specific procedures for the detection of children with special needs; and, the kind of education offered to children with special needs.



Οι περί Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου (Φοιτητικά Θέματα και Θέματα Σπουδών) Κανονισμοί του 2006 [The University of Cyprus (Student and Academic Affairs) Regulations of 2006] (Κ.Δ.Π.172/2006)

(issued on the basis of Article 32 of the University of Cyprus Law) [Official Gazette Part III(I), Nr. 4096, 14.04.2006] Regulations Κ.Δ.Π. 172/2006 regulate student and academic affairs of the University of Cyprus.


Οι Περί Μηχανισμού Έγκαιρης Εντόπισης Παιδιών με Ειδικές Ανάγκες Κανονισμοί του 2001 [The Early Detection of Children with Special Needs Regulations] (Κ.Δ.Π. 185(I)/2001)

(issued on the basis of Article 6 of Laws Ν.113(Ι)/1999 and Ν. 69(Ι)/2001) Official Gazette Part III(I), Nr. 3497, 04.05.2001] Regulations Κ.Δ.Π.185(I)/2001 provide that on the commencement of every school year the Minister should send a letter to all services related to special education, stipulating their obligation to notify, without any delay, the District Committee of Special Education about any possible case of a child with special needs. In relation to information received, the District Committee is obliged to inform the children’s parents without any unjustified delay.


Οι Περί Αγωγής και Εκπαίδευσης Παιδιών με Ειδικές Ανάγκες Κανονισμοί του 2001 [The 2001 Regulations for the Training and Education of Children with Special Needs] (Κ.Δ.Π. 186(1)/2001)

(issued on the basis of Article 27 of Laws Ν.113(Ι)/1999 and Ν 69(Ι)/2001)  [Official Gazette Part III(I), Nr.3497, 04.05.2001] Regulations Κ.Δ.Π. 186(I)/2001 provide for the following: • Competence, responsibilities and operation of District Committees of Special Education; • Qualifications and duties of Special Education Coordinators (Συνδετικοί Λειτουργοί Ειδικής Εκπαίδευσης); • Establishment and operation of public schools of special education; • Establishment and operation of private schools of special education • Operation of Special Education Units within regular public schools; • Special education in higher education institutions; • Special facilities and necessary readjustments in examinations; • Architectural specifications regarding special education needs in public and private buildings.


Mobility and Internationalisation


Ο Περί Ιδιωτικών Πανεπιστημίων (Ίδρυση, Λειτουργία και Έλεγχος) Νόμος του 2005 [The Private Universities (Establishment, Operation and Control) Law of 2005] (N. 109(I)/2005)

[Official Gazette, Part I(I), Nr.4019, E.E. Παρ. Ι (Ι), 29.07.2005] [Law 109(I)/2005 was amended by Laws N.197(I)/2007 - N. 74(I)/2011] The Law provides for the following as regards the establishment, operation and control of the private universities: Aims and legal status of the private university; procedures for its establishment and operation; governing bodies (Council, Senate, Rector).



Απόφαση Αρ. 64892 (17.01.2007) [Decision Nr. 64892 (17.01.2007)]

(Currently not available online). The Foundation for the Management of the European Lifelong Learning Programme (Ίδρυμα Διαχείρισης ΕυρωπαΪκών Προγραμμάτων) was established by Decision Nr. 64892 of the Council of Ministers, in 2007.


Ongoing Reforms and Policy Developments



Ο περί της Διεξαγωγής των Εξετάσεων Πρόσβασης στα Ανώτερα και Ανώτατα Εκπαιδευτικά Ιδρύματα  (ΑΑΕΙ) της Κύπρου και Ελλάδας Νόμος [On Conducting the Access to the Cypriot and Greek Universities and Tertiary Education Institutions Pancyprian Examinations Law]  [L.14(I)/2017]

Official Gazette, Part.I(I), Nr. 4590, 24.02.2017. 

The Law provides for the conditions and procedures under which the entrance examinations for the public Cypriot and Greek universities and tertiary institutions will be conducted.

The Law will be put into force on 1st September 2019 with a parallel abolition of the existing Laws on the Pancyprian Examinations of 2006 and 2007 [L.22(I)/2006 and L.51(I)/2007]. 

Ο Περί Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου (Τροποποιητικός) (Αρ.2) Νόμος του 2016 (The Univerity of Cyprus (Amending) (No.2) Law of 2016) (N.83(I)/2016 Official Gazette, E.E. par.I(I), No.4572, 25.7.2016 The Law provides for more freedom to be granted to the university as regards the language of instruction of its programmes of study.

Ο Περί Τεχνολογικού Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου (Τροποποιητικός) (Αρ.2) Νόμος του 2016 [The Technological University of Cyprus (Amending) (No.2) Law of 2016] N.84(I)/2016 Official Gazette, E.E. par.I(I), No.4572, 25.7.2016 The Law provides for more freedom to be granted to the university as regards the language of instruction of its programmes of study.

