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National reforms in higher education


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.4National reforms in higher education

Last update: 31 March 2024



Modernisation of short-cycle higher vocational education and higher education

In February, a working group developed the draft National Education Programme for 2023–2033. See Chapter 14.2.

In February, the Ministry of Education submitted the draft Resolution on the National Programme for Youth.  See Chapter 14.2.

The proposed draft defines, in the field of inclusion and strengthening the social dimension of higher education, the following objectives:

  • Participation will play a key role in the development of all documents and activities in higher education at systemic and institutional levels.
  • Higher education institutions enable effective advising and guidance for potential and already enrolled students to expand their access to higher education study, participation in it, and its completion.
  • Increase the proportion of students who complete their studies in the first and second cycles.


Other policy developments

In February, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation sent the draft Rules amending the Rules on subsidizing student accommodation for inter-ministerial coordination. Among other things, the draft amendments follow the relevant Act amending the Higher Education Act, which added the possibility of subsidizing the accommodation of students who are citizens of European Union member states and foreign citizens enrolled in study programmes at higher education institutions in the Republic of Slovenia, who have permanent residence in the Republic of Slovenia and are themselves or at least one of their parents or guardians residents of the Republic of Slovenia for tax purposes. It also defines the number of possible points that can be granted for the distance of the permanent residence from the place of study (from 100 to 150), clarifies the special social and health circumstances of a student, and specifies the appropriate evidence, and stipulates that if a student has already received a subsidy for accommodation in a residence hall for students on a higher education study programme, upon changing the study programme with enrollment in a short-cycle higher vocational study programme, they must apply for admission.

In February, the Agreement amending the Strike Agreement, signed between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Education, Science, and Culture Trade Union of Slovenia (SVIZ), was published in the Official Gazette. Because of the public financial consequences of the August floods, there was a delay in the reform of the public employees' pay system, necessitating changes to certain unrealized points of the Strike Agreement. 

In February, Annex H to the Collective Agreement for the Education Sector in the Republic of Slovenia was published in the Official Gazette. It was concluded by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and representative trade unions in the field of education and higher education.

The annex, among other things, specified for higher education teachers the scope of direct teaching load, indirect pedagogical activities, basic research and artistic as well as professional work, and participation in management that they perform within their position. According to the annex, the direct teaching load during the organized study process in higher education, which is conducted as a public service, amounts to:

  • For assistant professors, associate professors, and professors five to six hours per week
  • For senior lecturers, lecturers, and lectors nine hours per week
  • For teaching assistants ten hours per week
  • For specialist consultant, senior specialist adviser, specialist adviser, and skills instructors sixteen hours per week.

In February, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation published the Public call for applications for selecting residence halls for the 2024/2025 academic year. The purpose of the public call is to increase housing capacities for students. To comprehensively address the issue of student accommodation, the relevant ministry selects private student residence halls through a public call, which with their capacities complement and increase housing facilities for higher education students. The estimated amount for subsidising accommodation of students in private residence halls in the 2024/2025 academic year is up to €134,400.00.

In February, the Agreement amending the Strike Agreement, signed between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Education, Science, and Culture Trade Union of Slovenia (SVIZ) was published in the Official Gazette. See Chapter 14.2.

In February, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Food issued the Public call for applications for co-funding of material costs and costs of services of practical training. See Chapter 14. 2.

In February, the Ministry of Education issued the Public call for applications for selecting and co-funding professional training programmes for education staff for the 2024/2025 school year. See Chapter 14.2.

The Ministry of Education announced in February the Enrollment call for short-cycle higher vocational education for the 2024/2025 academic year. 45 higher vocational colleges (HVCs), including 28 public and 17 private institutions have announced available enrollment places for short-cycle higher vocational education. Public HVCs and HVCs under a concession agreement have announced 4,260 places for regular studies. Public HVCs are also offering 3,320 places for part-time studies. The enrollment offer for part-time students is complemented by private HVCs, which are announcing an additional 4,335 enrollment places. In total, there are 11,915 enrollment places open for the 2024/2025 academic year.

In January, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia gave its consent to the enrollment call for undergraduate and integrated master's study programmes for the 2024/2025 academic year, which included five public higher education institutions and 16 private higher education institutions under a concession agreement for full-time studies. A total of 20,241 enrollment places for the first year of full-time and part-time studies were proposed for approval to the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, specifically 16,839 places for citizens of the Republic of Slovenia and citizens of European Union (EU) member states, 1,000 places for Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship, and 2,402 places for foreigners from non-EU countries.

In January, the minister responsible for higher education adopted the relevant rules on enrolment call in higher education. Among others, it aims to facilitate faster and easier communication with candidates within the application and admission through the eVŠ portal. On the portal, candidates are allowed to serve official documents by the law governing higher education, marking a departure from the general provisions of the law on administrative procedures. The amendments make provision for foreign citizens, under the condition that they complete upper secondary education in the Republic of Slovenia and pass the matura examination as defined by the Higher Education Act, or have a permanent residence in the Republic of Slovenia and are themselves or at least one of their parents or guardians residents of the Republic of Slovenia for tax purposes by the start of the selection process, to enroll in higher education study programmes the as do the citizens of the Republic of Slovenia. Additionally, it is now provided for higher education institutions to announce a separate number of available enrollment places or quotas for foreigners from Western Balkan countries with which the Republic of Slovenia has bilateral agreements in the field of education.

