Amendment to the Higher Education Act
In September 2024, the amendment to the Higher Education Act (Act No. 170/2024 amending and supplementing Act No. 131/2002 on Higher Education) (Zákon č. 170/2024 ktorým sa mení a dopĺňa zákon č. 131/2002 Z. z. o vysokých školách) will come into effect, addressing the modification of curricula, study interruptions, and tuition fees for specific groups of students. The changes consider the specific needs of pregnant students and students with young children, contributing to the creation of an inclusive and supportive environment in higher education institutions.
Higher education institutions are required to create conditions for pregnant students and for students who permanently care for children under the age of three, without lowering the required academic standards. Higher education institutions must also create conditions for students who care for a child with a disability under the age of five. Rectors must waive tuition fees for this specific group of students for the first academic year exceeding the standard length of study due to pregnancy or permanent childcare.
Additionally, the amendment focuses on adjusting the number of hours through ECTS credits to ensure an equal workload for students in both full-time and part-time study formats.
Performance agreements
In January 2024, Directive no. 48/2023 on measurable indicators of agreements on subsidies to higher education institutions (Smernica č. 48/2023 o merateľných ukazovateľoch zmlúv o poskytnutí dotácie verejným vysokým školám) became effective. It introduces a new element into funding of higher education institutions – performance agreements. The change is introduced in compliance with component 8 of the Recovery and Resilience Plan reform as a new tool that supports priority defining and diversification of higher education institutions based on specific strengths and potential for development.
The agreement on subsidies with each higher education institution contains measurable indicators for three years (2024-2026), which must be met for this part of the state subsidy to be provided. The measurable indicators are compiled in compliance with the methodology of the breakdown of subsidies from the state budget and according to thematic areas.
The detailed list of specific measurable indicators for 2024-2026 for each public higher education institution including all background data, as well as amounts for each measurable indicator are published on an interactive platform.
Action Plan for Open Science for 2024
In February 2024, the Slovak Government approved the Action Plan for Open Science for 2024 (Akčný plán pre otvorenú vedu na rok 2024), which represents the second stage of the implementation of the National Strategy for Open Science for 2021 – 2028. The action plan aims to continue implementing open science principles into Slovak research and development space in compliance with the long-term priorities of the National Strategy for Research, Development, and Innovation 2030.
The planned measures also include education in open science – open science as a part of lifelong learning of the academic and scientific community with emphasis on beginning staff and PhD students. In this area, the action plan wants to create a platform that provides online courses in open science for the academic and scientific community in the Slovak Republic. The platform will provide complex and publically accessible online education in open science across institutions and with nationwide reach. Scientists, academic staff, and students will acquire the knowledge required to implement open science principles in their daily work.
National Strategy for Research, Development, and Innovation 2030
In May 2023, the Government‘s Research and Innovation Authority introduced the National Strategy for Research, Development, and Innovation 2030 (Národná stratégia výskumu, vývoja a inovácií 2030), which aims to increase the competitiveness of the economy and the quality of life through the support of research, innovation, and talent. The Action Plan for the National Strategy for Research, Development and Innovation 2030 (Akčný plán národnej stratégie výskumu, vývoja a inovácií 2030), which was published alongside the strategy, defines the schedule of tasks required to meet the goals of the national strategy in this area. The reform also includes measures focusing on the development of the educational system’s quality.
The action plan describes the following measures in higher education:
- Motivation of academic environment to engage in technology and knowledge transfer,
- Stable increase of institutional resources for higher education institutions,
- Transition to better indicators to measure the quality of results and the cooperation which will be used for the breakdown of subsidies to higher education institutions,
- Publication of VER results and their implementation into institutional funding of higher education institutions and Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAV) departments,
- Implementation of performance agreements,
- Introduction of support programmes for managing staff of higher education institutions and the Slovak Academy of Sciences,
- Ensuring that Slovak researchers can access international publication databases and research networks conveniently,
- Legislative change of the number and selection of the executive board members of the Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education,
- Active grant support of innovative educational programmes at higher education institutions,
- Support of practical interdisciplinary teaching projects at higher education institutions,
- Scholarships for PhD students,
- Scholarships for excellent researchers,
- Support of social and cultural integration of foreign higher education students,
- Creation of short tertiary programmes,
- Introduction of a master’s programme in technology and knowledge transfer and innovation management.
Long-term Intention in Education, Research, Development, Arts, and Other Creative Activities for the Area of Higher Education Institutions
In August 2023, the Ministry of Education, Research, Development, and Youth of the Slovak Republic approved a new Long-term Intention in Education, Research, Development, Arts, and Other Creative Activities for the Area of Higher Education Institutions for 2023 – 2028 (Dlhodobý zámer vo vzdelávacej, výskumnej, vývojovej, umeleckej a ďalšej tvorivej činnosti pre oblasť vysokých škôl na roky 2023 – 2028). The ministry will focus on the following strategic goals:
- Support of diversification of higher education institutions in regards to the higher education institutions’ profiles and mission and the structure of their performance,
- Provision of sufficient, timely, and targeted support for all higher education students,
- Reform of the methodology of allocation of subsidies from the state budget to public higher education institutions, which reflects their diversification into specialisation,
- Support of the principles of open science, open education, and academic ethics at higher education institutions,
- Support of career development for higher-quality of research and education.
Long-term Intention in Education, Research, Development, Arts, and Other Creative Activity for the Area of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) also introduces a new element of funding of higher education institutions – performance agreements. Performance agreements will support the strategic intentions of individual higher education institutions, which will promote the diversification of the higher education environment with profession-oriented programmes (schools of applied research). The implementation is underway. The plan is to sign agreements with 90 % of HEIs by the end of 2023. The support of HEIs through performance agreements should also increase their atractivity and contribute towards increased interest in higher education study.
Amendment to the Higher Education Act
On March 23, 2022, the members of the National People's Republic of Slovakia approved an amendment to the Higher Education Act. The goal of this legislation is a systemic change in the management of public universities with the intention of modernisation in order to make the decision-making processes at the level of universities and faculties more flexible. This review of the management system is also the subject of the program statement of the Government of the Slovak Republic for the period 2020-2024.
The reform of universities introduces a number of changes, among the most fundamental are:
- More teachers with experience from practice and abroad
- Students and teachers will be allowed greater mobility and the connection between the academic community and the external environment will be strengthened
- More transparent election of the rector
- Shorter study for external study students
- Autonomy of higher education institutions in the possibility to organize their faculties as needed
- Financing of universities based on performance contracts
- Students will have a stronger say and competence in the academic field
- The best high school graduates will have the opportunity to receive an incentive scholarship for the entire level of higher education in Slovakia
The amendment to the Higher Education Act entered into force on April 25, 2022.