Ο Περί Ανοικτού Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου (Τροποποιητικός) Νόμος του 2016 (The Open Univerity of Cyprus (Amending) Law of 2016) (N.85(I)/2016 Official Gazette, E.E. par.I(I), No.4572, 25.7.2016 The Law provides for more freedom to be granted to the university as regards the language of instruction of its programmes of study.

Ο περί Δημόσιας Εκπαιδευτικής Υπηρεσίας (Τροποποιητικός) (Αρ. 2) Νόμος του 2015 (N. 127(I)/2015)  [The Civil Educational Service Amending (No 2) Law (N,127(I)2015] Official Gazette Ε.Ε. par. Ι(Ι), No. 4525, 20.7.2015 The Law provides for the Reform and Modernization of the existing system of appointment of the Public Education Service.

Ο περί Διασφάλισης και Πιστοποίησης της ποιότητας της Ανώτερης Εκπαίδευσης και της Ίδρυσης και Λειτουργίας Φορέα για συναφή θέματα του 2015. (Ν.136(Ι)/2015; Assurance and Accreditation of Quality of Higher Education and the establishment and operation of an Agency for related matters of 2015. Law 136(I)/2015.  Official Gazette Ε.Ε. par. Ι(Ι), No.4526 , 21.7.2015 The Law provides for the establishment and operation of an Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education.




Οι περί της Λειτουργίας των Δημοσίων Σχολείων Μέσης Εκπαίδευσης Κανονισμοί του 2017 [The Operation of Public Secondary Schools Regulations of 2017]    [Κ.Δ.Π. 60/2017]

Official Gazette E.E. Part III(1), Nr. 4999, page 371, 24.02.2017.

(issued on the basis of Article 11, Law 6/1961 and its amendments)

Regulations Κ.Δ.Π. 60/2017 govern the operation of public schools of secondary education. Main provisions concern: Administration; the school year; school holidays; admissions; examinations, progression and certification; duties of pupils; pupil councils; discipline code; duties and responsibilities of teachers and head-teachers.
Regulations  Κ.Δ.Π. 60/2017 will be put into force on 1st September 2017, with a parallel abolition of the existing Regulations  Κ.Δ.Π. 130/1999-  Κ.Δ.Π. 115/2016.




Απόφαση Αρ. 76.940 (23.05.2014) [Decision Nr. 76.940 (23.05.2014)]

By its Decision Nr.76.940, the Council of Ministers approved the operation of kindergarten classes with children aged 3-4 8/12 years from the school year 2014-2015 on. About 72 such classes were maintained in 2014-2015.


Απόφαση Αρ. 77.331 (30.07.2014) [Decision Nr. 77.331 (30.07.2014)

By its Decision 77.331, thw Council of Ministers approved a proposal Action Plan elaborated by the Ministry of Education and Culture as part of the Memorandum of Understanding of the Government with the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund. The Action Plan provided, among others, for new appointment, evaluation and in-service education systems for teachers.


Απόφαση Αρ. 77.357 (18.06.2014) [Decision Nr. 77.357 (18.06.2014)]

By its Decision Nr. 77.357  the Council of Ministers approved priority measures which concern the completion of the pilot programme on the introduction of the laboratory teaching in Physics and Chemistry in all the Gymnasiums, and the continuation of the programme for the in-service training of teachers on the new curricula.


Απόφαση Αρ. 78.197 (14.01.2015) [Decision Nr. 78.197 (14.01.2015)]

By its Decision Nr. 78.197, the Council of Ministers approved, on the basis of Article 22, of the Private Universities (Establishment, Operation, Control) Law,  the proposal for issuing an operation lisence to the "Neapolis University - Cyprus.


Απόφαση Αρ. 77.260 (16.07.2014) [Decision Nr. 77.260 (16.07.2014)]

By its Decision 77.260, the Council of Ministers approved the adoption of new, more flexible procedures for issuing an entry permission to the Republic of Cyprus to prospective students from third countries.


Απόφαση Αρ. 77.336 (30.07.2014) [Decision Nr. 77.336 (30.07.2014)]

By its Decision 77.336, the Council of Ministers approved the National Strategy for Education and Training in the field of Hydrocarbons.


Απόφαση Αρ. 78.657 (15.04.2015) [Decision Nr. 78.657 (15.04.2015)]

By its Decision 77.336, the Council of Ministers approved the strategic planning of Technical and Vocational Education and Training 2015-2020.


Απόφαση Αρ. 78.735 (28.04.2015) [Decision Nr. 78.735 (28.04.2015)]

By its Decision 77.336, the Council of Ministers approved the New Timetable of the Secondary Education schools