In January, the minister responsible for education the amendment to the relevant rules on scholarships for education. Among others, it specified academic performance as a criterion for scholarship allocation and also for candidates who are enrolled in higher years (previously only in year 1) of initial teacher study programmes. Additionally, it defined in greater detail exceptional achievements in national and international competitions.

In January, the minister responsible for education issued orders to adopt two short-cycle higher vocational study programmes: Environment Protection and Computer Science and Informatics. The new study programmes will begin in the 2024/2025 academic year.

In January, the minister responsible for higher education adopted the amendment of the relevant rules on tuition and other contributions in higher education. It related to the amendments of the relevant sections of the Higher Education Act of October 2023.

The amendments include provisions that:

  • Enrollment fees cannot be charged even for full-time studies under the concession agreement.
  • Institutions must consider all actual costs, not just material costs when calculating the contributions.
  • Tuition is not charged to a student for full-time parallel studies in the first and second cycles if the student is already enrolled in a study programme of the same cycle.
  • Tuition is not charged if a full-time student of the first or second cycle has already exercised the right to repeat a year or change the study programme or field once and has enrolled in a higher year than previously enrolled in the same cycle.
  • Tuition is charged to a person whose student status has ended due to withdrawal from the study programme or field and who re-enrolled in the same study programme or field.

In January, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia issued a decree on public funding of higher education institutions (HEIs) and other institutions. Is made provision that allowed for funds from the development pillar of funding, albeit in a limited scope, to be allocated for equipment. The funds for study activities for full-time studies in the first and second cycles at public HEIs and HEIs under concession agreements are distributed among the beneficiaries as specified by the Higher Education Act. These funds consist of a basic and a development pillar. While the funds from the basic pillar are determined by a prescribed mathematical calculation, the funds from the development pillar are determined through negotiations between the institution and the ministry and are intended to support the development of study activities.



Modernisation of short-cycle higher vocational education and higher education

In September, the minister responsible for higher education adopted the Action plan on the implementation of the Resolution on the national programme of higher education until 2030 in the period from 2022 until 2024. The aim is to harmonise the national plan in real time with other strategies and systems therefore, it is concerned among others with related transversal themes: green higher education, inclusive higher education and resilient higher education:

  1. Trends in forming the educational area.
  2. Umbrella strategies of development of Slovenia the implementation of which is supported by the Resolution on the higher education national plan.
  3. Current strategies of the European educational area (EHEA; Bologna process), of which Slovenia is also active member.
  4. Background list of activities of the action plan of implementing the resolution for the period from 2022 until 2024.
  5. Monitoring the implementation of the resolution.

The action plan 2022 to 2024 includes 37 activities to the earmarked amount of €88.8 m from different sources.

In August, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the strategy and action plan for greenification of public educational and research infrastructure in Slovenia until 2030. See chapter 14.2.

In June, the ministry responsible for equal opportunities laid before the Government the draft Resolution on the national programme for equal opportunities of women and men until 2030. See chapter 14.2.

In March, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the Strategy of internationalisation of higher education and science in the Republic of Slovenia until 2030. It provided for key aspects of improving higher education and research international cooperation of the Slovenian higher education teachers, higher education staff, researchers, students, higher education institutions and research organisations. The document determined three priority areas with goals and actions to promote the internationalisation process:

  • Active inclusion of Slovenian higher education in the EU and European area
  • Internationalisation back home, and
  • International mobility of students.

In March, the ministry responsible for labour, family, social matters and equal opportunities released for public consultation the draft Resolution on the national programme of preventing domestic violence and violence against women from 2023 to 2028. See chapter 14.2.

In March, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the Digital Slovenia 2030 strategy. See chapter 14.5.


Other policy developments


In December, the minister responsible for education adopted the relevant decree to adopt the Telecommunications short-cycle higher vocation study programme. It will begin with the 2024/2025 academic year.

In December, the Act amending the Scholarship Act was published in the Official Gazette. See Chapter 14.2.

In November, the minister responsible for education adopted the rules amending the relevant rules on professional examination for education staff. See section 14.2.

In October, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted Guidelines for developing the plan for implementing study activities for the 2024/2025 academic year. The guidelines convey the government's directions to HEIs regarding priorities for the enrollment places in the planning phase of the enrollment call, within the available lump-sum funding of study activities. The document provides directions for HEIs to ensure, within the full-time studies for the 2024/2025 academic year, the same number of enrollment places for year one full-time studies for citizens of the Republic of Slovenia and other EU member states, for study programs that were additionally funded in the 2023/2024 academic year as part of the "Strategy for providing additional funding due to the increase in enrollment places in undergraduate and integrated Master's study programmes" adopted by the minister responsible for higher education.

The guidelines also mandate that, within the full-time studies for the 2024/2025 academic year, HEIs increase the number of enrollment places for full-time studies in study programmes that were capped during the first application process for the 2023/2024 academic year and educate graduates from the following fields: education (teaching professions), law, social work, pharmacy, computer science and informatics or computer science and information technology, computer science and mathematics, electrical engineering, multimedia and media communications, mechanical engineering, technical safety, forestry and forest ecosystem management, and food science. 

HEIs must start the reorganisation of those study programmes for which there is an evident lack of interest as attested by the number of applications and actual students, and based on the dropout after year it can be suspected that students enrol in the programme only to be awarded the student status and not to study..

In October 2023, the Ministry of Education adopted the amendments to the following rules on methods of funding:

  • Education programmes of bilingual schools
  • Education programmes and behaviour-related programme in upper secondary education
  • Education programmes of upper secondary schools with Italian language of instruction
  • Higher vocation colleges.

See Chapter 14.2.

In September, the minister responsible for education adopted a Decision to extend the status of students at higher vocational colleges (HVCs) and advance to the next year, to protect the rights and legal interests of students at HVCs who were affected by floods and landslides in August 2023 or actively participated in the remediation of these floods and landslides and were thus unable to complete their practical training due to the aforementioned reasons, established the possibility of extending their status in the 2023/2024 academic year or temporarily changing the conditions for advancing to the next year.

In September, the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the Act amending the Higher Education Act, which addressed the legal status of university members by designating the university as a legal entity, whereas its members as internal organizational units without legal personality. It also made provisions to regulate public service in higher education, encompassing educational, scientific research, artistic, and support activities, which are conducted by public higher education institutions and private higher education institutions for study programmes under a concession agreement. 

Furthermore, the amendment included changes or solutions related to:

  • Establishing legal bases for electronic business operations and the management of digital records in higher education.
  • The status of higher education teachers elected to the position of dean of the organisation unit.
  • Access to higher education for foreign citizens who complete upper secondary education in the Republic of Slovenia.
  • Access to subsidized accommodation for foreign citizens and citizens of EU member states who are residents of the Republic of Slovenia for tax purposes, either by themselves or through their parents.

In September 2023, the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia passed an amendment to the Act on Higher Vocational Education, whose primary goal is to move the application process for short-cycle higher vocational education to the eVŠ online portal. Among others, this amendment standardized the application for enrollment across all tertiary education, making the application process for short-cycle higher vocational education more accessible to users.

In September, the Act Determining the Intervention Measures to Remedy the Consequences of the Floods and Landslides in August 2023. It provided for higher education institutions to amend the requirements for progression or repeating a year for all affected by the natural disaster who were unable to attend classes or complete the study obligations in time. Those students and students who actively participated in actions to remedy the consequences of meteorological disaster could extend the student status. It further determined that students in public and private residential halls for upper secondary and higher education students – based on the Decision on the extraordinary social assistance in the 2023/2024 school/academic year enjoyed exemption from paying subsided prices of accommodation until 31 December 2023.  

In August, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia gave its Consent to the University of Maribor for the additions to the activities conducted by its members in their name and on their account. According to the relevant Decree on the Transformation of the University of Maribor, its members can independently perform educational, research, development, advisory, artistic, and other related activities in their name and on their own account in their fields of study, as determined by the university with the consent of its founder in the memorandum of association. These additions to the activities were adopted during the July sessions of the senate and the administrative board of the university.

In August, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia consented to the draft Memorandum of association of Community of higher vocational colleges. It provided among others for an extension in certain parts of the assembly’s competence, and amended the structure of the governing board – now only candidates who are head teachers of higher vocational colleges can be nominated and the representation in the governing board is based on the ratio between public and private higher vocational collages. It introduced a new body of the community, namely the general secretary.

In July, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the draft amendments to the ordinances on restructuring the universities of Ljubljana and Maribor, and ordinances on establishing the Grm Novo mesto rural region management higher vocational college and Faculty of Information Studies Novo mesto. The amendments proposed determined the management of the governing boards, the nomination and selection of candidate representatives of the founders in governing boards of both universities and both independent higher vocational colleges, and harmonisation with the Rules on the procedures for implementing the budget of the Republic of Slovenia. By latter, the memorandum of association of a direct consumer of the state budget funds that is public institution and pursues beside public service the activity of selling goods and services on the market should include the provision that this activity should be pursued only if it covered at least related expenses.

In July, the Strike agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Higher education trade union of Slovenia initialled on 10 July 2023 during negotiations for resolving the union’s strike requirements. It determined among others the background for special arrangement of working time and obligations of higher education teachers and assistants, and the background for the right to funding the research and arts, as well as professional activities of higher education teachers and assistants. It also determined the right to a sabbatical should be included in the collective agreement, and amendments to the provisions on working from home.

In July, the ministry responsible for education issued a draft Decree on advertising a private short-cycle higher vocational education programme Programming. As decided by the relevant council of experts, the private higher vocational education programme Programming is thus officially recognised and will start in the 2024/2025 academic year.

In July, the Rules amending the Diploma Supplement Rules was adopted. According to the amendments of the Act on professional, science and arts titles of February 2023 the professional titles in English can now be different from the denomination specified by law if the relevant higher education institution establishes this to be required for international comparability within the European higher education area.

In June, the Ordinance establishing the Univerza na Primorskem (University of Primorska) was adopted. It introduced the nomination of representatives of the founder in the university's governing board by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia after public invitation for candidate selection made by the ministry responsible for higher education. The election of the representatives of the staff pursuing higher education activity, other staff and students shall be determined with the university statute; for the representatives of employers a call for application shall be advertised and candidates selected by the founder among the candidates recommended by the Chamber of commerce and industry of Slovenia, Chamber of Craft of Slovenia, Association of employers of Slovenia, Association of Employers in Craft and Small Business of Slovenia, Association of managers of Slovenia, and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia. It determined also that the university can sell goods and services on the market only if it is able to at least cover all the related expenses with it.

In June, the ministry responsible for education advertised a call for applications for subsidised tuition fees for further education and training of education staff in the 2023/2024 academic year. The call was open to applicants from educational institutions that provide public service and public institutions for education in the adapted programme for preschool SEN children or a special programme for education of SEN children and young people as public service. The funds earmarked for fee subsidies amount to €255,000.

In June, the Government consented to set the enrolment cap and increase in admissions for foreigners, non-EU member state citizens in undergraduate and integrated master programmes at public higher education institutions and institutions with concession in the 2023/2024 academic year. The universities of Ljubljana, Maribor and Primorska proposed to increase admissions for foreigners for a total of 200 places (192 full-time and 8 part-time) in 26 study programmes.

In June, the Decree amending the Decree on the public funding for higher education institutions and other institutions was published in the official gazette. It determined the funding formula based on the employability indicator within the variable part of the basic pillar. The unavailability of information made it impossible until now. The employability indicator accounted for graduates of full-time studies at the 1st and 2nd level, namely in the calendar year, and the share of employed persons who graduated in the year n-2 (balance of the first day of the month after 12 months of graduation).

In May, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the Act amending the Short-Cycle Higher Vocational Education Act. It provided for a transfer of application process to the online portal eVŠ. The application process is now unique for all levels of tertiary education and even closer to users.

In May, the ministry responsible for higher education and science issued the draft Rules on the procedures and method of exercising the rights of students with special needs and special status in higher education. It satisfied the provisions of Article 63 of the Higher Education Act that determined the students with special needs and students with special status, as well as their rights. Those students enjoy the right to a more favourable treatment during selection in case of admission cap and to modified provision of study programmes, as well as additional professional assistance during their studies. They can take longer to progress, complete the programme and maintain other rights and benefits of students as provided by law.

In May, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the decision to put an enrolment cap in place and increase the number of admissions in undergratduate and integrated master programmes and puclic higher educatin institutions and higher education institutions with concession in the 2023/2024 academic year. The competent bodies of the higher education decided to place a cap put a cap on admissions in the total of 104 study programmes or fields (and type of study). Furthermore, the University of Ljubljana proposed an increase in full-time enrolment places for 7 study programmes, the University of Maribor for one.

In May, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the new Higher Education Act. It determined the legal status of university members, namely the legal entity is now the university, and the university’s members its internal organisational units without legal subjectivity. It also determined public service in higher education that included educational, research, arts and support activities pursued by the public higher education institutions and private higher education institutions for study programmes under concession. Furthermore, the draft included the proposed amendments or solutions related to:

  • Legal background for electronic operations and digital record keeping in higher education
  • Position of higher education teachers elected to a function of member’s dean
  • Access to higher education for foreign citizens who completed upper secondary education in the Republic of Slovenia
  • Access to subsidised accommodation for foreign citizens and citizens of EU member states who reside alone in the Republic of Slovenia or their parents have tax residence.

In May, the president of the Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education adopted the Act amending the minimum standard to be elected to a title higher education teacher, researcher and higher education associate in higher education institutions. It provided for additional exception for candidates to be elected to a title, namely they can now fulfil the requirement of 3-month continuous work abroad remotely or in several shorter segments of time. This exemption applies to candidate invalids, employed for working fewer hours throughout the last period of election, and for candidates who take care of severely ill or invalid family member throughout the last period of election.

In April, the Order to amend the Order to co-fund the practical lessons in agriculture and to upgrade the institutions and development centres in agriculture. See chapter 14.3.

In March, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia consented the call for applications for master’s study programmes for the 2023/2024 academic year and the enrolment in doctoral study programmes for the 2023/2024 academic year. It advertised 12,751 places for year 1 for full-time and part-time masters’ study, namely 10,110 places for citizens of the Republic of Slovenia and citizens of other EU member states (8,275 full-time and 1,835 part-time places), 542 places for Slovenians without the Slovenian citizenship (353 full-time and 189 part-time places), and 1,901 places for foreigners from non-EU member countries (1,133 full-time and 768 part-time places).

In July, the Government adopted amendments to the consent to the call for enrolment in masters’ study programme for the 2023/2024 academic year. The senate of the University of Maribor decided to increase the number of places for foreigners to enrol in year 1 of the masters’ study programme Informatics and data technologies and System logistics.

To enrol on a doctoral study programme, the universities and the faculty for information studies (Novo mesto) advertised 1,605 places in year 1 for the citizens of the Republic of Slovenia and citizens of other countries members of the EU, and Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship and foreignes from countries EU non-members, namely 9 places more over the 2022/2023 academic year.

In May, the ministry advertised the amendment of the call. It determined among others that out of 100 scholarships 75 would be earmarked for candidates enrolled in study programmes of natural science and 25 scholarships for a group of programmes in special education.

In February, the ministry responsible for labour, family, social affairs and equal opportunities, published the Rules amending the Subsidised student meals rules. It determined that providers of student meals would now be eligible for an increase in the price of the individual meal once per year (before twice). The meal prices can be increased only and at most for the price of the subsidy and cannot exceed the highest value of the meal as determined with the respective public call.

In February, the ministry responsible for education issued a public call for applications for scholarships for students in initial teacher education study programmes for the academic year 2023/2024. It was supposed to motivate young candidates for initial teacher education for study programmes leading to a profession for which one detected a mismatch between the current and future scope of available staff and posts in education. The call intended to award 100 scholarships and one foresaw €300,000.00 for it.

In February, the ministry responsible for education published the Public invitation to residence halls for higher education students for the academic year 2023/2024. The call aimed to increase the capacities for higher education students. The ministry aims to manage the challenges of available beds by adding private residence halls to complement the offer with its capacities. One foresaw for this purpose €134,400.00 for the academic year 2023/2024 or 350 beds.

In February, the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the Act amending the Professional Titles and Academic Science and Art Titles Act. The amendment introduced an exception for designating titles in English languages. Now, the titles can be different from the ones determined by law but only if the educational institution demonstrated within the procedure of accreditation of the study programme that the different designation is necessary for providing international comparability within the European higher education area.

In February, the minister responsible for education adopted the Rules amending the Rules on selecting and cofounding programmes of continuous education of education staff. See chapter 14.2.

In January, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia consented to the call for enrolment in undergraduate and single-structure master’s study programmes for the academic year 2023/2024. It foresaw a total of 19,792 places to enrol in year 1 of full-time and part-time studies, namely 16,643 for the Republic of Slovenia and EU citizens, 992 places for Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship, and 2,157 places for foreigners coming from non-member EU countries. New to this invitation is that the University of Ljubljana restructured the study programme of law into a single-structure master’s programme of five years and 300 credit points.

In January, the minister responsible for education adopted the Rules amending the Rules on the invitation to enrol in higher education. The amendment determined that all candidates must submit the enrolment application and relevant accompanying documents only per e-mail.

In January 2023, the minister responsible for education following the decision of the Council of experts of the Republic of Slovenia for vocational education adopted the Order to adopt the study programmes for continuous education in short-cycle higher vocational education: Forest therapy providers, Expert in medical diets, Permanent makeup artist.

Response to the COVID-19 pandemic

In January, the ministry responsible for education published the Public call REACT-EU: Information communication technology for higher education institutions providing teacher education programmes. The action aimed to mitigate the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. The relevant higher education institutions would set up a simulation learning environment like the one in basic and upper secondary schools, and a learning environment that would provide for a quality didactical use of ICT in the pedagogical process and development of didactical use of ICT for teaching. The aim is to facilitate a well-thought-out development and implementation of the educational ecosystem in the virtual environment which would further facilitate blended learning and allow a fast transition to online teaching and thereby improve the agility of educational space to respond effectively to changes. The total of funds foreseen for this purpose in 2023 was €1,400,000.00.


Modernisation of higher education

In June, the ministry responsible for education issued two calls in the scope of the recovery and reconciliation plan:

In March, the Slovenian National assembly adopted the Resolution on the National programme of higher education 2030. The key strategic goal is to raise the level and quality of the higher educational qualification in Slovenia, improve the responsiveness, flexibility and attractiveness of the higher education system irrespective of economic needs, non-economic requirements and expectations of the society; accelerate its integration internationally; improve the accessibility of education and open up opportunities for continuous education and lifelong learning in higher education, all over Slovenia. Furthermore, one will strive to increase the intensity of research and innovation, facilitate the transfer of knowledge to the societal environment.

Modernisation of short-cycle higher vocational education

In the scope of the recovery and resilience plan, the Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education and Training started in June the project of the modernisation of short-cycle higher vocational education. It will focus on digital, sustainable and specific vocational competences, improving financial literacy, flexibility, individualisation, and fostering cooperation with employers. An expert group led by the secretary of state responsible for education is steering the project. The group includes representatives of ministries responsible for economy and labour, employers (chambers), trade unions, expert councils, vocational and technical schools, universities, and other professional in the field of vocational and technical education.

Other policy developments

In December, the minister responsible for education adopted the Rules on fees and other contributions in higher education. It determined among others that public higher education institutions cannot charge enrolment fees for full-time and part-time studies, such as cost of elective procedures, enrolment documentation, student booklet, student card, and so forth. The rules determined also the circumstances in which students pay fees for full-time bachelor’s and master’s study programmes provided at public higher education institutions and private higher education institutions in programmes with concession, namely it applies to students who had already attained the educational qualification equal to at least the level of education of a study programme in which they have enrolled or students who had not yet attained the educational qualification equal to at least the level of education of a study programme in which they have enrolled and they no longer have student status.

In December, the ministry responsible for education put up for inter-ministerial coordination the draft Act amending the Higher Education Act. Key aim of the amendment is to round up the organisation of the public service in higher education and status relationship between the university and its members. It involves the coordination of the law under the decisions of the Constitutional Court. Furthermore, higher education institutions will be allowed to establish economic companies and other legal entities. This is relevant to the Research and Innovation Activities Act.

Goals of the draft act:

  • Formalising the situation of higher education teachers elected dean of the public university’s member
  • Aligning the actions introduced with the Higher Education Act to the Student Situation Act and relating to a single system of disallowing enrolment fees at a public higher education institution. The recommended amendment determines also the charging of fees in cases of parallel studying and transferring among study programmes, and allows students who deregistered from a study programme to enrol again in the same study programme (this is currently not an option); it foresees also the developing of legal background for managing digital records and procedures in higher education to make State administration operations simpler in the scope of recommended actions of debureaucratisation by the Economic recovery plan (simpler and faster communication with candidates for enrolment at higher education institutions and applicants for subsidised residence via online portal eVŠ; adding European student identity to the student card, managing digital records in higher education).

In December, the minister responsible for education adopted the Rules amending the Rules on criteria determining significant achievements for the acquisition of the higher vocational college lecturer title. Among others, it determined that significant achievements include managing international projects which include professional or research activities in education (for example Erasmus+, KA1, KA2) or cooperation and mentorship in applicative development projects in which students participate. For candidates who are not employed in education the significant achievements will no longer include the preparation and participation in developing internal education programmes, learning material and other aids for the provision, development and training of lecturers or mentors to students in practical training in companies.

In November, the minister responsible for defence following the recommendation of the Council of experts of the Republic of Slovenia for vocational education adopted the Order to amend the Army management short-cycle higher vocational study programme.

In September, the minister responsible for education issued Orders to adopt the study programmes for continuous education in short-cycle higher vocational education, namely for Vehicle electricity and electronic system professional and Wellness coaching provider.

In January 2023, one adopted the Rules amending the Rules on diploma supplement. It determined the designation of professional, research and arts titles in the English language.

In July, the National Assembly adopted the Professional Titles and Academic Science and Art Titles Act. It replaced the previous Professional and Academic Titles Act. The new law specifies among other the method of forming art titles in the third cycle doctoral study programmes, dubbing the Slovenian professional and academic science titles in English, as well as the use of academic titles in the third cycle study programmes at an international educational institution of which the Republic of Slovenia is a co-founder or full member.

In July, the ministry responsible for education issued two public invitations to tender part-funded from the European social fund:

In May, the minister responsible for education adopted the Rules on criteria for assessment of work performance of directors in higher education and science. It will apply from 2023.

In May, the minister responsible for education adopted the Rules amending the Rules on subsidised student accommodation. It makes provision for the possibility of subsidised living of short-cycle higher vocational education students in public residence halls for higher education students. This possibility was introduced with the Student Status Act.

In May, the minister responsible for education adopted the Rules amending the Rules on norms for financing higher vocational colleges. The amendment made provision for increased funding for short-cycle higher vocational education activities. The annual funding calculation for short-cycle higher vocational education programmes takes into account all students enrolled, and it makes provision for further funding for administrative, technical and accounting support to higher vocational colleges.

In May, the Slovenian government adopted the Decree amending the Decree on the public funding for higher educational institutions and other institutions. The amendment specified the methodology of funding calculation for the new public higher education institution and the new study programme with concession based on the study field of the study programme. It specifies in more detail the setting up of study groups and indicators themselves.

In April, the Slovenian national assembly adopted the Student Status Act. It affected several area laws on the student status. Among other, it introduced an increase in the subsidy for a student meal to €3.50 (€2.35 before). The grant applications are now open to students after first enrolment in a short-cycle higher vocational education or higher education study programme (1st and 2nd cycle) regardless of their age (before, time limit of 27 years of age applied). There was also an increase in the student grant and two further income brackets (6th and 7th) have been added. The new law also projects additional budgetary appropriations for the purpose of new and adapted dwelling capacities for students, namely alongside the appropriation from additional concession fee. The former shall come from the additional charges on upper secondary and higher education student temporary and occasional work earnings. Furthermore, residence halls for higher education students can now open their doors for subsidised living to students in short-cycle higher vocational education. Up until now, their only option for a subsidised living were residence halls for upper secondary students. By law, every student has now the right to a safe study environment with zero tolerance for sexual and other harassment and bullying. Students will hold on to the student status until the end of the academic year, even if they will graduated before that. Public higher education institutions are now not allowed to charge and enrolment fee for full time or part time study programmes. The law makes provision for digital student id.

In April, the Rules amending the Rules on subsidised student accommodation was adopted. It made provisions for students under temporary protection to live in public residence halls for higher education students.

In March, the Slovenian government consented to the amendment to the call for enrolment in undergraduate and integrated master's study programmes (academic year 2022/2023), and the amendment to the call for enrolment in doctoral study programmes of University of Ljubljana, University of Maribor, University of Primorska, and Faculty of Information Studies Novo mesto (academic year 2022/2023). In the scope of those calls, the higher education institutions are now allowed to expand the call for enrollment for additional enrolment places for candidates under temporary protection of displaces persons from Ukraine and make provisions for enrolment of those candidates for the academic year 2022/2023.

In March, the Slovenian government adopted the Decree on the methods for ensuring rights of persons enjoying temporary protection. It established among other the rights of persons under temporary protections to join the programmes of short-cycle higher vocational education and higher education. It further specified the decision about candidates without any proof of formal education to be the decision of the relevant school subject to guidelines by the National education institute Slovenia. The decision about the enrolment in higher education study programmes is to rest on the higher education institution. Persons under temporary protection can enrol in and join the study programme in the course of the academic year subject to availability of places. There has been provision made for calling additional places if there are candidates under temporary protections for capped study programmes. The amendment of the scope of a call has to be consented by the minister responsible for education.

In March, the minister responsible for education adopted the Rules on teacher education student grants. It superseded the previous rules on study grants for employing education staff, namely for regular students in teacher education study programmes. The new rules specified in detail the procedure, eligibility and criteria for awarding grants to students in study programmes for educational qualification specified by law for pursuing educational activities of education staff. The rules further specified the purposes and aims of awarding study grants, namely: responding to the long-term priority and employment demands of public educational institutions that provide public service; incentive to study for pedagogical profession, and building up the reputation of a teaching profession. According to the rules, one issued a public call for application for study grants for students in teacher education study programmes in the field of science and technology in the academic year 2022/2023. The purpose of the call is the incentive for the young to enrol in study programmes for a teaching profession. The background of the call is the demand for professions for which a mismatch between current and future scope of staff availability and foreseen scope of jobs in education has been detected. The call was issued for 50 grants.

In January, the minister responsible for education adopted the new Rules on the call for enrolment and enrolment in higher education. It introduced among other enrolment places for Slovenians without the Slovenian citizenship. Until now, a specific number of places was reserved together for the latter and foreigners from non-EU countries, and limited to their quotas. Places for graduates (for which the school fees apply) remain only in integrated master study programmes; for other first cycle study programmes, they have been done away. The Rules also amend the calls for enrolment in master and doctoral study programmes with number of places foreseen for candidates enrolling under signed bilateral agreements among universities.

Response to the COVID-19 pandemic

In November 2022, the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the In October 2022, the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the Healthcare Intervention Measures Act. See chapter 14.2.

In May, the Slovenian government adopted the Ordinance amending the Ordinance on the temporary measures for the prevention and control of infectious disease COVID-19. It ordered to lift the temporary measures.

In March, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the Ordinance on the temporary measures for the prevention and control of infectious disease COVID-19. It waived the condition for wearing facial coverings for basic school, upper secondary, higher education students and staff during the provision of the education programme. The condition still applies for participants in practical lessons and work-based clinical training.

In February, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the new Ordinance on the temporary measures for the prevention and control of infectious disease COVID-19. It waived the condition of recovered/vaccinated/tested proof in education, as well as doing self-tests in schools, both for staff and students.


Modernisation of short-cycle higher vocational education

The Government of the Republic of Slovenian adopted in April 2021 the Recovery and resilience plan (sl). The Ministers EU approved it end of July 2021. It includes several projects to support the process initiated in February, namely the process of modernisation of short-cycle higher vocational education. One plans to modernise and/or develop new study programmes (continuous education and training programme, too) with foucs on improving and/or integration of digital, sustainable and specific vocational competences, improving financial literacy, increase flexibility, individualisation in development of cooperation with providers.

End of March 2021, the Minister responsible for education adopted the Rules amending the Rules on norms and standards of preschool education provision (sl). It gives basis for all kindergartens to classify until September 2021 and employ a technical staff – maintainer of learning technology and/or computer equipment. Kindergartens with several children with Roma background enrols will classify a Roma assistant. Further, we plan to strengthen cooperation between the education system and labour market to support a successful and faster transition of young people to the labour market. Projects will include the development and setting up an application for monitorying of emyployability of higher vocational college graduates.

Modernisation of higher education

The Ministry responsible for education consulted the public in August 2021 on the draft National higher education programme 2021–2030 (sl). Its main objectives:

  • raise the quality of educational qualification in Slovenia
  • develop further the ability to response
  • increase flexibility and attractiveness of the higher education system as to the needs of the commercial and non-commercial sector, and overall society
  • boost its position internationally
  • improve accessibility of education and throughout Slovenia
  • intensify the research and innovation, as well as
  • provide for better transfer of knowledge.

Other policy developments

In November 2021, the ministry responsible for education consulted the public on the Act amending the Assessment and Recognition of Education Act. The proposed amendment relate among other to:

  • Regulation of a assessment and recognition procedure for candidates who fail to submit all the documentation required;
  • Using foreign address in the Republic of Slovenia;  
  • Waiving legalisation and (sur)verification of documents on education in the assessment and recognition procedures;
  • Extending the right to exemption from paying the procedural fees to persons under approved international protection and applicants for international protection in the Republic of Slovenia, and for holders of Slovenian documents on education.

In September, the Rules on educational qualification of higher vocational college teachers and other education staff in short-cycle higher vocational education adopted by the minister responsible for education came into force. The amendment regulated the educational qualification required to become a higher vocational college teacher and other staff who carry out the continuous education study programmes and training in short-cycle higher vocational education.

The ministry responsible for infrastructure modernised with the Act amending the Road transport Act (sl) as of 1 September 2021 the system of subsidised tickets for upper secondary and higher education students and adult education learners, as well as it introduced the subsidised ticket for integrated public passenger transport. The ticket at a common price of EUR25 for one month and/or EUR200 for a year will allow students to travel unlimitedly on the public transport intercity routes in Slovenia. That means between not only the place of residence and place of education, but on routes all over the country.

In June 2021, the Education, Science and Culture Trade Union of Slovenia signed with the Government of the Republic of Slovenian the Annex to the Collective Agreement for the Education Sector in the Republic of Slovenia. It amended and/or stipulated the time lag for the salary, namely to be paid out on day 10 of the relevant month at the latest. Further, it amended the commuting, meal and holiday allowances, amount of daily and off-site allowances, allowance per kilometre covered by a personal vehicle for work, holiday allowance, allowance for meals, compensation for upper secondary and higher education students in compulsory practical training, and threshold for acquiring the right to solidary help for members of the representative union. Now, the amount of the allowance for meals will be adjusted twice a year, the amount of the separation allowance, daily allowance for business travels within the country, long-service bonuses and solidarity help once a year, and for the years of service taken into account when acquiring the right to long-service bonus one shall also take into account years of service at concessionaires that pursue activities in the public service network.

Response to the COVID-19 pandemic

In October 2021, the Slovenian quality assurance agency for higher education adopted the Instrument amending the minimal standards in awarding titles: higher education teachers, research fellows and higher education fellows at higher education institutions. Among other, the amendments specified that to be awarded a title professor and research counsellor the requirement of a 3-month activity abroad should be deemed fulfilled also for candidates who had to discontinue the activities abroad due to SARS-Cov-2 pandemic. For associate professor, senior research fellow and lector this provision had already been in force in 2020 and 2021, and has now been extended to 2022.

The Ordinance on the approach to meeting the recovered-vaccinated-tested requirements to contain the spread of SARS-CoV-2 (sl) came into force on September 6. It imposed self-testing on the students in grades 7, 8 and 9 and upper secondary students, adult education learners, and higher education students. Self-testing is imposed on children and young people enroled in institutions for education and training for SEN children (institutions for children with emotional and behavioural disorders), and students at third to sixth level of special education programmes unless objective reasons exist against it. Basic school and upper secondary students, adult education learners and higher education students self-test with antigen testing kits at one-week intervals. They receive free test kits at the pharmacist’s. The antigen testing kits shall be state funded.

The ordinance imposed on education staff and other staff at all levels of education the recovered-vaccinated-tested requirement. The results of antigen self-testing kits taken at one-week intervals apply, as well. Employers in education provide funds for self-testing and specify the time and place of self-testing, it can be at home or at work. Employers can according to the ordinance act against the employees who do not meet the RVT requirement, namely according to the rules on occupational health and safety, rules on employment relations, and respective collective agreements. Persons and employees who fail to meet the RVT requirement shall not be allowed to used services and participate or be present during the provision of the service.

By the Distance teaching decision (sl) the distance teaching and learning in basic and upper secondary schools will take place if:
Temporary restriction or prohibition of crowding in educational institutions, organisation of educational activities adjusted to epidemiological restrictions (alternate lessons etc.), and the competent inspectorate decides that the institution does not meet the defined restrictions to contain the spread of COVID-19 or quarantining of individual classes.

On 1 April, the deteriorated epidemiological situation and by the relevant ordinance of the Government (sl) all higher vocational colleges and higher education institutions closed. On 12 April 2021 welcomed back students for a study process in smaller groups and for taking exams. On 21 May, they welcomed back all students according to the relevant ordinance (sl) .

In April, the Minister responsible for education adopted the Decision on the status extension for higher vocational college students and progressing (sl). It allowed higher vocational college students who were not able to complete practical training due to the restrictions imposed to contain the spread of SARS-CoV-2 to extend their status to the academic year 2021/2022 and progress possible progression. The underlying basis was protection of rights and legal benefits of students in vocational education.

In February, the Minister responsible for education adopted the Rules on the method of funding the protection equipment and room disinfection for providers in education and science (sl), namely from the state budget. The funding criteria are the number of employees and number of children and students subject to the standard cost per employee and participant. The period of funding eligible costs of protection equipment takes from 1 March 2021 until the stop of compulsory use of protection equipment and disinfection of rooms for spread prevention of infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

In February, the National Assembly adopted the Act on Additional Measures for Mitigation of Consequences COVID-19 (sl). It gave students with permanent residence in the Republic of Slovenia and pursuing in the academic year 2020/2021 education at a non-domestic higher education institution the right to a single solidarity benefit of €150.
According to the Ordinance on the temporary prohibition of assembly in educational institutions and universities (sl) as of February 2021, studies resumed in part at the higher education institutions and higher vocational colleges. Namely, students could now sit exams, participate at seminars of up to ten participants, laboratory work, and individual lectures and/or clinical and cabinet work, and other activities at which one needs to use specialised equipment and instruments). The Ordinance further specified that the staff of educational institutions have to get weekly rapid SARS-CoV-2 test.